Josh Kaufmans
The Personal MBA
Master the Art of Business
Summary by Ant Hive Media
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Core Ideas From the Book
You should make your products and servicesappeal to your clients primary needs if you need your business tosucceed. You could easily persuade your clientele to purchase yourproducts and services just by using your skill and confidence intalking. Communicating efficiently can make your workers cooperatebetter. It can even increase your chances to convince your businessassociates to sign a deal with you.
Useful Tip: What you do is more importantthan what you say.
Whenever a time comes that you need toemploy new staff members, dont hire the candidate who did the bestin the job interview. Rather, conduct some additional investigationon your own to discover exactly how well the job candidatesperformed in their previous jobsmonths or even years prior.Performance in the past is one of the greatest indicators of howthe employee will perform in the future.
Chapter 1: Whats in it for me? Learn why you dont need anMBA to be successful in business, just some basicguidance
You dont need an MBA to have a successfulbusiness. You dont even need a large amount of cash. When peopletalk about opening a business, many believe that there is astandard ways to start out: education, a mentor or money. This isnot true.
You simply need some basic information and alot of common sense. You need to have the ability to negotiate andyou dont need to spend a lot of time in class for this.
That is one of several strategies that havemade The Personal MBA the trusted guide for anybody serious aboutgetting into business.
With this overview, you will learn howborrowing money can even improve your earning; how to insure if theidea you have for your business is worthwhile; and why pursuing anMBA would be unwise.
Chapter 2: Business school: Not only is it extremelyexpensive chances are, it wont pay off
If you have no clue where to begin whenstarting a business, the idea of enrolling in a business school mayappear to be an attractive option. You may think that they justgive you all your needed information right there. But ask yourself:Would studying in an MBA school ensure your success? Why would somany individuals spend a great deal of money just to have an MBAdegree? Without a doubt, business school costs a whole lot. Thebest 15 MBA courses have tuition fees that reach $53,200 annually.That does not even include the other incurred charges, interestsfrom loans, and even living costs!
A comprehensive study of this subject wascarried out by Stanford University. They found zero relationshipbetween having an MBA and success using 40 years of information inthis study. There was no difference whether the person receivedhigh grades or not.
We should also consider the price of lostincome as well. So how much does it cost when we take all of thatinto the picture? There are at least 8 business schools in theUnited States where the price getting an MBA degree would cost youabove $300,000! You might think that not every business school isthat expensive. But, on the average, any person who has an MBAdegree incurs $41,700 of debt. Do you really need to spend thatmuch of obtain a meaningful learning experience? If you are lookingfor a quick answer, it is NO.
An MBA degree will not do much in the longrun for your career. If that was true, it should correspond withsuccess metrics, like higher earnings, or being put on higherpositions in a company. But no, having an MBA does not guaranteethat.
So what can make your career in businesssucceed if not a business school? A great deal can be learnedthrough practical experience, as well if you take the initiative tostudy internet courses or books like this.
Chapter 3: The perfect business idea balances money andpassion
Given BALANCES that you now understand tonot throw away your hard earned dollars on an MBA degree, we needto discuss your prospective business. Are you decided on the kindof business venture you plan to establish? You would think thatstarting an Information Technology business might be a sensibleplan, considering that the Information Technology sector isthriving at the moment. If you completely hate I.T. as a topic,what then?
Here is a truth that more individuals oughtto learn: your business will not flourish if you work solely forthe money. Even though one day the business takes-off and operateson its own, you still need countless working hours and huge sums ofcash to initially put the business up. You have to work tediouslyfor several years just to employ workers that handle repetitivejobs such as payroll and human resources. If your business gets tothat point, will you still persevere if you are only doing it forthe cash? Most likely not. You are much more likely to stay workingif you are in a business that you actually want. The work would beeasier to bear and you will be in the forefront of makingdecisions. Once you learn about the particular market that you wantto go into, you will have the ability to make reasonable judgment,create amazing products, and be on the fast track to outdoing yourcompetitors!
Lets say that you have high interest forteam sports. You immediately are on a better place to gauge whichgoods meet athletes needs, creating for a much better businessventure to pay attention to. Even though there is a much higherdemand for I.T. solutions, you dont need to give-in to a trend ifyou dont want to. You just have to find a market you areinterested and passionate about.