Natural Non-toxic Remedies and Forbidden Cures They Do Not Want You to Know About
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This book came into being over many unrelated but several serendipitous moments. When shopping I always had a curiosity as to what chemicals contaminated our food, health and consumer products and the possible long term damage they could inflict on our bodies. Even consumer goods such as TVs, cell phones and other wonderful goods I discovered had a ring of secrecy surrounding their compatibility to health and the human body.
In order to get a definitive answer and solve the puzzle once and for all, I had to keeping asking the question why, why, why, until no question was left to be answered.
Dogged determination and relentless pursuit through endless official, government, scientific and legal websites would not supply me with real information but arbitrary and quite often irrelevant information, the use of key words or search the site button would prove to be even more frustrating as it would often take me further away or back to the website that referred me to the site I was on. Speaking to real people, mostly functionaries proved futile and even more frustration than the virtual world simply because in order to get real information you need to speak to someone higher up the chain, and even then, at best they would be evasive and non-committal, you best look at The Food standards agency website or DEFRA and refer you back to a website!
I finally had my eureka moment, my reward for such audacity! I came across the legal framework that made it all perfectly clear as to why the law allows the corporate giants to be able to do and get away with their shenanigans, none so more than the cell phone industry!
De minimis non curat lex - The common law principle that judges will not address very minor breaches of the law - a loose translation is "the law will not concern itself with small matters".
And so with so much valuable information at the helm, I reasoned how many people out there really know the truth about what they are eating, drinking, rubbing on their skin and sticking in their ear?
I was shocked to discover it was little or nothing at all simply because of the belief paradigm that government would protect us by outlawing anything that could be harmful, and so there would be no need to question the safety of our western lifestyle. We had become complacent in empowering ourselves and taking responsibility for our own health and our actions.
I had realized by now I had opened Pandoras Box! If so many people knew little about all of these issues, how much did they know about the various health care choices available to them?
A little knowledge can be dangerous, as a natural therapy consultant I would invite clients with certain conditions to consider the use Ozone therapy. Ozone! Thats dangerous and illegal isnt it? But the truth is that while Ozone therapy equipment is not approved for medical use and therefore illegal for any professional to treat or cure disease with it, including Doctors, there is nothing in law to prevent any individual from using the equipment to treat or cure themselves.
I wanted to reach the masses with all this information, sharing the information ad hoc was too slow and laborious, I wanted to get the message out that with some personal consideration and paying a little closer attention to health and lifestyle choices , reversing disease naturally and that safely using approved protocols or forbidden cures was extremely plausible and as individuals the greatest thing we could do to regain and maintain good health is to take back control and responsibility for our own health, a very, very, powerful empowering protocol.
Drinking a tea at an airport lounge I got involved in conversation with a passer-by who looked somewhat tied and exhausted, we spo ke a little about health issues and exchanged email addresses, three weeks later I received an email saying he took my advice on how to deal with long term fatigue and was now full of energy, radiant and most importantly had time for his family, he suggested that I should pen my work and get it out there, and so my concluding serendipitous moment had arrived, the book came into being thanks to the perfect stranger.
Natural Non-toxic Remedies and Forbidden Cures They Do Not Want You to Know About.
Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt; sing like nobody's listening and Live like it's heaven on earth.
Mark Twain
W elcome and thank you for choosing this book on reversing disease naturally and equally as important a book that will guide you through the pitfalls that prevent you from retaining good health, keeping your body balanced and in harmony as natured intended.
I am excited to share with you the knowledge that is going to change your whole way of understanding how the body works, a paradigm shift in fact. I want to share with you research that I have made over a 20 year span and the new discoveries that I continue to learn each day. I am going to share with you the wisdom that has been handed down to me from medical scientists and medicine men.
You are about to embark on a journey, and along this path you will gather much information, and it is fair to presume that you may not be able to absorb all the information first time around. However the brain, this wonderfully complex yet perfect instrument , will almost certainly retain information that is important to you and nobody else. We are all unique. Our DNA, our RNA, fingerprints and irises are all unique. There are no two identical people and since we are unique and therefore special, what may be important to your healthcare needs may have no bearing whatsoever on me or anybody else: simply put - there is no one size fits all.
With your permission, I am going to empower you, giving you the confidence to take responsibility for your own health care needs, even when talking to your health care practitioner you will have the confidence to ask the appropriate questions, challenge his or her diagnosis and you will have the confidence to look for a second opinion, nothing is sacrosanct or carved in stone, nothing!
It is only fair therefore that I invite you to challenge information within this book. You may choose to agree with me on a certain subject, or you may say, well Mike, I understand the point you are making, but I am going to make some research of my own on this point, I need to know more about the subject. You could of course dismiss any part of this book as rubbish or that it simply does not apply to me! This is a good thing; this is empowerment, taking control of your own healthcare needs.
I would at this point also advise you not to be so bullish about this new found confidence, esp ecially for those who have life-threatening bodily imbalances, please do take note of your practitioners diagnosis, please do note the method he or she chooses to resolve the problem such as invasive or non-invasive surgery, the use of drugs, herbs or nutraceuticals, then you will prepared with valuable information to do your own research that will help you choose the methods best suited to you, your mind and body, there is no one size fits all.