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Julia Tayle - Family sex fest

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Julia Tayle Family sex fest

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RX-626. FAMILY SEX FEST by Julia Tayle

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Julia Tayle



Foreword With the rise of the nuclear family the advent of jobholding for - photo 1


With the rise of the nuclear family, the advent of jobholding for both the mother and father in the home, and the permissive rearing of children, have come profound changes in moral traditions and the social roles of young people. In the not-too-distant past, the presence of grandparents and even of great-grandparents in single families provided a focus of behavioral example that all in a larger family could share in such an unquestioning fashion that ideas about role fulfillment and sexual conduct remained restrictive and changed slowly.

When the mother and father of today's smaller family both hold jobs that keep them outside the home for long hours, their children often must either provide discipline to themselves as individuals or the older child assumes responsibility of supervision in a sibling group.

But the widespread influence of perpermissively-minded authorities in child-rearing and in even the latest formal education of a student has combined with the factors stated above to destroy the concept that an individual is responsible to, or must consider, any other person in terms of greater age and experience, due respect, position, the sake of appearances, any call to be civilized and clean, or even of love and affection for those closest to him.

The story in this book shows how the previously reviewed historical events affect the behavior of parents and children in a family whose members no longer feel traditional restraints on their drives to be uninhibited morally, to explore fleshly sensations, and, particularly, to have sexual pleasure.

With her mother and father absent from the home together for an extended time, the older sister in the group of four children was given responsibility to care for the house and to guide the conduct of her younger sister and their two still-younger brothers. The support of grandparents absent, no internal code of conduct was available to guide the children's behavior in crisis, and no real authority figure was present to deter their misconduct. Besides, the three younger children lacked any inclination to obey the weak authority figure they saw in the older sister.

Cheryl, the older sister, suffered very strong sexual drives which further handicapped her in the situation. Though she never gave in to the drives, she had constantly to fight them and she did not understand them. But, combined with all the other stated influences, her powerful sexual desires shattered her defenses. She gave in to her lusts. Once this began, the girl could not keep her sexual actions from avalanching into a slavishly licentious enjoyment of pleasures of the flesh that excluded no one. At first reluctant in following her sensual inclinations, fighting them, she finally came to believe that acting them all out, making them part of the ordinary, daily routines of the home was good for her and her loved ones. Cheryl was happiest then, enjoying her body, feeling ecstatically alive in all sex. Since her mother and her father, her sister and her twin brothers all held the same opinions, they gladly shared her new emotional and physical happiness with her.

Chapter One

Cheryl bounced out of the classroom, bubbling with happy new freedom.

"Thank God school's over!" the virgin blonde beauty told herself. "Now, I just have to play Mom's part with my sisters and my brothers while she's away this week. After that, it should be a great summer."

Her perfect ass wagged out unconsciously sexy signals to all eyes as she hurried through the high school's crowded main hall.

A pair of loafing boys called to her when she passed, leering.

"How's about a fuck tonight, beautiful," one said.

"Yeah," said the other. "Ain't you ever gonna use that golden pussy?"

Cheryl never dated, but she was often asked, so the boys' requests didn't surprise her. Their awful words surprised her, though.

How can they talk so dirty to me? She wondered.

Her cheeks filled with fire as the obscene calls burned into her ears.

Her golden pussy filled with fire, too.

The blonde's face got very red, but she said nothing. She merely walked away, sudden hungers fluttering in her cunt, worrying her.

She heard the boys jeering after her.

"You're one of those frigid bitches, I guess!" the first one said.

The other boys and girls saw everything. They gasped and laughed and talked about it while they walked out, leaving Cheryl frozen with shame. She thought she would die, especially when snickering comments floated back to her.

"Boy, I never shaw Cheryl's fancy pants that good before!" some boy said.

"Me, neither," another said. "As much as she loves showing off so much of her luscious legs you'd thing giving everybody a little flash of ass would make her even happier."

A girl laughed.

"I'll bet you'd both like to see a lot more of Cheryl than that."

The blushing blonde clamped her knees together and wouldn't move until everyone was gone, afraid of losing her dangling panties completely and attracting even more attention. She was too shaky to move for a minute, anyway. When she felt better, Cheryl kept her knees tight together and shuffled comically to the restroom, knowing she looked ridiculous without intending to, in the least. In the restroom, she pulled her panties back up and snugged them around her pussy and ass where they belonged, her face still bright red. "I could kill that kid!" she said. "But it always thrills me so much when any boy talks dirty to me or touches me. Why? It always feels so good it scares me, and then I have to act mad when I'm not. It's the only way I know to stay out of trouble. My pussy snapped just full of joy-buzzes even when my panties went jerking off of my ass in the classroom. My whole body came alive. Then my cunt was all tingles and buzzes in a flash. I simply don't understand any of it."

Cheryl felt as if she'd pissed herself in the excitement and she checked between her legs. Her slot was only running over with some kind of hot oil, but her crack and hole oozed so much goo that it was dripping down her thighs. Her tits were tight and tingly, too, their nipples jutting out big and hard.

Being a good girl was the blonde's thing, but the way her pussy throbbed and swelled made her doubt she could stay one. Most of her girlfriends fucked, she knew, trading crotch-feels with their boyfriends until they got so hot they couldn't keep from fucking and then did it. They seemed to get a kick out of telling her how great taking a cock was.

"I want my cherry for my husband, when I get married. My mom says I'll be a lot happier if I do," Cheryl would say.

Still, the beautiful young blonde loved having a schoolboy pat her ass or steal a kiss, which they often did.

She walked the few blocks home and hurried into the house. Then she felt safe. But she worried about being alone with her younger sister and their still-younger twin brothers.

"I could have a helluva long week while Mom's at the teacher's seminar," she told herself, stepping out of her late-evening shower and grabbing a towel. "I got through supper okay by myself with Jenny and Ben and Neal, and all's quiet for now, only I'll have to keep my fingers crossed. Daddy could come home from his construction job almost anytime, but it's not very likely. Jenny and the twins will just have to listen to me, like Daddy said. If they do, and I keep up Mom's work in the house, I'll be all right. They haven't caused me any trouble yet, even if they don't want me for a boss. Of course, Mom only left this morning," she remembered, finishing her towel-off.

Cheryl pranced into her bedroom and postured nakedly in front of her dresser mirror, studying her bare body's perfect curves and lines as she dabbed perfume in spots, readying herself for bed. Having no clothes on felt good, and she liked seeing herself that way. A nice girl didn't have those feelings, she thought, and she began dressing, cutting the feelings short. The blonde squirmed her clean bare smoothness into a sheer light-blue shorty nightgown and matching bikini panties, wondering if they showed too much of her.

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