Dynamic Posing Guide
Modern Techniques for Digital Photographers
Craig Stidham
with Jeanne Harris
Dynamic Posing Guide: Modern Techniques for Digital Photographers
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Blvd.Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com
Copyright 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-1-118-29051-4
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Dianne Russell, Octal Publishing, Inc.
Margaret Troutman, Octal Publishing, Inc.
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Jeanne Harris
About the Authors
Craig Stidham is a professional fashion and portrait photographer based in Texas. Craig was photographically born into the fashion world in 1994 after receiving a formal education in photography. He has been published in several fashion magazines, photography magazines, and billboards all over the country. After teaching at the college level for more than seven years, Craig is now teaching workshops and reaching out to many photographers. He has what he calls an open house attitude: always willing to take time for others and answer questions for those who call.
Jeanne Harris is a freelance writer and content creation and social media professional based in Los Angeles. She was previously published in 2010 with John Wiley & Sons, authoring one of the first books on Twitter at the height of its emergence and newfound popularity in the media and celebrity industries. Jeannes career has revolved around photography since 1993 when she produced television commercials and fashion catalog shoots. Later, she worked as a marketing and sales director for an online educational photography web site and stock-photography house.
To my kiddos: If you keep God in your heart and put your mind to something, anything is possible. CS
I would like to give a huge thanks to my fellow photographers: Teri Beaver, for helping in the creative process involved in writing this book and spending creative time on our cyc wall; Sandy Puc for your support and for pointing me in this direction; and Charlene Chavez, Adrienne Griffen, and Shelli Fowler for just being awesome friends. Thank you, too, for a great photo shoot in Las Vegas!
Special thanks to all the models that took time out of their day to pose for this book. I would like to give a shout-out to Alexia, Jordan (Jordy), Alex, Arin, Haven, Ginger, Kayla, Alli, Lauren, Jodie, Amy, Hannah, Brea, Samantha (Sam), Brenae, Susan, Molly, Kirsten, and Courtney.
Very special thanks and hugs to models Paige L., Emma W., Shay H., and MKaylee W.
Big thanks also go to Jeanne Harris for dealing with me throughout the writing process. I know thats a huge task. Thank you for helping and taking part in this book; it couldnt have been done with you. Thanks for being friends! CS