The Fountain
of Life
Dr. Mayank S. Vora
Copyright 2015 by Dr. Mayank S. Vora.
ISBN: | Softcover | 978-1-4828-4316-3 |
eBook | 978-1-4828-4315-6 |
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My Father Late Sudhirkant Maneklal Vora
Human body is one of the most exciting natures miracles. It is very complex multicellular organism in which the survival and health depends upon proper organization, coordination and harmony between self and surroundings. After birth, growth and senility ultimately leading to death are inevitable processes. It is correctly stated that aging begins before birth and continues throughout life at different rates, in different races for different individuals and for different tissues of the body. Aging represent structural and functional changes of an organism over its entire life span.
Health is an important factor in attaining individual goal, whether it is wealth or happiness, material or spiritual or indeed moksha. The modern age is characterized by pressures, hurry, worry, the pressures of making a quick buck and temptations of corruption. These are bound to deviations from the safe routines of diet and habit.
In India the science of Ayurveda is probably the first on this planet to describe the science of life, its central theme being efforts to protect life from disease and aging. Ayurveda is natural and universal therapy since the time immemorial, fulfilling the aims and goals with positive health of human being. It is still in practice worldwide in different different forms and acceptance of Ayurvedic regimen and phyto-therapy are increasing day- by-day. Rasayana is one of the eight clinical specialties of classical Ayurveda .
Rasayana is not a drug therapy but is a specialized procedure practiced in the form of rejuvenative recipes, dietary regimen and special health promoting conduct and behavior i.e., Achara-Rasayana. Rasayana means the way for attaining excellent rasa i.e. one attains longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from disorder, youthful age, excellence of luster, complexion and voice, optimum strength of physique and sense organs, alleviates diseases, successful words, respectability and brilliance. Everybody desires and has right to remain healthy and avoid sickness to enjoy life, to achieve the desired goal and dreams.
Health is maintained by improving immunity of the body against diseases. This could be achieved by administering Rasayana herbs. Rasayana therapy was practiced as an independent clinical discipline as a positive health medicine. With passage of time this important branch of knowledge has ceased to be in practice in its appropriate form.
Panchakarma therapy primarily aims at cleansing the body of its accumulated impurities and nourishing the tissues. Once this achieved, it becomes very easy to rejuvenate these tissues by administering appropriate Rasayana herb and prevent the process of aging. The span of life thus prolonged and the individual leads a disease free old age. He/she becomes capable of serving the society with his accumulated experience without any mental disability and physical delay.
There are numbers of excellent books on Rasayana therapy available but a book written from common man perspective is missing. Hence attempt is made to write simple book, which everyone can easily read and put it in practice.
This book is divided in four parts. First part deals with introduction of Ayurveda , antioxidation therapy, free radicals and their source, supplements and their role in disease prevention; Rasayana therapy, diet and Lifestyle, and herbs and their influence on our health. Second part provides detailed account of different single herb Rasayana, which includes Amalaki, Aloe vera , Ashoka, Ashwagandha, Bala, Bibhitaki, Bhallataka, Brahmi, Guduchi, Ginger, Gotu kola, Guggulu, Rasona, Shatavari, Haritaki, Shankhpushpi, Vedanta, Punarnava, Haridra, Nagkeshar, Musta, Twak and Yashtimadhu. The third part covers most important and popular classical Rasayana i.e. Brahma Rasayana, Chyawanprash and Triphala. The last part includes Ghee and Honey, the medium of transport of Rasayana.
The book will give an idea about Ayurvedic concepts and aspect of preventive and curative treatments. This book is specifically written for the ordinary common man and provides useful information about Rasayana therapy and its role in maintaining sound health and longevity.
The book does not require reader to possess any prior knowledge of Rasayana. It aims at providing reader sufficient knowledge to use the information and techniques of Rasayana to improve his or her life and consciousness on all levels. A glossary of terms has been included for ease in using this book.
The knowledge supplied in this book will be of lasting value to everyone including foreign visitors who come here for rejuvenation therapy. It will serve as ready reckoner for them. I hope that all readers of this book will find information not only very helpful but also a source of inspiration that will lead others to expand on the ideas presented herein. Readers who wish to know the Ayurveda and Rasayana therapy in further details can look at the recommended list for future reading. In the meantime, I hope you find this book useful, interesting and fascinating.
Please write to me about questions and comments at
Dr. Mayank S. Vora
First and foremost, I express my gratitude to Parma Pujya Swami Viditatmanandji for his divine blessings has made this publication a reality.
I would like to thank my wife Dipti, not only for sharing the vision and providing the motivation to make this book become reality, but in addition for her continuing support for going through this book with care and indulgence.
How can I forget my sons Hirak and Nehal, not only they made arrangement for the publication, but provided moral support and encouragement at every stage during the preparation of manuscript. Thank you for understanding how important it has been for me to write this book. Thank you also to my daughter in laws Dipa and Tarjani and little Rishi and Ashni.
I thank whole my family and friends for providing me all kind of help and support during the course of this book.
Our Vedas, Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita have immense wisdom that can guide us for keeping good health and maintaining mental equilibrium. I am indebted to ancient sages as well as sages of our time who brought this wisdom for us.
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