
An Explicit and Practicable Guide Motivating New Entrepreneurs towards Creating New Jobs
iUniverse, Inc.
Creating New Jobs from the Existing Jobs
An Explicit and Practicable Guide Motivating New Entrepreneurs towards Creating New Jobs
Copyright 2013 by Amusa Abdulateef
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I congratulate you heartily for getting a copy of this work again. It contains explicit answers with practicable motivational guides to all the problems facing existing entrepreneurs, contract staff, unemployed but employable youths and prospective entrepreneurs in an effort to create lucrative new jobs. We also identified different causes of unemployment in the course of our research. These call for the discovery of new jobs that are creatable from the existing ones or businesses. These innovations among other ones include:
Robots that have taken over jobs in factories thereby rendering human capital needless.
Answering machines and modern electronic equipment in offices which have sent many secretaries and related professionals out of jobs. New inventions in financial and educational institutions are sending millions into over saturated labour market everyday.
Observation that in no distant future, many auto-electricians that are not dynamic, versatile and creative would be thrown out of livelihood as a result of belt with electronic chips for future wireless vehicles. Also, many industries are downsizing their labour force at the inception of relevant technological inventions.
Admittance that digital technology from the improvement in the knowledge of the professionals in Information and Communication Technology is a bane of unemployment. This is taking place when there is economic distress across the nations.
There is hence the dire need for the creation of new viable jobs . Many businesses are closing down as a result of incessant financial losses. Many never learn the selling skills of their businesses, hence running bankrupt. Many imitate a business they never learn the secrets of general administration. They never identified the clients for the products or services to be sold before production. They never understand how to create their own market share from the ever competitive business environment. They hardly ever understand what is entailed in practical terms to be entrepreneurs. Many never know the way out of frequent business challenges and there are. All these failures result in job loss. U ndoubtedly, lucrative and secure new jobs must be created to accommodate the employable unemployed threatening the security of the nations. We answer the poser: Who creates jobs? Is it the government, institutions or individuals?
Government creates business-friendly environment for businesses of institutions and private investors to thrive. All inputs of government to enhance investments are part of the content of this book. This, creating new jobs , can only be best done when the entrepreneurial skills in man are discovered and nurtured with all available incentives, by individuals, institutions and governments. Many third world nations are losing their artisans (middle manpower) due to increasing level of abject poverty into unskill jobs (work-and-eat jobs) such as transportation and selling of consumer products in retailing. This would have negative effect on the economic demands in the future. Potential producers are reducing to sellers of foreign products and services therefore turning the nations into consuming nations.
In retrospect, this research-based work is an antidote to the scourge of dying businesses and an eye-opener to the thousands of creatable jobs within and outside the shores. The first section and part of the section two deal with the creators of new jobs from the existing jobs who are creative entrepreneurs. The sections are meant to determine who the creative entrepreneurs should look like. We meant the inevitable traits and qualities of creative entrepreneurs and creatable new jobs from the existing jobs. The entrepreneurs could also be institutions, administrations and organizations, private or public. In the course, the existing but failing business owners, prospective entrepreneurs and those recently relieved of their jobs under the downsizing or rightsizing policy are critically looked into.
C andidly speaking, the firms are cutting costs to maximize their profits or stay afloat without incurring more financial losses that could lead to their liquidation .
Meanwhile, the greater the improvement in technological innovations, the greater the extent of jobs loss! Conversely, the higher the technology, the higher the volume of creatable new jobs with the improved technology! Ultimately, there is the need for the creation of new entrepreneurs from those that are rendered redundant or sacked by machines and technology with the use of the same technology. For customers and products sustainability, most technical firms are in dire need of being creative to produce specifications for target markets within and beyond the shores. This includes re-producing or re-branding the same product with the improvement on technology. Such firms could improve on the product with the introduction of slightly different facilities for different categories of users depending on the per capita income of the target segmented consumers. Firms must be customers-and business-environment-friendly. They must have versatile, dynamic and highly creative personnel in the Graphics, Research and Development and other industrious departments. All departments must work in synergy towards creating new things in anticipation for years ahead instead of producing refurbished products for the market, new or old. Refurbished products with different warranties might have negative impact on the real and new product or service from the same firm. This tells on the goodwill of such firm negatively. There is also the need for the nations to create self-employed people in a very large percentage. It can be done from creating fresh wine from the old wine. We mean creating new lucrative jobs from those already in existence here (within) or there (outside the shores). Available facilities in a business environment would determine the volume of jobs that are creatable from the existing job. (Details in the book: Business Environment by the same author)
I n short, there is the need for the creation of new jobs from the existing jobs to mop up the millions of the unemployed roaming the streets. The unemployed or those that lost their jobs through the advancement of technology especially since the advent of computer and internet have opportunities to start their own jobs with the same inventions that earlier cost them the jobs. The sections three and four of this book contains several new jobs in volume for existing and prospective entrepreneurs to venture their resources on.
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