un, uno
rolling pin
pie tins
To my favorite doctors,
Henya and Ron
A. W. P.
For Mark and Amy Hinson
E. L.
Text copyright 2008 by Ann Whitford Paul
Illustrations copyright 2008 by Ethan Long
All Rights Reserved
Printed and Bound in China
The text typeface is Barcelona Book.
The illustrations were done in gouache
and colored pencil.
First Edition
1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Paul, Ann Whitford.
Count on Culebra : go from 1 to 10 in Spanish /
by Ann Whitford Paul ;
illustrated by Ethan Long. 1st ed.
p. cm.
Summary: When Iguana stubs her toe and
cannot make her popular candies known as
cactus butter dulces, Culebra the rattlesnake
finds a cure that introduces the Spanish words
for the numbers from one to ten.
ISBN-13: 978-0-8234-2124-4 (hardcover)
[1. IguanasFiction. 2. RattlesnakesFiction.
3. SnakesFiction. 4. Desert animalsFiction.
5. Counting. 6. Spanish languageFiction.]
I. Long, Ethan, ill. II. Title.
III. Title: Go from one to ten in Spanish.
PZ7.P278338Co 2008
Iguana stumbled on a stone.
OWWWWWWWW! she cried.
Tortuga poked out of his shell. Whats wrong?
I stubbed my toe. It hurts to stand.
Iguana flopped down on her boulder.
Now I cant make my dulces .
Your yummy cactus butter candies! Tortuga said.
Thats terrible. Let me rub your toe.
Stop, moaned Iguana. Youre making it worse.
Conejo hopped over. I can help.
He wrapped a cloth around Iguanas toe.
Now you can make cactus butter dulces .
My toe still hurts, Iguana said.
Ill have to make my dulces another day.
ANOTHER DAY! Culebra squirmed close.
This calls for Doctor Culebra.
When did you go to medical school?
asked Tortuga.
Conejo snickered.
Youre no doctor.
Youll see.
Culebra shook
his rattle.
I know the perfect
cure for Iguanas toe.
First I need a rope.
A rope?
asked Tortuga.
Some doctor!
But he fetched
Culebra a long one.
Tie the rope
onto Iguanas tail,
said Culebra.
My tail doesnt hurt!
cried Iguana.
My toe does!
Do what I say,
said Culebra.
I told you he
wasnt a doctor.
said Conejo.
Culebra shook his rattle louder.
And you, he said to Conejo, tie un rolling pin
and dos kettles onto the rope.
Conejo tied the rolling pin
and kettles onto the rope.
Now we need tres
skillets, said Culebra.
Tortuga tied them onto the rope.
What kind of doctor would use
tres skillets?
Do you want Iguanas cactus
butter dulces ? asked Culebra.
Everyone nodded.
Then bring cuatro pots.
Cinco pans will help too.
No more, said Iguana.
Yes, more! Culebra hissed.
Doctors orders.
Conejo tied cuatro pots and cinco pans to the rope.
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco , Iguana counted.
Cinco is enough.
Cinco is not nearly enough, he said.
Seis pie tins AND siete cups are necessary.
Necessary for what? asked Tortuga.
Culebra raised himself high.
Necessary for dulces .
Tortuga hurried to tie
on seis pie tins and
siete cups.
Next, ocho knives,
This is crazy, cried Iguana
as Conejo tied on
ocho knives.
Were almost done,
said Culebra,
squirming closer.
Tie on nueve forks,
Tortuga, and
diez spoons.
Tortuga fastened them onto the rope.
Then they all counted,
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete,
ocho, nueve, diez .
That should be plenty, said Culebra.
Some cure, said Iguana. My toe doesnt
feel one bit better.
Ahhhhh, but were not done, said Culebra.
Now you must walk.
With this heavy rope?
Doctor Culebras orders, he said.
Iguana took a step.
CLINK, CLANK, CLANG thumped the rolling pin and kettles.