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Ray Todd - Orgy school

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Ray Todd Orgy school CHAPTER ONE Beautiful fifteen-year-old Sharon Parker - photo 1

Ray Todd

Orgy school


Beautiful fifteen-year-old Sharon Parker felt her cunt-juices flowing as she sat in the living room with her mother and father, waiting for Lance to pick her up for the movies. There was a certain tension in the room because Sharon was leaving tomorrow to spend the summer at Ridgewood Ladies Academy, an exclusive summer school for girls. The main purpose of the academy was to turn out little ladies with impeccable manners and tastes.

Bob Parker, Sharon's father, knew how much the young girl hated the idea of spending the summer at Ridgewood, but his wife, Nadine, had been very insistent that she attend. Nadine was an exceptionally beautiful woman in her mid-thirties with long dark hair and big violet eyes. She was a fantastic social climber who was constantly pushing Sharon against her will. In her zest for what she called "social superiority", she completely neglected her husband's sex needs, and as a result, Bob had been turning more and more to call girls in recent years.

"Gee, Mom," sighed Sharon as she waited for Lance to arrive. "I wish I didn't have to go to that dumb place tomorrow."

"It's not a dumb place," her mother insisted. "Girls from all the best families attend, and someday you'll thank us for giving you such a wonderful opportunity."

"There's Lance now," beamed Sharon, jumping to her feet when she heard his horn.

"Sharon!" her mother snapped. "Sit back down in that chair! Gentlemen come to the door to fetch their ladies"

"Oh, Mom," whined the girl. "People don't act that way any more."

When Sharon didn't come out after he'd honked the horn for the third time, Lance finally walked up to the door.

"Bob," Nadine said as she turned to her husband when the bell rang, "I think it would be nice for you to receive him."

Bob decided to go along with his wife's eccentricity, and slowly got up to answer the door.

"Good evening, Lance," he smiled.

"Hi, Mr. Parker," grinned the handsome boy, and then turning to where Sharon was sitting in a chair. "Hi, Sharon. Didn't you hear my horn?"

"We most certainly did," said Nadine in a cold voice. "But young ladies don't run when someone honks for them."

"Sharon's never objected," mumbled Lance.

"Well!" was Nadine's haughty remark. "Sharon is growing into a young lady now, and she expects to be treated like one."

When Sharon and Lance arrived at the drive-in movie, the girl was finding it more exciting than usual to be alone with the boy. Sharon's cunt had been itching and creaming all afternoon because of a conversation she'd had with a girl friend. Her friend had vividly described how she'd played with a boy's naked cock the other night, and the description had really turned Sharon on. Thinking about it with Lance's arm around her shoulders as they watched the movie, made Sharon wonder how it would feel to hold his prick in her hand. Sharon had felt Lance's cock pressing against her when they kissed, but the thought of touching him down there had never crossed her mind.

And now as she felt his fingers lightly brushing across her tit, she mischievously wondered what his reaction would be if she reached down for his crotch. Sharon usually pushed his hand away when he touched her boobs, but her taut nipple had never tingled as deliciously as it did right now. Thrilled by his touch, she offered him her softly parted lips.

When he suddenly realized that Sharon wasn't resisting as usual, Lance slipped his hand through the low neck of her blouse. Sharon would never forget the warmth that radiated out from between her legs when she felt his fingers traveling over the sensitive flesh of her large firm tit. When he finally touched her naked nipple, she shivered from head to toe and snuggled up to him.

Sharon was thrilled at the way Lance was squeezing and twisting her throbbing nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Then she became aware of his cock pressing against her leg. Remembering how her friend had described the prick she'd played with, Sharon was dying to touch Lance's big pole, but didn't know quite how to go about it.

"What's this?" she giggled, finally getting up enough nerve to reach down and lightly touch the hard bulge in his crotch.

"You know damn well what it is," he grinned excitedly.

"Is it your prick?"

"Of course it is."

"It sure is a naughty one," she whispered, stroking it a bit more boldly.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because it's getting big and hard," she teased.

"Shit," he gasped. "Why shouldn't it when you're playing with the damn thing?"

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Hell, no!" he gulped. "I want you to mess with it."

"Well then," she whispered, getting bolder by the moment as the lust began to build in her loins. "Why don't you pull your cock out so I can really play with it?"

Lance couldn't believe what was happening. Sharon had never let him touch her bare tits before tonight, and now she was actually asking him to let her play with his cock. Not wanting her to change her mind, he lowered his zipper and reached for his prick.

Sharon's eyes were bulging with excitement as she nervously watched his hand withdraw his thick hard boner from the tight confines of his pants. The girl knew his dick would be hard and round, but she wasn't prepared for what she saw. She hadn't dreamed that a man's cock could be so huge, and she was staring with awe at the big dome-shaped head that was throbbing on the end of it.

When Lance released his swollen organ from his grasp, Sharon tentatively touched the tip of it with her finger. There was a hard rubbery feel to his purple cockhead that sent hot flames searing it through her horny pussy. She lovingly wrapped her fingers around his long hard shaft, thinking it was the most incredible thing she had ever touched. Feeling the hot blood surging through the distended veins as his cock throbbed and lurched in her hands, it was as if she were holding a living creature in her grip.

"My God, that feels funny," she whispered, staring at his prick as if she were hypnotized.

"So you like it?" he beamed, leaning back in the seat, the movie completely forgotten.

"This is the first time I've ever seen a cock," panted the girl. "And it's the most wonderful thing I've ever touched in my life."

"Pump it," Lance suggested, guiding her hand as she excitedly skimmed his foreskin up and down over his tingling cock.

"Am I hurting you?" the girl asked when Lance began writhing and lurching on the seat.

"Fuck, no!" he panted. "It feels terrific!"

Sharon soon found that by varying the tempo of her strokes, she could control his reactions. Teasing his cock with slower or faster action, she could make him writhe, moan, shake, sob or even beg with each different manipulation she used. Never in her life had Sharon ever felt such power over a man.

The girl was wildly fascinated as she watched the lust on Lance's face. Moaning and jerking from intense pleasure, his neck cords were tautly stretched. He grimaced and his eyes rolled crazily back in ecstasy.

"You look like you're having fun," she whispered excitedly. "Does it feel good?"

"Fuck, yes!" the writhing boy sobbed. "It feels great!"

The young girl was more than thrilled to know she was able to bring such pleasure to a man. She'd never seen anyone in such a state of ecstasy, and the sight of Lance writhing under her caresses was really turning her on.

"Here it comes, honey," he panted, grasping the front edge of the car seat with his hands.

"What's coming?" asked Sharon.

"Me," gulped Lance. "I'm gonna shoot my wad!"

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked, quickly releasing his jerking dick.

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