Complete Conditioning for Swimming
Dave Salo, PhD
Scott A. Riewald, PhD
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Salo, Dave, 1958-
Complete conditioning for swimming / Dave Salo, Scott A. Riewald.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-7242-7 (soft)
ISBN-10: 0-7360-7242-X (soft)
1. Swimming--Training. I. Riewald, Scott A., 1970- II. Title.
GV837.7.S25 2008
ISBN-10: 0-7360-7242-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-7242-7
Copyright 2008by Dave Salo and Scott A. Riewald
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We thank the United States Olympic Committee in Colorado Springs, Colorado, for assistance in providing the location for the photo shoot for this book.
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To the memory of Mike Nishihara, the former head strength and conditioning coach for the United States Tennis Association, whom I had the privilege of working with for three years before his untimely passing in September of 2007. I learned a great deal from him in those years, information that transcended strength and conditioning to include how to get the best out of people in general. Mike, you will be missed by all those who ever had the opportunity to meet you.
Scott Riewald
When we first started this book project, I thought, This will be pretty cool and shouldnt be that difficult. Id been involved in ancillary ways on several book projects before, and becoming a lead author seemed to be the next step. Well, as we got into it, I found writing a book carries a number of challengesmost notably finding the time to write while also working full time and keeping up with two young children. But we eventually got there, and many thanks to Human KineticsTom Heine and Leigh Keylock in particularfor keeping things on track.
I would also like to thank the United States Tennis AssociationMike Nishihara, Paul Roetert, and Todd Ellenbecker in particularfor the many discussions we had on strength and conditioning and making training match the demands of the sport. Working with those individuals and the elite athletes helped test and solidify many of my philosophies on strength and conditioning.
Id also like to thank all of the people and organizations who supported this project, specifically Phil Page and the Thera-Band Academy. They donated many of the elastic resistance bands and other products used in the photo and video shoots and have a diverse product line that makes strength training possible for anyone, whether they have access to a weight room or not. Id also like to thank Haven Barnes, Kim Matz, Jane Rynbrandt, and Branden Rakita for serving as the models in the book and on the video, and Bob Seebohar for his contributions to the nutrition chapter.
Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank my familySuzie, Maddox, and Calliefor their support and encouragement during this whole process. If not for them, I would have given up on this a number of times. Thank you, and I love you.
Scott Riewald
Welcome to Complete Conditioning for Swimming, a one-of-a kind book that will take you into the world of strength and conditioning and show you practical ways to use dryland and in-water strength training to improve your performance in the pool. The world of sport is changing as athletes are constantly looking for ways to gain an advantage over their competitors. Swimming is no different. Maybe you know of swimmers who have looked to new technology, such as drag-reducing full-body suits, to improve their performance. Or maybe youve seen other swimmers employ the services of a sport psychologist to try to gain a mental edge over their competitors.
It is great that swimmers can tap into all of these new advances, but sometimes they forget about the most important thingtraining the body. Strength and conditioning, in particular, often gets left by the wayside. This book shows you how to bring strength training and conditioning into your swimming program and how to do it correctly to enhance performance and prevent injuries.
Importance of Strength and Conditioning for Swimmers
If you look at the top swimmers in the world today, most, if not all, engage in some sort of strength training. The swimmers we train at USC and the Irvine Novaquatics are no different. We have developed a structured strength and conditioning program for our swimmers that complements the in-water work we do. Notice we do not just use the term