New York's s mall p enis p ageant
My comments on New York's Small Penis Pageant from 2015
Why we should support Brooklyn's Small Penis Pageant
Next Saturday sees the third Annual Small Penis Pageant in Brooklyn. They're having a little trouble in attracting competitors, and from all the titter on Twitter today I can understand why.
I'd heard about this pageant before organising London's Big Small Penis Party earlier this year - and it was certainly one of the things that encouraged me to campaign for small penis pride. But I was certain I would not follow their 'pageant' approach. It did seem flawed to me.
The idea of choosing a small penis winner seemed to me to be divisive - a thing that would emphasise the supposed difference between us guys with tiny todgers and 'real men'. And the fact that they had a 'swimwear round' (akin to beauty pageants I suppose) seemed to call upon all the 'sexual objectification' arguments that stand so strongly in opposition to such events.
From first looks, the event seemed highly questionable.
The previous winners though did report having a very positive experience.
It's also important to understand that attitudes can't be changed overnight. People need the opportunity to go on a journey, to learn about, think about, and connect with the issues. We can't, out of the blue, ask the world to stop finding little willies funny!
In fact, humour, spectacle, fancy dress and song & dance are incredibly powerful tools to campaign with. And in regards to this particular (male) body shaming issue we have a trump card, an ace up the sleeve. Let me explain...
Body Shaming is first of all isolating. You're described in terms that mark you out as 'not normal', in a 'less than human' way. When you're talking about things like 'femininity' or 'beauty' it's really easy to accept those feelings of inadequacy because the 'standard' you're being judged against doesn't exist in reality. The Shamers have a near infinite selection of unfair, unreachable, ideals to throw at you.
The penis though, is a much blunter weapon; it comes in a pretty limited number of variations. If I'm in a group of ten lads all having a good laugh about my mini-me, I know a good number of them are as near as dammit in just the same boat. The 'small dicked man' is being judged against the perceived norm, not against some made up fantasy.
Women are body shamed for being fat, in relation to size zero supermodels; for being flat chested, in comparison to the likes of Beshine and her 10,000 cubic ce ntimetres of saline implanted titties .
When I'm body shamed for 'being hung like a mouse', that's in comparison to my peers and the perceived average of 6 inches (the average is actually 5.16 inches )
To put an end to female body shaming we have to convince the world to stop idolising size zero waists and 32Z boobs.
For a guy, all we have to do is make it clear that most of us have small cocks. Fact. We've taught ourselves that 6+ inches is average/acceptable - and anything less is small. So when you body shame me, you're also shaming yourself - or if not, your brother or best friend.
And I'm all about putting an end to male body shaming, because if we can manage that perhaps we can have one of those "D'Oh" moments and realise we need to put an end to ALL body shaming!
So a Small Penis Pageant strikes me as ideal. A joyful, who-gives-a-shit, parade of budgie smugglers is just the tonic to remind us that small is normal. Infinite variety = infinite pleasure. Let's laugh together and demonstrate our Small Penis Pride by supporting the Small Penis Pageant.
Sittin g versus s tanding
I've noticed that when I'm sitting my cock appears much smaller. Sat, the pelvic bone angles backwards so that the suspensionary ligaments pull more of the shaft into my body, the pubic fat pad bunches up so more of the shaft is buried and, with knees closed, my balls ride high. All of which just about halves the apparent length when hard or causes my soft dick to totally disappear. I assumed these things were pretty common for us all but in researching my assumptions to write this manual I find some men report that they measure larger when sitting than standing. Which goes to show how individual we all are, often in surprising ways ! It also shows how impossible it is to take an accurate single measure you can seriously compare with others.
Does size matter ?
I expect you'd expect I'd answer with a resounding NO.
But I think that it does matter, although perhaps not in the way you might think and certainly not in a way that means being small is any kind of a problem.
First, vaginas, just like penises, come in all kinds of different shapes and sizes (as do the other potential openings that may take a penis) . There are online forums discussing 'big dick problems' where it is evident a large member can be a real deal breaking concern. In no way is bigger better. In fact it's true that small things can always at least enter a larger aperture - whereas big things can't squeeze into too small a space!
What really matters is compatibility.
A lot of smaller guys will bemoan that certain sexual positions don't work, but I think that's even truer for very large dicks. Bigger members not only present a challenge in vaginal penetration but also in oral and anal. In pure practical terms, if I could choose between having a massive or tiny penis the latter would be by far the more sensible option!
But it isn't really a binary concern. So taking basic compatibility into account, and w ithout considering extremes, does size matter? Is a seven inch penis better than a four incher? Would an extra inch even, make me a better lover? A better man? More desirable to more partners?
My attitude to my small dick robbed me of confidence for years. If I'd been packing more, things would have been different. But would different have meant better? We can't know, but I doubt it. My dick (believe it or not) isn't sentient. It didn't make me shy, it's just one of the things I learnt to be shy about. If that were different would my whole personality have changed? Is any man really only defined by his cock? No. The capacity for anxiety, shyness, and lack of confidence comes first and you attach it to one or more aspects of yourself.
No matter how much you blame your penis, it is not the cause of anxiety.
But when we have the capacity for anxiety we fuel it and since penises are made for sharing, the question becomes, does your size matter to other people?
The re are two groups to consider: those you'd share your penis with and those you wouldn't.
If you have zero intention of engaging sexually with a person then the size of your penis is of no relevance whatsoever and in this case we can categorically say size does not matter. Yet we behave, feel, and respond as though it does. We let other people's insults tear us up. We might imagine that's because they're then blabbing about our supposed inadequacies to everyone and that everyone they tell will be of like mind; leaving you universally ridiculed and derided.
The reality of course is that people are pretty self-centred and once the moment is over they're unlikely to talk about you as they'll be too busy talking about themselves. If there is no potential for sexual relations between you , any and everything they say of sexual consequence is about them, not you. If a guy says "man you have a little dick" it's quite likely he's also thinking "thank god" due to his own anxiety. Or perhaps he just wants to assert himself because he's been brow beaten by his boss all day. When a woman insults a guy's dick size it's usually more because he's pissed her off in some way than because he has a small dick (which he may or may not!)
Other people don't care about the size of your dick; a ny comments relate to them not you.