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Tom Allison - Hot orgy family

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Tom Allison Hot orgy family CHAPTER ONE Sally Douglas was an unusually - photo 1

Tom Allison

Hot orgy family


Sally Douglas was an unusually innocent girl. She always did her homework and always obeyed her parents, even while her classmates cut school and took drugs and did all the other things Sally had been taught were wrong. Her parents had had trouble with her two older brothers, and with each other as well, but never with Sally.

A lot of girls in the Honor Society were Pollyanna's because they were homely; it was easy to be chaste and decent when one had never been offered the illicit joys of vice. But that wasn't the case with Sally.

Her long blonde hair and wide-eyed starlet's face made her one of the prettiest girls in her high school. And her big tits and rounded asscheeks made her one of the sexiest of all.

There was an angelic softness and plumpness to her body, perhaps because of the perfect creamy whiteness of her skin made her look voluptuous. Boys and men alike were constantly drooling over her, waiting for an opportunity to get her drunk so they could part her tender thighs and give her fleecy-haired pussy its first fuck.

But Sally had never given into their crude invitations, even when she saw their enormous hard cocks throbbing in their pants. Her parents and Uncle Bob, who lived with them in the big suburban house, had always given her the impression that sex was a beautiful, precious thing. Sally didn't want her cunt to be fucked until she was sure she was in love.

That didn't mean she wasn't horny. She was very horny, as much or more so than the other girls in her school, and, as she grew older, and her body continued to blossom, she got hornier all the time.

When she'd been younger, Sally had wondered what all the fuss was about when her dates were so anxious to suck the fat, rosy nipples of her already-large tits or fuck their fingers into the gooey wetness of her cunt.

Now her pussy started juicing and burning whenever she saw a stiff prick bulging in some guy's pants. Sally had started giving some of her dates hand jobs, though she felt ashamed of herself for doing so, just to get her hands on a hot naked cock. She loved the stiff, velvety feel of them, the creaminess of their cum as her pumping fist made the white goo shoot from the tip.

She'd been fingerfucking herself for awhile but these days it seemed she couldn't keep her hand away from her cunt. In recent months Sally had been rubbing her pussy at least three times a day once when she awakened, once after school, and once before going to sleep. The most fleeting thought of a guy's big pulsing prick could make her clit stiffen. Sometimes Sally helplessly wiggled her ass and rubbed her thighs together in class, desperately trying to soothe the burning wetness that coursed through her cunt.

In fact, she was furiously fingerfucking one dark, rainy night when her Uncle Bob shocked her by coming to her bed and burying his face between her legs.

In actuality, Sally was completely wrong about her parents morals and what they expected from their children. Both her older brothers, Phil and Mike, had been fucking eager school girls and horny housewives for several years.

Her big-titted mother, Karen, knew what her boys were up to and encouraged them to get as much pussy as they could. Secretly she wanted to fuck both her sons herself.

Daddy Henry was a shameless adulterer who fucked his oversized prick into any pussy that would spread for him. And her uncle well, only Sally was unaware of what her uncle did on his weekend trips in the city. Sally was the only innocent one in the family.

Sometimes they joked behind her back about how naive she was or about what a wonder it was that such a mouth-wateringly stacked girl hadn't been raped in the high school hallways. Both her brothers and father secretly lusted after her pussy, but it was Uncle Bob who finally decided to give Sally her first fuck.

Bob knew that his older brother Henry, Sally's father, would beat the shit out of him if he caught him fucking away between his daughter's legs. But Bob couldn't control himself any longer.

Every time he looked at her creamy, plump ass or thighs under a short dress, or watched her big tits bounce under a sweater, a violent hard-on throbbed in his pants. Bob fucked lots of women and whores on his trips to the city, and every time he came it was to thoughts of his niece's plump, pouting pussy mound, imagining it was her virgin cunt taking his load of cum.

Finally, one night at nearly midnight, after several highballs, Bob decided to give in to his incestuous desires. He checked the hallways, making sure that everyone in the house was sound asleep. Then, naked except for his bathrobe, he mounted the stairs to his niece's room.

Quietly he opened her door and tiptoed into her room, expecting to find Sally fast asleep under the covers. Then his eyes bulged with surprise, and his cock lurched between his legs as he saw that she lay naked and spread-eagled on the mattress. A pillow was over her face. Her plump fingers fucked in and out of her hairy pussy, rubbing off her cunt.

"Unh," Sally groaned. "That feels so nice yes unh fuck me come fuck me fuck my cunt"

She often jacked off with a pillow over her face, finding that it helped her concentrate on whatever fantasy was making her pussy burn. Tonight it was of a stiff, throbbing cock that could have belonged to any man puffy and swollen with its engorgement of blood, capped by a ripe spongy prick-knob that heavily leaked cum.

Whimpering under her breath, Sally made her big tits jiggle and shake as she humped her hot ass off the mattress, fucking her fingers rhythmically into her cunt.

"Fuck me," she moaned repeatedly.

Instantly she threw off the pillow and looked up as she felt the weight joining her on the mattress, then the strong cold fingers on her thighs. The next thing she knew, Sally was staring at her Uncle Bob, crouched between her legs and hungrily chewing on the soft fleecy curls fringing her dripping cunt.

"Oh, fuck," Bob whispered. As Sally gaped in horror at her forty-three-year-old uncle, he pressed his lips to her pussy slit and inhaled the pungent fragrance of horny teenage cunt. "Tastes so good. So fucking good!"

"Uncle Bob!" Sally squealed, sitting up. "Oh my gosh, what are you doing to me down there?"

"Sshh, Sally. Don't talk so loud!" Bob lifted his head momentarily to look at her imploringly. "I can't help it anymore, honey! Please just let me suck your sweet little pussy. You turn me on so much!"

"But you're my uncle!"

Ignoring her, Bob groaned with desire as he again lowered his head between her milk-white thighs. His hands separated her legs, holding them wide apart. He pushed his tongue into her pussy and began to lick rapidly up and down the pink, swollen slit, lapping up the fuck cream that drooled from the depths of her cunt.

"No, Uncle Bob!" Sally squealed. "Oh God, this is incest! You don't know what you're doing to me! Oh gosh, you've got to stop!"

But he did know what he was doing to her, exactly what he was doing, and within seconds Sally felt her pussy growing extremely hot. She blushed, then whimpered as her uncle wiggled his tongue under her protruding clit, making the little bud painfully hard.

"Ungghh," she groaned. "Oh, Uncle Bob don't know what you're doing to me. My pussy's so hot. Unghh please stop, Uncle Bob, please."

"Don't you like it, Sally?" He raised his head from her gushing cunt and looked at her with shameless lust. "You won't tell my brother, will you? Doesn't it feel good to have your pussy sucked?"

He returned his lips to her dripping cunt slit and tongued her pussy avidly, fucking his tongue rhythmically in and out of her gooey cunt. Sally began to wiggle her ass harder, spreading her legs to allow her uncle to get more of his mouth on her hairy cunt.

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