Praise for
Reverse Heart Disease Naturally
As a front-line worker in the war on heart disease, it is great that I can not only recommend a plant-based diet as a potent weapon, I can now reference Reverse Heart Disease Naturally to show patients how it is actually done.
Gary S. Beaufield, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor
Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University
Cardiovascular disease now ranks as the number one killer in North America. It is high time for individuals to learn what signs and symptoms to look for and how to reverse or prevent this deadly affliction. In her latest book, Reverse Heart Disease Naturally , Dr. Michelle Honda teaches in a simple step-by-step plan how this can be done without medications, surgeries, and unwanted side effects. Based on her many years of study and experience with patients, she draws from a wealth of knowledge presenting vibrant foods, vital nutrients, and supplements that have proven time and again to keep the cardiovascular system healthy. Dr. Honda has written an excellent book that illuminates the path to optimum health and will empower anyone who chooses to follow this plan to live a long and happy life.
Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc., author of Health is
Your Birthright: How to Create the Health You Deserve
This book exemplifies a new direction for treating heart disease. An invaluable resource that truly does contain easy-to-follow step-by-step processes and solutions to reverse arteriosclerosis, and how to approach and ward off other complications of heart disease like strokes and aneurysms.
Doreen Valente, R.N., Nursing Professor
A perfect resource for people who are ready to reverse their heart disease naturally. Its amazing to learn how simple diet adjustments can actually draw plaque from our arteries and tissues. This book carefully walks you through the steps to renewed health and vigor, which may have been missing for quite some time.
Dr. Harnek Gill, B.Sc., D.C.
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Reverse Heart Disease Naturally
Text Copyright 2015 Michelle Honda
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
ISBN: 978-1578266630
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.
Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty
This book contains nutrition and plant based suggestions. The intention of this book is to complement a persons current treatment plan. The author recognizes a qualified physician or health care professional should be consulted regarding your specific complaint. The author does not recommend self-diagnosis or treatment. The publisher and author specifically disclaim any and all liability occurring directly or indirectly from the application of any information contained in this book.
Printed in the United States
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To learn lots about nutrition and healthy living, and for more information on her private practice, visit Michelles blog:
Clayton Farrell and Eileen Haynes:
Two very special people who have filled my life with immense joy and
unconditional support throughout my life.
All of my family and friends, who make my life meaningful.
To Ashley, who will always be missed.
First, I would like to acknowledge my patients, who embraced a new dietary approach to healing. I applaud their willingness to understand the importance of preventative care and the role of complementary medicine.
Second, my peers: without the work of other researchers and scientists, I would not have the broad base of knowledge to draw from and extend to my patients. With the help of these specialists and other physicians, we have been given the gift of natural medicine and human cell biology, as well as a better understanding of the disease and healing process.
Third, I, among other authors and readers, am indebted to the team at Hatherleigh Press for providing an invaluable service, making it possible for people to learn about preventative health maintenance and the science of complementary medicine.
I especially wish to thank my editor Ryan Kennedy for his superb expertise and guidance. I have deep appreciation to the entire Hatherleigh team; in particular, I would like to thank Andrew Flach, my publisher; Ryan Tumambing, my associate publisher; and managing editor Anna Krusinski for their wonderful support and knowledge.
And finally, the love and light of my life, my husband Ron, who is always an inspiration in this lifes journey.
A s we travel this path called life, from time to time we notice gradual changes taking place. You might look in the mirror one day and notice subtle differences in your body. A creaking sound in your joints when you move, lower energy and stamina levels, less enthusiasm for exploring what life has to offerand too often, we accept this steady decline as a natural part of growing older. But does your age really match your symptoms? Ask yourself, Am I causing this shift in my body? Have I put myself on the path to premature aging and building degenerative disease in my body?
Millions of Americans are struggling with major health issues. It is not uncommon for me to see people who have several disease conditions simultaneously, in part due to their diet and lifestyle choices. Working as closely as I do with nutrition and a patients diet, I have come to recognize the need for directly targeting peoples everyday eating patterns to bring about a permanent change for the better.
You may be reading this book because you have already succumbed to a sequence of events that has produced chronic health concerns. For you, this book will unravel many of the prominent issues that lead down the road to the number one killer of human lifeheart disease. But fear not: the main focus of this book is to demonstrate how easily you can turn your health conditions around using simple diet adjustments and safe, highly effective alternatives to popular medications. Our goal is to promote the best natural heart and body support possible, increasing your hearts energy and working capacity, and strengthening and support the body as a whole. A sluggish, low functioning body will have difficulty healing itself; for this reason, I have provided solutions to boost all major systems and their counterparts.
Modern day treatments are not always ideal and further complications can develop from medical procedures. What is offered in this book, and what traditional medical protocols cannot provide, is a solution to the underlying cause of all major heart-related incidences, and a maintenance program to prevent future reoccurrences. For example, the diet protocols outlined in this book will successfully draw plaque from within the artery wall and within the artery itself. As one could imagine, this frees up circulation, automatically lowering blood pressure, and much more!