These techniques are equally applicable to fiction and non-fiction authors. And also to published and yet-to-be-published authors.
Bonus Content
A completely free 10-part series of video interviews with the author is available to anyone. These videos act as a companion to this book and introduce many of the concepts and strategies at a high level. If you would like to watch the videos, then please sign up to the video mailing list at:
A t the back of this book, there is a link to the second mailing list, which is reserved for readers of this book. Being on this list gives you two additional bonuses:
- An invitation to a private Facebook Group exclusively reserved for readers of this book. In the group the author and other readers of this book all share tips and best practices with each other, helping readers implement and refine the techniques and strategies.
- Since publication of the book, Ian has continued to his research into effective book marketing techniques using Twitter and shares them with his mailing list. Eventually, these insights might form a new edition of this book, but everyone on the readers mailing list will already be ahead of the game!
While every effort has been made to accurately represent how to use Twitter to increase sales of your books, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. Any product that tells you otherwise is lying. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can experience incredible earnings potential, there is never any guarantee.
Examples and sales projections in this book are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Sales potential is entirely dependent on the person utilising the training programs, strategies, tools and resources.
There are two affiliate links contained within this book. If clicked, they will direct you to paid products, and the author will receive a commission if you decide to purchase. The author has purchased and tested all these products himself, which is why hes recommending them in the first place.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
C ongratulations ! Youve written a great book. Youve uploaded it to Amazon and other book retailer sites and have nervously pressed the big Publish button. Your book is available for purchase globally. The sales start trickling in. You sit back and start working on the next blockbuster.
Only the sales begin to trail off.
You research whats going on and determine that you need to do more to market your book. Everyone says its easy. Refine your books keywords. Set up an email list. Exploit social media. Create a Facebook page. Set up a Twitter profile and tweet. Host a Goodreads giveaway.
Of all the social media channels, you realise that Twitter offers you massive scale and reach. Unlike Facebook, you dont have to pay for your updates to be seen by your followers. And so you spend your time avidly tweeting, retweeting and following people. Ever so slowly, your follower base begins to grow. Your marketing efforts start to pay dividends. Book sales pick up a little. But now youre spending all your time marketing and have no time left to write the next book!
Sound familiar?
Exploited well, Twitter really does have the ability to drive thousands of potential readers to your books. This book teaches you how to rapidly grow your Twitter following and effectively market your book. But, most importantly, the techniques revealed can all be executed in under fifteen minutes a day, freeing up your valuable time to get back to doing the most important thing: writing your next book.
Under Ian Sutherland on Twitter (@iansuth), I now have well over 30,000 followers. But up until a few months ago, I had only managed to attract 1,500 followers, grown slowly-but-steadily over four years. Continuing to expand at that rate meant Twitter was never likely to have a meaningful impact on my book sales. On top of this, it was taking hours out of my day just to interact with my followers, all in the vain hope that I would interest someone in my books and me.
I decided to invest a lot of time developing and refining the techniques I am now revealing in this book. Fortunately, I have a solid background in technology. Some of the results come from trial and error, some from personal research and some from distilling advice from other social media experts. But the end result is an approach that meets my specific needs as an author, whose time is very precious, but who wants to benefit from the incredible power and reach of Twitter.
In short, I struck gold!
Since developing these strategies, I have massively increased my engagement on Twitter, exponentially grown my follower count and driven far more people to my books on Amazon and other retailers than ever before. If you take a look at my Twitter profile and tweet history and youll see an incredibly active account. That is the tangible result of implementing the techniques in this book.
The techniques are all brought to life via a range of third-party applications that sit on top of your Twitter account. Some of these tools are free but three require you to sign up to their premium price plans. At time of publication, the maximum outlay, if you subscribe to all three of the recommended premium tools, is USD $14.75 per week, based on the developers monthly subscription plans. If you choose annual subscription plans, this lowers the cost to USD $14.28 per week. So, the question to ask yourself is as follows: By implementing the strategies in this book, will you increase profit from sales by more than $14.75 a week? According to Amazon, the most optimal price for an eBook is $3.99, which results in a profit of around $2.70. Therefore, the average author would need to increase sales by six books per week, or just less than one book per day, in order to profit from the outlay necessary to implement the strategies in this book. Only you can ascertain whether this is a good investment for you. However, its worth noting that all of the recommended tools offer a free trial period, so you can safely test out the strategies in this book without incurring any cost. And even then, as long as you only sign up to the monthly plans, you are not tied into any long-term contract and you can always cancel your subscription.