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Ray Todd - Neighborhood orgy

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Ray Todd Neighborhood orgy

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Ray Todd Neighborhood orgy TB 1012 CHAPTER ONE Walking home from the - photo 1

Ray Todd

Neighborhood orgy

(TB 1012)


Walking home from the Wellmans' party with Karen, his pretty young wife, Jeff Jordan couldn't get his mind away from Francine Wellman. Jeff was only twenty-five years old, but the beautiful brunette hostess who was almost ten years his senior had certainly ignited a wild flame in his loins. The Wellmans lived just around the corner from them, yet this was the first time Jeff and Karen had been invited to one of their parties. Although Tracy, the Wellmans' daughter, had often been a sitter for their ten-month-old baby, Jeff and Karen had only casually known the Wellmans until they'd unexpectedly been invited over this evening.

Jeff kept thinking about the dress Francine Wellman had been wearing. It was a tight-fitting gown, cut so low in the front that the beautiful brunette's big lush boobs were almost falling out.

There was a sophistication about the older woman that had wildly excited Jeff whilst dancing with Francine earlier in the evening. Jeff had been stunned by the way the woman had subtly rotated her cunt against his crotch.

"Oh, Jeff," Francine had whispered to him as they were dancing in a darkened corner of the room. "I'll bet your pretty wife really enjoys that big cock."

Realizing that the woman could feel his throbbing hard-on through his pants, Jeff was too embarrassed to speak.

"Well, doesn't she?" Francine had continued when Jeff didn't answer.

"Doesn't she what?" he stammered.

"Doesn't your wife almost blow her mind when she gets fucked by your big hard cock?" she repeated in a more blunt fashion.

"I guess so," he blushed, feeling like a kid caught in the cookie jar.

"Honey," she smiled up to him with her dark limpid eyes as they walked over to join the others when the music stopped. "If you ever feel like getting a strange piece of ass, don't be afraid to call me."

Jeff couldn't get Francine Wellman out of his mind as he and Karen slowly walked toward their house. He'd never met such a bold, tantalizing woman in his life. She was a complete opposite to his quiet young wife. He'd met and married Karen when she was an eighteen-year-old virgin, and he'd never once heard the lovely young blonde use any suggestive language. She always blushed when people discussed sex in her presence, yet she seemed to enjoy her husband's body when they were alone in bed. Looking down at his sweet, fresh wife, Jeff couldn't imagine her ever using the obscenities he'd heard from Francine, yet the brunette's bold suggestiveness had really excited him.

Tracy Wellman was watching a late movie when Jeff and Karen entered the house.

"Did you have any trouble with the baby?" Karen asked the sitter.

"He's been a perfect angel," answered the girl as she gathered up her things to leave.

"Good," Jeff smiled, counting out the money for Tracy. "We certainly appreciate it when you sit for us."

"I'm glad you ask me to do it," the girl smiled, looking up at Jeff with those same soulful eyes that her mother had.

"That girl sure has a schoolgirl crush on you," Karen giggled when Tracy had gone.

"She's cute," laughed Jeff.

"Well, how did you enjoy the party?" Karen asked as they prepared for bed.

"I enjoyed it," he answered, thinking about Francine. "How about you?"

"It was okay, I guess," smiled Karen as she sat in front of the mirror, brushing her long blonde hair. "But some of the jokes were a bit vulgar."

"I thought they were funny."

"They might have been funny," she answered, walking into the bathroom, "but I thought they were in bad taste."

When they were finally in bed, Jeff couldn't fall asleep. His mind was filled with thoughts of the beautiful hostess and the way she'd propositioned him. His stiff cock was throbbing violently from the memories of her hot cunt rotating against his loins. Her invitation to call when he wanted a strange piece of ass burned in his ears as he tossed and turned in the bed. Unable to control his lust any longer, he drew Karen into his arms and slipped his hand under the hem of her nightie.

Karen was shocked when she suddenly felt his warm fingers and the hem of her nightgown riding up to her hips. She couldn't believe it when he began stroking the soft skin between her thighs.

"Jeff," she gasped as one of his fingers brushed across her silky pussy hair. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Feeling up my sweet wife," he whispered, groping frantically at her unresponsive twat.

"Are you crazy?" she asked. "This is the middle of the night and you have an early appointment in the morning."

"You mean I shouldn't get hot pants for you in the middle of the night?" he sighed, still probing at her cunt with his finger.

"Please, honey," the girl whispered. "Please be a good boy and go to sleep."

During their relatively short marriage, Karen hadn't found sex to be the fantastic experience she'd expected it to be. It was pleasant enough, but not exciting enough to bother with in the middle of the night when she was tired. She'd been a virgin when they were first married and she'd had high expectations about sex, but as time passed, the long-awaited sexual paradise didn't seem to materialize. She didn't dislike sex, and in fact she found it extremely pleasant, but it wasn't the profound experience that she'd expected.

"Please, honey," he whispered, rising up on one elbow and cupping one of her resilient tits through the thin material of her nightgown.

"Jeff," she gently argued, "let's go to sleep now and then we can come to bed early tomorrow night and make love."

Without answering, he reached under the covers and took her hand, guiding it toward his lust-swollen prick. She let out a weak gasp when his big rubbery cock-head poked hot and wet against her palm. Wrapping her soft fingers around his thick shaft with one hand, he continued caressing her big resilient boob with the other, rubbing the flimsy material of her nightie against her rapidly swelling nipple. The tender bud of trembling flesh soon hardened and stood up stiffly erect under his gentle caresses.

"Oh, Jeff," she whispered, tenderly squeezing his cock as a moist warmth began flowing through her slowly aroused body. She let out another low moan when his finger found the slippery wet opening of her juicy slit.

"Oooooh, Jeff," she whispered with delight as his middle finger moved teasingly up along the hot wet flesh of her cunt-lips until it made delicious contact with her quivering clitty. The erect button of sensitive flesh was already alive and slippery from the unbidden lust that was suddenly boiling through her trembling young body. Slipping one hand inside the low neckline of her nightie, the fingers of his other hand caressed the slippery warm flesh of her open cunt-lips.

"Oh, my God," she sobbed as he teased the hot squishy lips of her cunt while his middle finger circled and toyed around the desire-swollen head of her tingling clitoris. Writhing with an ecstasy she'd never felt before, Karen unconsciously wrapped her fingers around his stiff, bloated dong, skimming his foreskin up and down over his shiny hard cock-head.

Throwing back they he rolled on top of the girl, pressing his cock up between her smooth thighs while her fingers still clung to his throbbing prick-shaft. His big hard dick had never felt so enormous to Karen as it did now with the bulbous head of his cock oozing its slippery fluid between her fingers and against her moist, clenched palm. Crazed with excitement, she began spreading the thin, oily fluid all over his lust-swollen glans, and up and down the entire length of his hard, sinewy cock.

Jeff lowered his mouth down over her soft open lips, eagerly accepting her sweet wet tongue. Reaching down beneath her, he cupped his young wife's soft ass-cheeks in his palms and pulled her hot writhing cunt up tighter against his burning loins. In the dim light, he could almost see and feel Francine's warm mature body pressing against his. Thinking about his seductive neighbor, Jeff's big hard dick seemed to expand. Slowly easing himself up and down, he could feel his cock drilling wetly between Francine's clutching fingers as his big sensitive cock-head rubbed deliciously over her soft warm tummy.

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