Seeing this disguised as a basic math problem when its actually harder to solve than trigonometry without a calculator:
Energy in > Energy out = Our bodies gain weight
Energy in < Energy out = Our bodies lose weight
Energy in = Energy out = Our bodies stay the same weight
Like, are you serious? What is energy? Where does it come from and how does it get in and out of me? What happened to calories? And how do I solve the puzzle when I dont know which equation is right for my body? Argh!
Realizing you were supposed to learn the above information in school but didnt, even though youre an honors student.
Putting on your favorite outfit and proudly posing for a zillion pictures and posting them on Facebook, only to have the first comment be a snarky one about your size. From your crush.
Hearing about the rise in obesity, you decide to start exercising and watching what you eat, until the next day, when the big news is all about how anorexia and bulimia are also on the rise, so you vow not to worry too much about your body. Until another study shows up that causes you to lose your appetite entirely. But not in that way
Worrying youll be asked to join the next Teen Mom cast because you think your gut makes you look preggo.
What this books all about.
(BTW, does this cover make my name look wide?)
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To my incredible mother, Mrs. Amanda H. Redd, for her catchy and endless encouragement, optimism, support, and love.
Thanks for teaching me how to look my best at all sizes!
And to my beyond awesome big brother, Sammy Redd Jr.,
for refusing to let me be lazy when it came to exercising my brain.
I am a lucky little sister!
Head of Adolescent Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic
Girls today have it rough! The media sends kids mixed messages, simultaneously promoting products and foods that encourage excess in everyday life, while glamorizing dangerously-thin models and celebrities as the picture of health. This has left most teens without a clue as to how to build and maintain a healthy body. Many dont even know the range of what a healthy body actually looks like and struggle to comprehend that striving for a size zero is not the same as striving for health! Im fat is a common refrain in my clinic, whether the girl actually has excess body fat or not. The emotional pressure on todays teens is tremendous and troubling.
Quite often, however, my patients truly are in need of better eating and exercise habits, and at the Cleveland Clinic, were always ready to help. Were devoted to turning the tide of pediatric obesity, and most importantly, were accomplishing realistic and long-lasting individual, family, and community change with no thin obsession or heavy discrimination. Shame, guilt, and blame have no place in the health and wellness fieldwherever an individual begins their path to wellness, and however slowly they might go, they deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, and kindness. What were doing is working. In just a few short years, with a lot of hard work, Cleveland has moved from one of the 25 Fattest Cities in America to one of the top 15 Fittest Cities in America. We could have opted for a quick, flashy fix: Lets put our city on a diet! but we knew that we wanted long-term results, and that diets dont work for whole cities any better than they do on an individual basis.
We offer teens a unique, state-of-the-art, personable approach that encourages health at every step of the journey, and I am proud of that, but I am also worried for the rest of our country. Even though excess body fat is primed to surpass smoking as the number one preventable cause of death in America, medical professionals are often unprepared to treat the growing number of overweight and obese youth not just physically but also psychologically. Mainstream diet books aimed at teens arent much better, as they are often just restrictive mini-versions of adult plans that arent adjusted for the needs of the adolescent body. When looking for source materials and product recommendations to encourage and educate these girls as well as for other health professionals, I found little out there that was worth sharing. For example, the adolescent brain requires 30-50 grams of fat daily for proper brain development. Thus, diet books that suggest a limited fat intake, though popular in the adult crowd, are inappropriate and unhealthy for teens. Also, as any parent or teacher can attest, adolescents are extremely sensitive and require extensive encouragement and assistance in building and preserving self-esteem, and the age-appropriate diet literature commonly available lacks this important step. Until now.
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