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Jim Dawson - Family orgy

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Jim Dawson

Family orgy


His hand cupped her tit with greater assurance. "Naw, I don't want a drink," he said. "What I want is a good fuck."

Marsha pushed her ass against his loins. She'd had an idea that offering him a drink was going to be a waste of time, but she had still played the role of hostess. Now, she knew that she had been right about him, he had gotten turned on by the conversation they'd been having in the car. That and by the fact that he had been out in the woods for two weeks, camping, which had made him horny to start with. He had told her, when she'd picked him up hitchhiking a couple of hours earlier, that he had been camping by himself.

He was twenty-eight. Marsha was thirty-nine, but she looked younger. Her body was firm and voluptuous.

As he squeezed her tit, she pressed her ass against his loins. His cock was a rigid bar in his jeans and she could feel it pressing between the crack of her ass.

She didn't mind that he was coming on so strong. Marsha knew she was going to get fucked by the young man, but that was exactly what she wanted. It had been four days since she'd had any cock and she was more than ready to get fucked.

She always got horny when she took her daughters to the small town where they owned a cabin.

Marsha didn't have a man. Her husband had died eight years ago. Since that time, she had had a long affair, but it had ended three years ago when her lover had moved to a better job. Since then, she'd taken her sex where she could find it.

Not that she had to look hard to find sex. She was still welcomed at the swinging parties; there was always a place for a sexy, good-looking woman at an orgy. But Marsha sometimes missed the pleasure of sleeping beside a man all night and then getting fucked in the morning. When the urge for that sort of sex came on her, she usually picked up a man.

Kenny ran his other hand over her free tit. Already, the nipple he'd been fondling was at attention. Kenny caught it and pressed it between his thumb and forefinger, making Marsha sigh with pleasure as she rubbed her ass against his cock.

"We going to be disturbed?" he whispered as he shifted one hand and started undoing the buttons of her blouse.

She glanced at her watch. It was only one-thirty, her daughters would probably be at the lake until five or six.

"I don't think so," she replied, watching as his fingers unbuttoned her blouse.

As soon as her blouse was unbuttoned, he slid the blouse down her arms, letting it fall to the floor. Again his hands moved to her tits, but they didn't stay long. Instead, they wandered to her back and undid the hooks of her bra. His hands returned to her tits.

Marsha was proud that her tits were very firm. When you have tits that fill a thirty-eight C-cup, you have to expect some sag by the time you get close to forty. Her tits sagged less than she'd expected.

He ran his fingers over the hefty jugs, squeezing and fondling the full mounds. "You get turned on fast, don't you?" he teased.

"It's been four days since I've gotten fucked," Marsha confessed.

Kenny rolled her erect nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. "You don't want to spend a lot of time before hand then?" he asked as he undid the button at the side of her skirt.

"Not too much," she replied as he eased the zipper of the skirt down and let the garment drop from her broad hips to puddle at her feet. She was still clad in pantyhose and panties, but both were transparent enough far him to be able to see that she was a natural blonde.

Deliberately, she arched her hips forward. The action caused her cunt to gape a little and Marsha smiled as Kenny gazed at the reddish slash of her pussy.

His hands tightened on her tits, squeezing the erect nipples. Marsha wiggled her ass and moaned as he worked his hands on her tits.

Twisting, she faced him, her body pressing to his as she pressed her mouth to his.

He kissed well. Marsha had a theory that men who didn't know how to kiss were lousy lovers. Kenny was great at kissing; he knew how to run his tongue over her lips and how to tease her tongue with his. She ran her other hand up and down his back as he kissed her and massaged her ass.

The more he massaged and kneaded the pliant flesh of her ass, the more aroused Marsha became. She undid his shirt buttons, then tugged his short-sleeved shirt off so she could press her tits to his chest.

"Where's the bedroom?" he demanded harshly, looking around.

"Down here," she answered, leading him along a short hall and into the larger of the two bedrooms. She sat on the bed to remove her panties and pantyhose as Kenny balanced on one foot and tugged his boots off.

She sprawled across the bed, supporting herself on her elbows as she watched him remove his other boot. Then he posed before her, his hands at the opening of his jeans, outlining the muscular ridge of his hard cock.

Marsha admired his physique as he opened the jeans and shoved them off. She sucked in her breath at the sight of his stiff cock.

"You like this?" he teased, stepping toward her as he took the cock by the base and wiggled it at her.

Marsha spread her thighs even farther apart, then she reached down and used her thumbs to open her swollen cunt-lips.

"Yeah," Kenny agreed, smiling at her, "you like my cock all right."

As she nodded, he stroked his cock, teasing her. Marsha ran her tonguetip seductively over her parted lips and scooted back on the bed. Then she turned and lay on her side.

He crossed the room and lay facing her. Their mouths met. He closed his hands around her tits and squeezed them. Marsha threw her leg over his hip and caught his cock in one hand, rubbing the spongy head along the wet channel of her cuntal cleft. She was aching to have his prick inside of her cunt. But, when she tried to pull him over on top of her, he reached behind her and turned her back onto her side.

"Don't rush me," he ordered.

She liked being dominated by assertive men when it came to fucking.

After he had positioned her, he slid one hand down from her tits and started to explore her cunt.

At first, he slid his fingers up and down the length of her crotch, massaging her pussy. Gradually, he fingered the puffy lips of her cunt. As he smeared her cuntal juices around, Marsha drew his tongue deep into her mouth and sucked on it wantonly. She also jiggled his balls.

Hooking a finger into her vaginal tunnel, Kenny drove the digit as deep as he could. At the same time, he ground the heel of his hand into her clit. The more pressure he put on her swollen clitoris, the more active Marsha's hips were. She was soon swinging them to and fro as energetically as she would have been moving them in a good fuck.

Kenny put a second finger in her twat, then added a third. As his fingers sawed in and out of her pussy, he tweaked her nipples. Marsha's breathing increased in heaviness as he finger-fucked her steadily.

Suddenly, he rolled her onto her back. His mouth moved to her heaving tits and he circled her erect nipple with his tongue as he jammed a fourth finger into her cunt.

Marsha couldn't reach his cock, but she could do other things to let him know how much she wanted him to fuck her aching twat. She drew her heels up until they were touching her ass, then her knees were against her tits, forcing her large tits together. Now Kenny could suck both nipples at once.

He shifted and the head of his cock rode up and down her cuntal furrow. Marsha's head rolled back and forth on the pillow as he continued to tease her by massaging her cuntal cleft with the head of his cock while fingerfucking her twat.

"Please! Kenny, please!" she moaned. "Come on, fuck me! I need it, Kenny. I need that beautiful cock of yours inside of me."

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