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Ray Todd - Two naughty sisters

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Ray Todd Two naughty sisters

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Ray Todd

Two naughty sisters




It was a lovely summer morning and Laura Grayson was idly fondling her husband's thick hard-on as they lay in bed together. Laura and Ken had three children. The oldest was Jan, a beautiful blonde teenager, and next came their son, Bill, who was a year her junior. Their youngest daughter was a cute little redhead named Barbie.

Both Laura and Ken were very active sexually, enjoying group sex as well as casually swapping mates, and always looking for new cocks and cunts to use. For the past three years they'd even been having incestuous relationships with their two oldest children, and Ken could hardly wait for his younger daughter to be old enough to fuck. God, how he was looking forward to fucking that hot tight little red-fringed cunt.

"Darling," Laura whispered, releasing her husband's cock from her fingers. "You've gotta save this hot load for Jan. You promised that you'd fuck her this morning."

"I know," smiled the man, slowly getting out of bed. "She's probably waiting for me."

"I'm sure she is," giggled Laura. "And I'll go haul Bill's ashes while you take care of Jan."

The pretty blonde beamed at her father as he entered her room.

"Oh, Daddy," she whispered, throwing back the covers. "I feel so horny this morning."

The moment he got into bed, the man pressed his warm lips to hers. Twisting her body against his, Jan passionately returned his kiss, her lips moistly parted to take his searching tongue.

"Oh, Daddy," she moaned softly, inhaling his masculine fragrance. "I love you so much."

Her dad's lips were moving all over her creamy smooth tit. Twisting around, she thrust one of her throbbing nipples into his mouth.

"Oh, yes, Daddy," Jan sobbed in her growing frenzy of lust.

With her head thrown back, her long blonde hair was cascading all over the pillow. Closing her blazing blue eyes, she felt the incredible sensations in her nipples spread to every part of her body.

His caressing hand moved down to her knee and then began to slip upwards along the satiny soft flesh of her shapely young thigh. His hand felt like some kind of creature as it sensuously crawled up along her leg. Feeling his lips sucking feverishly on her nipple, she let her fingers entwine in his thick hair, forcing his mouth even tighter against her tit. The erotic sounds of his sucking mouth filled the room, further arousing the lovely young girl.

She felt a gush of warm moisture down between her legs and knew that her handsome father's wandering fingers would soon reach the soft golden triangle of pussy curls. His fingers were moving faster now, even faster than her thoughts. She could feel the simmering wetness increasing between her legs as she waited with erotic anticipation for what she knew was about to happen.

"Ummmmm ooooooh, Daddy," she softly moaned, unable to control her growing passions.

Her father's fingers moved expertly as Jan spread her thighs wider apart, feeling the rolling sensations of pleasure washing through her entire body. He was now touching her nakedness, and it felt deliciously wicked and delightfully wonderful. Then his outstretched middle finger parted the wispy hairs of her pussy fuzz and slid into the lust-lubricated slit of her excitedly slippery cunt.

"Ooooooooh aaaaggghhhh" She whimpered with delight, hearing her father groaning as he continued sucking deeply on her tits.

Closing her eyes, Jan felt his probing finger begin a gentle rocking motion along the juicy furrow of her open cunt. Wave after wave of erotic pleasure swept through her lust-aroused body as she began grinding her hips around to the rhythmic tempo of his stroking middle finger.

"Oooooooh aaaaahhhh" she crooned with delight.

Jan was panting heavily when she felt the pressure rapidly rising beyond her control as the walls of her softly pliant pussy gave way to her father's delightfully invading finger. The young blonde's entire body was trembling as his thick middle finger moved farther into her steaming cunt.

Once inside, it moved around in little erotic circles that almost drove Jan mad. Her cunt muscles began contracting around his plundering finger, and she finally pulled his lips away front her nipples and pressed his mouth to hers in a long, hot lingering kiss.

"Oh, sweet Daddy," she panted. "You're driving me crazy please oooooh oooooohhh!"

"God, honey, you're sure hot this morning," he gasped, making her shriek with delight as he ground his finger even deeper into her open pussy.

"Please hurry," she pleaded. "I can't wait much longer."

"Oh, God, baby," he whispered hoarsely. "You're really gonna get fucked now."

Jan shivered at the words, excited by his use of obscene language. Her dad often used filthy words with her when he was especially aroused, and they always excited her to new heights of lust. The very evil and forbidden nature of his language acted like a powerful aphrodisiac to the already heatedly excited girl, as new fires of passion seemed to ignite throughout her entire body.

The whole bed moved as he crawled between his lovely young daughter's widely spread legs.

Ken held his long thick cock in his hand, feeling its girth expanding even more as he approached the young girl's deliciously naked body. The sight of her bare flesh sent tingles of desire racing up and down the length of his swollen prick.

Drawing in his breath, he could see the warm moist inner folds of his daughter's pussy glistening wetly in anticipation of his steelhard prick, and he knew that he couldn't make her wait long this morning. He usually liked to tease and torture her until she was almost wild before fucking her, but now he could hardly wait to start.

Panting with animal lust, he eased up between his daughter's satiny soft thighs and teased the head of his enormously swollen cock against her hotly oozing pussy.

"Oooooooh, God Daddy," she moaned. "Please don't torture me this way. Just give it to me all of it."

Just as aroused as his lovely young daughter was, he tightened his ass and lunged forward. He grasping the soft flesh of her asscheeks, he drilled the head of his cock all the way in.

"Oooooh! Aaaaaghhhh!" cried Jan, biting down on her lip as tears of joy, filled her lust clouded eyes.

Her handsome dad was fucking her more beautifully and more passionately than she could ever remember, carrying her to new heights of sexual bliss. Never had his cock seemed as swollen as it was this morning. God, it felt good even better than good. Her dad's virile, naked body felt great on top of her as his hands deliciously kneaded and goosed into the soft crack between her asscheeks. She could feel the flesh yielding and rippling between his fingers as wave after wave of delight swept through her nakedness. When he pulled her asscheeks apart, her flowering cunt opened wider as he began ramming his prick in and out with a series of short jabbing thrusts.

"Oh, sweet fuckin' Daddy!" she cried out, her voice a strangled lump in her throat as his enormously pulsing hard-on began entering her steaming pussy at a new and odd angle.

She was being carried away on a cloud of total erotic bliss as his fingers continued kneading and squeezing the softly pliant flesh of her sweet young ass. She could hardly breathe between the weight of him on top of her and the fiery passions that were streaking through her nakedly undulating body.

"Oh, Daddy!" she gasped, his naked body on top of hers, smashing her softly pliant tits against his chest while his hard cock skewered in and out of her hungrily clasping pussy.

His heavenly prick gloriously filled her, sinking into its thick hilt, completely embedding itself in her quivering belly. It was fantastic to feel the fury of his frenzied fucking as his blood-pressured cock stormed into the very depths of her cunt, sending wave after wave of exquisite ecstasy rippling through her.

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