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George Werbin - Swap fest galore

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George Werbin

Swap fest galore


Terry Gregory was disgusted. Her husband was late. Once more a delicious dinner was cold and soggy.

She paced the floor as she waited. Life with George was becoming dull and drab. Life in suburbia was one monotonous bore.

Finally he came home.

"Well, what kept you?" Terry exclaimed, as he strode in.

"I told you, honey, not to wait for me," he said. "Go ahead and have your dinner."

"What kept you, George?" she demanded.

"I've got to work," he said, "and now that I'm an executive, my hours are my own. That means I can work till midnight."

"It isn't anyone else, is it, George?" Terry said, her eyes narrowing.

"Look, wife," he said, "I'm too damned tired to go through that again. I've been faithful to you, and dammit, don't bug me."

George was like that. Whenever she would suspicion he was playing around, he would get on the defensive.

After dinner, Terry quickly decided she would confront her husband with something that had been bothering her for a long time.

"Honey," Terry said, "I was wondering if you would like to go to a little party this weekend?"

"Party?" he said. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, Betty Black invited us over to a little swap meet."

She dropped the words lightly, hoping that her husband wouldn't ignite.

"What?" he said angrily. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Honey," she said, "Fm talking about a little party where people switch mates."

"Look," he said, "I am not a streaker, and I'm not a swapper. Do you mind?"

At this point Terry decided that she had to level with her husband.

"George," she said solemnly, "I've been giving our marriage a lot of thought."

"Well, I've been giving divorce a lot of thought," he said. "It doesn't, seem as if you're very happy with me."

"If you want to know the truth of it," Terry said, "I'm not. You know, honey, that we don't seem to hit it off in bed anymore."

"It's because I'm tired," George complained. "If you had to do what I have to do all day, you wouldn't feel much like having sex when you came home either."

"Maybe I'm not the right woman for you," Terry said softly.

"Now what the hell does that mean?" George exclaimed.

"Simply this," Terry countered. "I've been doing a lot of reading. One woman may not be able to excite a man sexually the way another woman can. We might be right psychologically, but sexually we may be mismatched."

"How are we going to find out if someone else is better?" he demanded.

"Well, that's precisely why I wanted to get together with Harold and Betty," she explained. "If we could both have sex with someone else without lying to one another, then we could discover if we are better matched with someone else."

George thought about it. He found it difficult to maintain an erection while having sex with his wife. He felt as if he were cheating. He remembered how many times he had to satisfy her by pushing his mouth over her pussy, and licking it.

It disturbed him that he couldn't give her the big hard cock she wanted. When they first had been married it was easy. But as pressures mounted, and after a couple of drinks, George found it difficult to stay hard until he had shot his wad.

"Well, all right honey," he agreed.

That weekend, Terry and George Gregory went to visit Betty and Harry Black.

"Now, George," Terry reminded him, "Don't drink a lot. Betty will serve booze, but you sip your drink and stick to only one, because you don't want to disappoint her."

"Don't worry about me," George complained.

Once inside the house, he was not so reluctant to participate in the swap game. Betty was a beautiful woman.

He noticed her breasts as never before, realizing that in a few moments he would be examining them closely.

"Good evening, George," Betty smiled. "How are you tonight?"

"Just fine," he said.

Suddenly, George liked the whole idea. It seemed as if he was a young man, womanizing, and he loved the sensation.

Harold smiled as he looked at beautiful Terry.

After a couple of drinks, Betty had a suggestion.

"I've got an idea," she said. "We all would feel a lot more at ease if we would separate. You know what I mean."

George nodded eagerly.

"Sure baby," he said. "As long as Harold here doesn't mind."

"Not at all," Harold assured him. "It's a nice exchange."

"Watch how you say that," Betty smiled.

The couples separated, George and Betty to a guest bedroom, Harold and Terry to the master bedroom.

"Harold," Terry said, "I guess we might as well take our clothes off. No use wasting time."

"Oh baby," Harold smiled, "I've been waiting to get my hands on you."

Suddenly, he threw his arms around Terry. As he held her close, he whispered, "I see you made it."

Betty didn't get suspicious. It was the smartest thing in the world to call it a swap meet, she thought.

"You and I had to get together," he said.

"I know it," she said. "It was difficult to convince George at first, but I kept telling him that perhaps Betty could do things for him I couldn't."

"Oh honey," Harold said, "It really hurts me to think of you with that no-good guy. He drinks too much, that's why he can't give you what you need."

"Don't I know it," she said. "It's awful to want a big cock and wind up with a limp prick."

Harold smiled and pressed his lips on hers.

"You may complain about me for some things," he told her, "But a limp cock will never be one of them."

He was pressing his huge penis against her now, and through her clothes she could feel him.

"Oh baby," she exclaimed, "I can hardly wait to get you in me."

"I want you to do everything to me, Terry," he said. "You're going to love it too."

"Oh, I know I will," she assured him.

It was so exciting to feel a man who could give her a big cock. She was glad that George had agreed to swap. Otherwise, she didn't know what she would have done.

"Baby," he told her. "Let me undress you."

He helped undress her. When she got down to her panties and bra, he looked at her with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, Terry," he exclaimed, "What a body. I could really lick those nipples."

"All right, sweetheart," she said, "Lick them."

He unfastened her bra and let the breasts fall out to freedom. Bending over, he began licking the nipples eagerly.

As his mouth pressed hard on her bosoms, Terry clutched, and held him closely.

"Oh Harold," she panted, "Love me, baby. Love me. I need it so bad."

Now that he was eagerly reaching down to her crotch, she was so excited she trembled. His hands felt of her moist vagina, and he slid a couple of fingers in there.

As she felt his fingers sliding into her pussy, she gripped them with her pussy muscles.

"Oh baby, you're on fire," he told her. "You really need a good fucking."

Terry understood all too well how much she needed to be loved, and at this point she yearned for one thing. She yearned for that big huge penis of his to plunge into her pussy.

"Oh baby," she told him, "I want it so bad." She lay on the bed, and spread her legs invitingly, one leg raised and the other leg spread out. He had a perfect view of her pussy and her asshole.

She said, "Will you lick it a little first?"

"Sure baby," he told her.

She got a good look at his huge cock. It intrigued and excited her to see what a huge organ he had.

"Oh baby," she said, seizing his gigantic penis and squeezing it, "Have I needed this for a long time."

He let his hands grasp her asscheeks, as he pulled her pussy to his mouth. Then he let his tongue slide along her slit. Plunging his lips into her cunt, he jabbed back and forth.

"Oh baby," he told her, "Does this ever feel good."

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