Squirting: It's Easier ThanYou Think
A Holistic Guide to FemalePleasure with easy tips to achieve female ejaculation
R. Leigh
Copyright 2014 R.Leigh
All rightsreserved.
ISBN: 9781310090653
Cover photo bydolgachov
Cover design by JeffryWolf
Thank you to JW for the cover designand for being my partner in crime. I'm not sure what I would dowithout your encouragement and support. Thank you to my ex-husband(who will probably never read this book) for helping me tomistakenly discover my ability. But more so, thank you to the fewmen I've experienced female ejaculation with. Those men were thefew gems I discovered who were patient and giving enough to takethe time to focus on my pleasure, not just their own.
My Experience
I am not an expert, yet personalexperience and questions from others who know I can accomplishfemale ejaculation encouraged me to share my knowledge. Althoughadmittedly I have researched the topic thoroughly.
What You AlreadyKnow
If you are reading this book, youalready have a base knowledge of female ejaculation. We'll coversome basics, but this is primarily a quick guide of tips to helpanyone experience female ejaculation.
My Gift
This is my gift to women. EVERY woman,everywhere should experience squirting. It's not just for pornstars, and through this short book, I hope to help you become intouch with your body and help you feel worthy of sexualpleasure.
Peaceful Water
Water has played a pivotal role in mylife, as well as it seems to in others. Where many feel at peace isnear or in the water. Water had provided me pleasure before...theserenity of a rainy day, the peacefulness felt when diving deepbeneath the ocean waters, the cleansing feeling of water runningdown my naked body. It's no wonder a release of water from mybody could provide immense sexual pleasure.
I, like probably many others,discovered squirting by accident. I was 10 years into my marriage(unknowingly nearing divorce) with almost 20 years of sexualexperience, most of it with my husband. I was in a dysfunctionalrelationship where healthy communication was lacking, and personalpast sexual trauma affected me in such a way so I felt guilt and asthough I was bad or undeserving when it came to experiencing sexualpleasure. My husband had never pleasured me in any way whichachieved an orgasm. Most times I finished by myself viamasturbation while he sat in the living room on the couch watchingTV, eating a snack. The one time I squirted it was a fluke. Ididnt understand what it was nor did I know a woman couldejaculate. Unusually on this particular night my husband spent agreat deal of time stimulating me, resulting in a love makingsession which lasted several hours. I felt a great amount ofpressure, unlike anything I'd ever felt before, except it feltsimilar to the urge to pee. A pressure that felt good, yet neededreleasing. Something inside of me told me to let it go. Not onlydid it feel like a huge release, but it was the most satisfyingorgasm I had ever had in my life.
I've been told since the experience,men feel a similar pressure before ejaculation. They can't hold itany longer. That's exactly how I felt. I felt like I was holding inurine, but if I let it go, it would be the greatest release of alltime, and it was. After experiencing squirting I can understand whymen enjoy sex so much, if what I felt was in any way similar towhat they feel. After the first time I told my husband, if this iswhat it feels like when a man ejaculates, then no wonder men enjoysex so much. It was the ultimate release. It reinforced in my mindwomen are meant to enjoy sexual pleasure as much as men.
After it happened the floor wassoaked, not just a little bit, but it really looked like buckets offluid were spilled on our carpet. The sensation felt great and myhusband was over the top in excitement saying oh baby, keepcumming and licking it off of me as it came out.
Yet the first time I squirted while itfelt so good, and turned my husband on so much, we really didn'tknow what had happened. We weren't regular porn watchers andsquirting was not in our vocabulary. After it happened I feltsomewhat embarrassed, thinking maybe I HAD simply peed.
I was confused and embarrassed. What exactly had just happened? Ispent the entire next day online, researching, trying to understandexactly what my body had experienced. Some sites proclaimed femaleejaculation didnt even exist. But others gave a clearer picture ofexactly what happened with videos and explanations. And theyvehemently denied it was pee.
My husband was excited when Iexplained it to him and he couldn't wait for it to happen again,but it never did. My ability to feel comfortable with him washindered. He wasn't a patient, kind lover. Having an orgasm withhim during sex was hard anyways, so pushing myself to the level ofsquirting would likely never happen again, or rarely, if it did. Atleast not with him.
I could make it happen on my own sinceI now understood how it worked. But one of the issues weexperienced as a couple which prevented me from orgasming with himin the first place was his lack of patience. It took me awhile torelax and feel comfortable. Orgasm didn't come quickly and hebecame impatient and frustrated which made the problem worse. Itwas a lot of pressure for me. In hindsight, I've learned men oftenfeel inadequate or inept during sex, or fear they are not goodenough.
Most men truly want to please their partners. Other womenexperience similar issues as I did, not always related to theirpartner, but their own inability to let go either because they haveissues with their sexuality or they are worried about how theylook, smell, taste, whatever. They may have a million thingsrunning through their head and they just can't stay in the moment,which is key to any orgasm.
Squirting became something I did aloneuntil after my divorce. Finding partners who were more experiencedwith squirting, who knew different techniques and more importantlywere patient, allowed me to experience squirting with someone else,which is definitely a deeper level of pleasure. I have yet to meeta man who doesn't orgasm quickly and intensely when he feels awoman squirting while he's inside of her.
Some women don't believe they canejaculate and even some men, who have not experienced it, don'tthink it's truly possible or normal. But I was a late bloomer inthe orgasm territory, waiting until my early 20s to first touchmyself through masturbation and reach orgasm. If someone sogenerally out of touch with her body can learn to ejaculate, anyonecan.
A Few Things You ShouldKnow
1. Address your emotional healthfirst. For women orgasm is mostly mental. Issues in yourrelationship, and especially past sexual or other mental trauma,may greatly affect your ability to experience pleasure. It's stillpossible, but you need to come to a place mentally where you loveyourself, your body and know you ARE worthy of pleasure.
2. Squirting is one of the most intense, pleasurable orgasms you'llever experience, but it's messy. Some women, myself included, havesquirting orgasms which produce enough ejaculate to soak throughstacks of towels. Purchase a good thick waterproof mattress coveror you'll ruin your mattress. Be prepared to wash lots of laundryas you won't be able to sleep on the bed after you squirt. You canproduce A LOT of fluid and it spreads, often times traveling acrossthe length of the bed. Some women produce only a teaspoon whileothers produce cups. Make sure your partner is prepared for thismess as well. With female ejaculation there isn't just a teeny wetspot from cum, but instead the whole bed may becomesoaked.
3. If you haven't found the g-spot, it'stime to find it. The g-spot is well known as an elusive creature,but it doesn't have to be. While stimulation on other erogenousspots can produce a squirting orgasm, the best way is usuallythrough manipulating a woman's g-spot. Squirting is not necessarilya g-spot orgasm (you can have one without stimulating the g-spot),but it is more likely to happen if the g-spot is stimulated becausepressure on the g-spot can help the fluid come out. For reference,the g-spot is located about two inches inside the front vaginalwall. It's easier to find when aroused, so use clitoral stimulationfirst before feeling for it. You'll know you've reached the g-spotwhen you feel a spongy, rough patch of tissue. Some claim it feelssimilar to the tip of a nose.
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