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Colin Crawford - Forbidden Femininity: Child Sexual Abuse and Female Sexuality

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First Published in 1997, Crawford attempts to contextualise ideas of female sexuality as signified in academic, popular and in literary publications. Exploring themes of maternal sexuality, the suppression of female sexuality , clinical case studies and the reality of female sexuality in regards to Freudian and other literature.

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In memory of Rory and Rusty First published 1997 by Ashgate Publishing - photo 1
In memory of Rory and Rusty
First published 1997 by Ashgate Publishing
Reissued 2018 by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
Copyright Colin Crawford 1997
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.
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Publishers Note
The publisher has gone to great lengths to ensure the quality of this reprint but points out that some imperfections in the original copies may be apparent.
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A Library of Congress record exists under LC control number: 97072665
ISBN 13: 978-1-138-31474-0 (hbk)
ISBN 13: 978-1-138-31479-5 (pbk)
ISBN 13: 978-0-429-45674-9 (ebk)
In presenting this study I would wish to acknowledge the invaluable contributions derived from the work and research of Sigmund Freud, Louise Kaplin, Michele Elliot, Nancy Friday, Estela Welldon, Sue Lees, Ian Gibson et al. I should also wish to thank those psychiatrists and psychotherapists who co-operated in the research. Equally, however, I should like to pay tribute to the various respondents as quoted in Nancy Fridays and Michelle Elliots work. They provide for unique source material relating to both female fantasy, and abuse, which no doubt will be further examined in subsequent research.
My sincere thanks also to Ruth Tovey who converted the chaos of my notes into the order of this manuscript.
My thanks also to Mary Anderson and Professor David Bamford for their editorial assistance in the production of the manuscript.
And finally to Gillian, for being there.
And now we are struck by the significance of the possibility that the aggressiveness may not be able to find satisfaction in the external world because it comes up against real obstacles. If this happens, it will perhaps retreat and increase the amount of self-destructiveness holding sway in the interior... Impeded aggressiveness seems to involve grave injury.
Freud, S (1975) New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis and Other Works, Anxiety and Instinctual Life, Vol. XXII, (1932-36) Ed. J. Strachey et al, Hogarth Press, London, p.105.
This study has attempted to draw upon, and contextualise, themes of female sexuality as identified in academic,
As the material presented substantially contradicts our socially informed view of the feminine and the maternal, the final chapter considers one metapsychological approach which may have application in understanding the paradox of feminine sexuality.
Our perception of reality is centrally influenced by what we want and need to see, and believe. The problem is that what we, the social collective, want and need to see and believe, is not necessarily the truth. Indeed there may well be an imperative, individually and collectively, to protect ourselves from the primitive realities which constitute the true state of affairs within the human condition. This is most abundantly apparent in social and cultural attitudes toward human sexuality, where propriety and regulation abound.
This work challenges the social and cultural view and expectations of female sexuality. While we have the stereotypical archetypes of the feminine, maternal, nurturing woman, these are derived more from social constructions, than from a psychopathological reality. Conversely male-assertiveness, aggression and sexual primacy may be seen as defensive positions against passive/dependant tendencies, and relative sexual inferiority. In this paradox femininity may be viewed as a persona system employed to defend against masculine impulses of aggressive sexuality, and the exploration of the full parameters of true female sexuality.
While we have the social notion of the sexually aggressive male, and the passive female, the reality is that the male is capable, at the extreme, of seven orgasms in one hour, the female capacity is over one hundred. Further, the heartbeat of the female at the point of orgasm is higher than that of the male. This would suggest that the female has a much greater sexual capacity, and potentiality, than the male, However this is a reality which contradicts the demands of both gender stereotype, and the prevailing culture
The maternal aspect of femininity does involve a disposition of love, and primary maternal pre-occupation. However the parameters of maternalism also extend to dominance, control, training, discipline, which can clearly be associated with the masculine and the potentially sadistic.
As this is inconsistent with the stereotype of femininity, it may be the reluctant father who is assigned the role of physical discipline and punishment. Indeed this is not uncommonly the case. However, this may actually represent an extension of female power and control, involving both the father, and child, which masks the sadistic impulse of the female, in a way which is socially acceptable. With regard to control and power in relationships, it is interesting to note the Freudian observation, that a wife is never happy until she has succeeded in turning her husband into her child. That is to say, until she has achieved a position of dominance and control in relation to him.
Freud, S. (1975) New Introductory Lectures of Psychotherapy and Other Works: Femininity Vol XXII (1932-36) Ed. J. Strachey et al, Hogarth Press, London.
Beauvoir, S. de. (1972) The Second Sex, translated and edited by H M Ponshley, Penguin, London
Glaser, D. and Fiosh, S. (1980) Child Sexual Abuse, Macmillan, London.
Friday, N. (1991) Women on Top, B C A, London
Freud, S. (1975) A Case of Hysteria, Three Essays on Sexuality and Other Works. Vol. VII (1901-05) Ed. J. Strachey et al, Hogarth Press, London.
Elliott, M. (1993) Female Sexual Abuse of Children the ultimate Taboo, Longman, Essex.
Finkelhor, D., Williams, L., Bums, N., (1988) Nursery Crimes. Sexual Abuse in Day Care, Sage, California.
Friday, op. cit.
Elliot, op. cit.
Bloch, I. (1938) Sexual Life in England Past and Present, London.
Lees, S. (1993) Sugar and Spice, Sexuality and Adolescent Girls, Penquin, London.
Freud, S. (1975) Totem and Taboo and Other Works, Ed.J Strachey et al, Vol. XIII (1913-14), Hogarth Press, London
Freud, S. (1975) Totem and Taboo, op. cit.
Weldon, C. V., (1988) Mother Madonna Whore. The Idealisation and Denegration of Motherhood. Free Association Books, London.
Lees, op. cit.
Lees, op. cit.
Weldon, op. cit.
Freud, S. (1975) New Introductory Lecturess: Femininity, op. cit.
Kaplan, L. (1991)
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