Angelica Stuart has been a spiritual practitioner for nearly forty years. Her journey has incorporated many different paths, including traditional craft and shamanic studies, working with the archangels, being an observer of people, and, of course, working with the chakras as a way to connect with her first lovethe natural world. She graduated from Maryland Institute College of Art with a BFA in drawing and continues to create things with her hands. She is a bit of a sci-fi geek, loves visiting wineries, and, when she isnt working or writing, loves to kayak on a calm lake or river.
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
Chakra Animals: Discover Your Connection to Wisdom of the Natural World 2019 by Angelica Stuart.
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First e-book edition 2018
E-book ISBN: 9780738759630
Cover design by Kevin R. Brown
Interior animal illustrations by Eugene Smith
Interior chakra illustration by Mary Ann Zapalac
Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Stuart, Angelica, author.
Title: Chakra animals : discover your connection to wisdom of the natural
world / Angelica Stuart.
Description: First Edition. | Woodbury : Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 2019.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018042876 (print) | LCCN 2018050472 (ebook) | ISBN
9780738759630 (ebook) | ISBN 9780738759593 (alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Animals--Miscellanea. | TotemsMiscellanea. |
Classification: LCC BF1623.A55 (ebook) | LCC BF1623.A55 S78 2019 (print) |
DDC 133/.259dc23
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For Turtle
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Authors Note
I made every attempt to include the most recent information and studies that I could find about the animals, but new studies and discoveries are constantly being made. If by the time you read this book a detail about an animal is outdated, I humbly apologize.
We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.
thich nhat hanh
We share our world with many fantastic creatures, and each has a lesson if we are willing to listen. The yogis teach that we humans have four natural instincts: food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation. So it is in the animal world. The human is just another mammal, and if we can let go of our illusion of dominance, we can learn from the similarities we have with the cohabitants of the planet we share. For example, do you like to live in the woods, need to be near water, or live in a city, or can you live anywhere comfortably? Are you a loner or do you prefer to be part of a traditional family or family-of-choice community? Are you a meat eater or would you prefer to have seafood or a salad? Are you a night owl, only coming to life after the sun has set, or are you a morning songbird? Understanding commonalities on a fundamental level may help you deepen your connection with the natural world.
There are plenty of excellent available books and oracle systems that focus on the totem aspects of animals; I have quite a collection myself and use them regularly. What Ive discovered, and perhaps you have too, is that the meaning of an animal often changes depending on location, culture, or belief system. For example, an owl in one culture means wisdom, but in another culture it represents death. How cultures view animals may change, but what doesnt change is the animal itself. Where does it live? How does it live? What does it eat? Just like animals, we humans have lifestyle preferences that change from person to person. My goal is to shed some light on potential similarities between you and a few animals by connecting your living habits via the chakra system.
The descriptions in this book are a combination of my personal experiences, observations, and research, but if you have personal experience with a particular animal, be it spiritual or earthly, honor the connection you have and use what you know. That animal is speaking to you directly. What Ive written is merely a suggestion and may not match your experience. For the most part, I try to stay focused on the essence of the animal, but there are a few totem attributes filtered in as well.
I encourage you, if at all possible, not only to read up on any of the animals that call to you but also to spend time outside. Find a place you can sit still, watch, and listen. Are the birds talking to each other? Are the squirrels communicating? Even if you live in the city, there is wildlife. One summer night while I visited a friend in the mountains of Maryland, we witnessed thousands of fireflies communicating with waves of light through the trees. It was an amazing experience that we would have missed had we not been paying attention.
For this version of the Chakra Animals method, I focus on animals of North America because this is where I live. For clarification purposes, I use the term animal to represent anything nonhuman, such as birds, amphibians, insects, and other creatures. The way that I chose the animals was a combination of familiarity and research. Chakra Animals started out as a visual aid for a personal meditation practice. I shared that aid with a few friends, and they asked me to make sets for them. Knowing that I was going to be vending at an event in Massachusetts, I made a few prototype sets and offered to do readings for free to introduce the system. I created a form that listed about sixty different animals and asked people who visited my booth to check which animals they would like to see in a set and to add any animals that I hadnt named. After I tallied the responses, I came up with this current collection of animals.