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Ida Smith - Amazing Must-Try Fun Fest Recipes: Amazing Food Fest Recipes from around the World

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Ida Smith Amazing Must-Try Fun Fest Recipes: Amazing Food Fest Recipes from around the World
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    Amazing Must-Try Fun Fest Recipes: Amazing Food Fest Recipes from around the World
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Food is one thing that everybody loves, and every celebration comes with a special once in a year kind of meals. However, why wait till the time before having your special festival meals? In this cookbook, you will find 30 unique and creative festival dishes with their recipes to make them easier for you to prepare favorite meals from the comfort of your home.

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Amazing Must-Try Fun Fest Recipes Amazing Food Fest Recipes from around the World BY: Ida Smith Copyright 2020 by Ida Smith. All Rights Reserved.

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License Notes
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T his book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If youre reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy.

Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Table of Contents
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Introduction W hen it comes to holidays festivals and celebrations - photo 7
W hen it comes to holidays festivals and celebrations there is always - photo 8
W hen it comes to holidays festivals and celebrations there is always - photo 9 W hen it comes to holidays , festivals, and celebrations, there is always something to party about, and your party cannot be complete without a good meal. Festivals are created so that people can come together and celebrate. However, this cookbook is trying to let you know that you don't have to wait for a festival before having the tasty meals you love. We've got you covered from simple meals to extraordinary meals.
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Grilled Spicy Lobster Tail E njoy your lobster this festive period and - photo 12
Grilled Spicy Lobster Tail
E njoy your lobster this festive period and get your guests wanting more - photo 13
E njoy your lobster this festive period and get your guests wanting more - photo 14 E njoy your lobster this festive period and get your guests wanting more.
Picture 10
Picture 11
Grilled Spicy Lobster Tail E njoy your lobster this festive period and - photo 12
Grilled Spicy Lobster Tail
E njoy your lobster this festive period and get your guests wanting more - photo 13
E njoy your lobster this festive period and get your guests wanting more - photo 14 E njoy your lobster this festive period and get your guests wanting more.

Cooking Time: 30 minutes Yield: 5 Ingredient List: - 5 pieces of lobster tails - 1 tablespoon of oil - 1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon of salt - 1/2 cup of melted butter - 1/2 cup of lemon wedges Preparation: Preheat your grill. Brush your lobster tails with oil, add your salt and pepper on it to taste. Place the lobster on your grill and grill for 5 minutes. Turn the other side and brush with butter. Then, grill for another 5 minutes or until your lobster is well cooked.

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Black Bean and Chicken Enchilada Y ou want one meal to serve your - photo 17
Black Bean and Chicken Enchilada
Y ou want one meal to serve your family during the New Year celebration this - photo 18
Y ou want one meal to serve your family during the New Year celebration this - photo 19 Y ou want one meal to serve your family during the New Year celebration; this is perfect because the whole family will actually fall in love with it.
Picture 15
Picture 16
Black Bean and Chicken Enchilada Y ou want one meal to serve your - photo 17
Black Bean and Chicken Enchilada
Y ou want one meal to serve your family during the New Year celebration this - photo 18
Y ou want one meal to serve your family during the New Year celebration this - photo 19 Y ou want one meal to serve your family during the New Year celebration; this is perfect because the whole family will actually fall in love with it.

Cooking Time: 20 minutes Yield: 6 Ingredient List: - 8 pieces of corn tortillas cut into strips - 2 cups of boiled shredded chicken - 1 medium sized onion, well diced - 1 clove of well minced garlic - 1 can of Rotel, which is a combination of diced tomatoes and green chilies - 1 can of enchilada sauce - 2 cans of black beans, nicely rinsed and drained - 1/3 tablespoon of cumin - 1/3 tablespoon of garlic powder - 1 cup of cheddar cheese, shredded - 2 tablespoons of oil Preparation: In a pan, heat up your oil. Add your chicken, tortillas, onions and garlic and simmer for about 5 minutes while stirring. Mix your Rotel in another bowl and add your black beans, enchilada, garlic powder, cumin, mix together and pour the mixture over your chicken mixture. Sprinkle part of your cheese on top, cover and let it simmer for 5 minutes, remove and serve, with your remaining cheese as topping.

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