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Ray Mills - Orgy wife

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Ray Mills

Orgy wife


Tracy Sommers sat in her living room wearing a thin silk nightie, fussing nervously with her long brown hair as she waited for her husband to phone. She was lovely and restless. To pass the time she had picked up a book.

It was just another trashy novel, with a lurid cover. There had been several of them in a bookcase in the back room. They had been left behind by the last occupant of the apartment.

She ordinarily wouldn't be caught dead reading such a book. But tonight she was so lonely and bored. And the writing was so frank and erotic.

The book was about a girt named Cynthia.

On the first page she was lying sensually across a mattress. Her thighs were warm and tense.

Her cunt was wet from thinking about the hot blowjob she was going to give to the man, named Jeff, when he arrived.

Tracy put the book down. She had never given a blowjob to Jim, her husband, even though he had tried to make her do it. It wasn't that she had anything against his cock. It was big and thick and beautiful, and she loved to have him fuck the daylights out of her with it. But it was the thought of all that yucky sperm shooting into her mouth that bothered her. Still, men seemed to think it was so important. Some day, she guessed, she would have to try.

She returned her eyes to the book. The author was now describing Cynthia's body. Her tits were full and ripe as high and firm as a teenager's. Her nipples were round and swollen and pink.

Tracy looked down at her own nipples, visible through the sheer fabric of her nightie. They were large, dark and puffy. She smiled as she remembered the way men liked to lick and suck them. Cynthia had nothing on her when it came to that.

Cynthia, according to the book, had a waist that was temptingly narrow. Her long elegant thighs attracted lustful attention wherever she went. Her ass was shapely and firm. And so on, and so on.

Reaching for a cigarette, Tracy put the book down. She drew the smoke into her lungs and looked at the clock. It was already 12:30. Jim still hadn't called. And he'd promised to phone before ten!

How long could these business meetings go on anyway! She was very restless now. The stirrings of desire awakened by the book increased the impatience she already felt.

They had been married less than a year. Most of that time, it seemed to Tracy, Jim had been away on business. She knew all the stock answers. He was laying the foundations of future success, developing a solid clientele and a reputation. The investment business in which he was a partner was new and needed a lot of energetic input in the beginning.

But all Tracy had for consolation was the memory of the night they had spent together before he left for New York. They had quarreled at first over his long absences. And Tracy was upset because Ann Vincent, one of Jim's partners in the new business, always accompanied him on these frequent trips.

The idea of them checking into hotels together just didn't sit well with Tracy. It wasn't that she didn't trust Jim. But he was human, wasn't he? She knew how attractive Ann Vincent was. And didn't men get horny if they hadn't fucked for a few days?

The fight they had had over this brought Tracy to tears. But seeing her this way had transformed Jim's anger. He had gathered her in his arms, wiping away the tears. He had carried her to their bed and placed her on the cool sheets, kissing her face, her neck, the tops of her tits.

"Oh, baby," he whispered. "Don't you know that you're the only one I care about?"

He removed her blouse, caressing her neck and her naked shoulders, freeing the clasp of her bra. Then his lips crawled all over her tits, making them throb with passion. He sucked her soft nipples until they tightened into erection. Then he began to bite them gently, his desire growing as he heard her moan under his touch.

His lean hard body pressed against her. She could feel his stiff cock begin to throb urgently against her thigh. Overwhelmed with desire for him, she reached for his bulging prick and squeezed it through the cloth of his pants. She felt him shudder as she touched him.

"Oh, baby, baby" he moaned.

His hands found the zipper of her pants. He opened it quickly and slipped his hand down into her wet crotch.

"Oh!" Tracy gasped, quivering with anticipation.

He got his fingers under her panties and slid two of them into her juicy cunt, fingerfucking her rapidly. With his other hand he grasped her full jouncing ass. They writhed together passionately, panting with urgent need.

Jim buried his face in Tracy's voluptuous white belly. While his hands massaged and rolled her full springy tits, he began to flick his tongue over the smooth flesh of her stomach, going lower and lower.

Tracy moaned and twisted beneath the touch of his hands and his clever tongue. He was going to eat her, and she loved to be eaten. And afterward he was going to cram her full of his big delicious cock and fuck her nearly to death! And she could hardly wait!

Even now Tracy could feel her body responding. And it was only a memory, not the real thing! She wondered why she could ever doubt him after the blistering, heavenly fuck he had administered to her that night.

But without even saying it, she knew the reason Ann Vincent. It was that woman. Tracy had never liked her, or trusted her either. There had always been something sly and condescending about Ann. She seemed somehow capable of anything. My God, Tracy thought, what if they're doing it right now!

But she knew that was silly. Trying to get her mind off the subject once and for all, she again picked up the book and began to read. The man in the book, Jeff, was arriving home to find Cynthia already asleep. She had kicked away the bedcovers, revealing her skimpily clad body. Jeff took off his clothes and approached the bed. He couldn't take his eyes off Cynthia's swollen pink nipples pressing against the translucent fabric of her nightie as she breathed.

Even when Cynthia lay on her back, her ripe young tits stood up firm and proud. Jeff felt his cock stirring as his eyes traveled over her lush body. The nightie had climbed up Cynthia's thighs, leaving the vulnerable slit of her young pussy exposed.

Very aroused, Tracy pictured the scene in her mind's eye. She shut her eyes and stretched sensually across the sofa. More than ever she wished Jim were here. She wanted him to fuck her. She wanted to feel him part the lips of her pussy with his fingers and slip his tongue into it.

Unconsciously her fingers trailed down between her legs. Her probing fingertips found the folds of her moist cunt. As if her hand had a mind of its own, it began massaging her quivering clit, seeking the right spat.

"Ohhhnnnn!" Tracy moaned softly, totally absorbed in her sensual fantasy.

But suddenly she realized what she was doing. She jerked her hand away and sat up straight. How humiliating! She had not masturbated for years! To think that she was reduced to this! Sitting here fingerfucking herself, all because her husband would not come home and do it to her that way it was supposed to be done!

Again she couldn't help thinking of him and Ann Vincent. She could almost see them at one of their meetings. Ann accidentally brushing against Jim, luring him with her pouty moist lips. Until they kissed urgently. Jim crushing her pliant body to his own hard torso. Ann skillfully grabbing his thick cock, already stiff and straining inside his pants.

Both of them tearing away each other's clothes! Freeing their hot yearning bodies! Then suddenly falling on the bed like two lust crazed animals! Tracy could almost see Jim's big throbbing shaft plunging deep into the wet fleshy folds of Ann's pussy.

"No, no, no!" she cried out.

Tears sprang to her eyes. She cursed herself for thinking such horrible thoughts. Determined to stop both the thoughts and the urge to make herself come, she decided to go to bed. She would lose herself in sleep in the morning everything would be okay again.

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