The Great Cosmic Sea
of Reality
The Dark Matter Fractal Field
A Unified Field Theory of Structure and Functional Dynamics of Our Cosmos
Timothy Fulton Johns
The Great Cosmic Sea of Reality
Copyright 2022 Timothy Fulton Johns
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ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-64895-815-1
ISBN (Hardback): 978-1-64895-817-5
ISBN (Ebook): 978-1-64895-816-8
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There is always more than meets the eye in a fractal frame of reference.
Almost three quarters of our globe is home to another world we are only beginning to understand, yet what has been very obvious from our earliest investigation of the sea is that it reveals a complex reality alien to us. The sea is a world in and of itself. Though it provides the very fabric of existence of the life it sustains, the combined network of oceans that blankets our planet goes unnoticed by its inhabitants due to its scale and the fact that these waters are the very space (i.e., fluid) these life-forms live in and navigate through moment by moment. As it is with the sea life, so it is in our universe. We, like our marine counterparts, fail to notice the sea of our own reality. The space we occupy and live in is empty to our everyday sensory perceptions until, of course, we feel the wind on our face. Only then do we become aware that something unseen and unrealized actually exist. The five senses we possess are incapable of detecting the extremes of both microscopic and cosmic scales, yet they do exist, and that is the difference in my view between what we call our universe and the cosmos. That which we know about and can perceive or measure is our universe. That which is beyond our current knowledge and our perception is what I refer to as the cosmos. Much of our cosmos is out of our current knowledge and limited sensory perception, but our universe is inclusive within the cosmos. This is the fundamental point I want you to remember as you read my theory and you expand your universe.
In this book, I will attempt to explain very difficult concepts that do, in fact, have the foundation of scientific studies over several decades. I will explain how the work of several scientists have put different pieces of the puzzle in place, but presumably none of them individually was able to see the bigger picture their piece of the puzzle reveals, except possibly for Rupert Sheldrake, whom I will introduce soon.
This book will explain how the evolution of our planet and its biosphere, which has been well established, is linked and actively evolving with our cosmos through a complex network of powerful morphic fields at all scales. The Earth, like the nucleus of an atom, exists within the cosmos both at different scales; however, both seemingly adrift in an abyss of the cosmic sea under its control, and both are a very small part of a much larger evolutionary process of our reality yet in constant motion. I will share intuitive ideas or theories that I believe best explain the known facts revealed by scientific evidence of the nature of the fabric of our cosmic sea in which we coexist with each other and other worlds, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial.
This book was not something I had a burning desire to do. It actually became more like an obsession that followed me around for the past two years. I have been a perpetual student for as long as I can remember, following a desire to always understand more about this amazing creation we all share and live our lives within. In particular, I have been focusing my studies on the physical sciences for the past eight years, especially in the sciences of particle and condensed matter physics. Along the way, I came across the lifes work of Rupert Sheldrake and his book The Presence of the Past , which struck an idea in my head I just could not escape and led to this book such as it is. I am really more of a paleontologist scholar that digs into the work of the research scientist and at least, in this case, discovers very important links of existing work done by many researchers over the past one hundred-plus years. This complex picture, this mental puzzle, that finally emerged and made sense to me gave me the compulsion to share it; I have tried to present to you the discovery in this book. It is my deepest wish that I have achieved that.
So I would like to thank Bruce Lipton, MD, PhD, and Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, for their inspiring work, as well as the many dedicated scientists who followed their inquiring mind to further the knowledge of humankind as a chosen life work. I would also like to thank my wife, Kris, and sons Jason Johns, Bryan Johns, and Tyler Skelton for their help in reading this manuscript and giving me direction and critique to help guide me to the conclusion of this book. Also, I give thanks to a good friend Kevin Smith, who was of great assistance in his ideas as a former student of Stephen Hawking and the editing of the final draft for publishing submission.
Thanks to you all for reading this work. I shall never forget it as it is my first book and may be my last.
The Second Edition
A New, More Complete Peer-Reviewed Look at the Cosmic Dark Matter Fractal Field Theory
The cosmic dark matter fractal field is a new paradigm in cosmology, a theory that has provided new ways to understand our reality as a highly dynamic feedback system that exhibits reverse entropy. In the past four years, I have written a book, the first edition, on this theory called The Great Cosmic Sea of Reality the Dark Matter Fractal Field Theory , first published in 2018 and followed by eight peer-reviewed papers based on this new perspective, all of which have been published by the Global Journal of Science Frontier Research and now included in this edition, which greatly expands on this theory. The Cosmic Dark Matter Fractal Field Theory provides a workable model that reveals that many widely held conclusions of accepted observational study of the past one hundred years of our universe may be wrong. This theory has many foundational predictions about the cosmos that many scientists of the last one hundred years have alluded to but were unsuccessful in completing. They had no knowledge of the missing mass we know about and have now measured by the WMAP study, which reveals the existence of dark matter or dark energy making up the highest percentage of the known total of our entire cosmos, complete with an ever-flowing Planck zone responsible for the recycling of information through black hole dynamics that is providing the substructure pattern blueprints of our reality. This theory predicts that these fields emerge within and are a part of the luminiferous aether at many scales all around us. These fields are enumerable and ubiquitous throughout our cosmos but imperceptible to our senses and detection devices except for their gravitational effects at large scales and possibly at much smaller scales. These fields contain the memory of nature in many forms of both animate and inanimate matter, both morphogenetic and biocognitive fields that are so essential for the life force to function in all biospheres across the universe. All this information stored like a database in Bohms implicate order, the dark matter / dark energy zone now suspected to dominate and unfold into Bohms explicate order our 4% of the cosmos. These various morphic fields exist at many scales and are the literal threads of the fabric of space-time. The main difference in what this theory brings to our awareness is that there is an actual scalar flow of these Dark Matter Fractal Fields (DMFF) that is the defining element of the occupied and nonoccupied space-time that frame the context of Einsteins general relativity. These DMFFs are producing the accretion process and the gravitational focus or choke points where the scalar flow begins to concentrate and squeeze space-time channels of virtual particles into measurable reality, like water flowing into a canyon during a heavy rainfall. This is the concentrating cerode (cherode) model of quantum scalar gravity (QSG) that produces mass in sufficient quantities at subatomic scale layers to produce objects of all sizes and masses by formative causation throughout the scalar layers in the expansive continuum of our reality. (See the work of Prof. Rupert Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past .)
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