50 Top Tools for Coaching
50 Top Tools for Coaching
A complete toolkit for developing and empowering people
Gillian Jones and Ro Gorell
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First published in Great Britain and the United States in 2009 by Kogan Page Limited
Second edition 2012
Third edition 2015
This fourth edition 2018
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Gillian Jones and Ro Gorell, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018
The right of Gillian Jones and Ro Gorell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
ISBN 978 0 7494 8232 9
E-ISBN 978 0 7494 8233 6
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This book is dedicated to Lawrence and Elly,
for being my reason to live every day!
I would like to dedicate this book to my dad,
who always used to encourage me to go for it!
and to my husband Ryszard for being there always.
This coaching toolkit contains a selection of forms, models and exercises, and an explanation of how and when to use them. We have also included a chapter on setting up the coaching relationship, which provides valuable resources on managing the coaching relationship and supports your owncontinuous development.
The toolkit is designed to be used like a reference document so that you can dip into the topic you need when you need it. Each tool contains an overview and model diagram to provide both the words and the big picture.
If you want to download the tools, you will find all the templates on the Kogan Page website. Please feel free to use these forms, but we do ask that you give us credit when you use them.
To help you get the most out of your toolkit, as an added bonus wehave recorded some samples of the tools so that you can watch them on the Kogan Page website. Watching the tools in action demonstrated by the authors will add considerably to the experience, as you will see some ofthe questions that enhance the use of the tools. Enjoy our 50 top coaching tools. To access both the templates and the demonstrations go to: www.koganpage.com/50tt4
If you would like to buy the DVD with 10 of the key tools demonstrated in full, or to find out what other coaching resources we offer, go to our websites www.emergeuk.com and www.growtalentro.com.
I have been an executive coach for over 20 years and as my coaching assignments increased and I took responsibility for developing the coaching side of the business I started to assess and employ coaches. From humble beginnings, my organization now employs over 30 executive coaches working with major clients around the world. In the training part of our business we took great pride in the way that we would assess the quality of trainers and the processes we asked them to work to, so I wanted to apply the same rigour to the coaching side of the business. I decided to produce a toolkit that could be used by our internal coaches. I wanted them all to provide the best possible service to clients, and therefore the importance of sharing knowledge and experience could not be overlooked.
However, back in 2008, time, as always, got the better of me and the book, after a fast and encouraging start, remained in a box in my study waiting for a quiet moment when I could finish it. But I was so busy actually working with organizations I just wasnt finding the time to do it. And that was when my fellow directors suggested Ro. She had been one of our trusted associates for many years and was also specializing in the field of coaching. We met and found a real synergy in what we were working on, what we valued and what was going on in the coaching world. I mentioned the toolkit to Ro and she got very excited about the concept. Further conversations with clients ensued, in which they told me that they could not find a book of tools there were many publications around that had great information, philosophies and included some tools but nothing pure that they could just dip into before a coaching session, enabling them to go in armed with something relevant and useful. I tentatively showed them my rough draft and once again there was real interest. It needed a fair bit of work to get it to market. Some tools were unfinished and there were some glaring gaps in certain sections, but with Ros tenacity and orderly mind it quickly came together. In 2009, we published the first edition, and we were delighted when Kogan Page asked us to produce a second. When it came to the third edition we decided it was time to spread our net a little further and invited some of our great coaches to contribute their favourite tools. This resulted in 50 Top Tools for Coaching with 10 New Tools.
And now it is 2017 and time for a fourth edition. Since our original book, Ro has moved to Australia and published several other books, including Group Coaching, and I have been focusing on an area I am incredibly passionate about, womens development. As we examined organizations and saw how critical these issues were, we felt it was time to reflect these important areas in the book and bring you some new and relevant tools.
In the beginning
Coaching has been a passion of mine since the very first time I inadvertently fell into a coaching conversation. At that time, over 20 years ago, coaching was not a particularly hot topic. In those days people didnt fully realize the power and potential that coaching had for getting the best out of people and it was to be a few years before the subject really gained momentum.
My early coaching sessions were probably little more than listening and questioning sessions, and, if Im honest, far more directive than I would ever like to see in a coaching session today. But there was little material around to help to develop coaching skills, and what material there was tended towards the philosophy of coaching rather than its practice. I embraced the basic coaching models enthusiastically; learning not to lead and direct the person I was coaching opened up such a wide field that I decided to step up my search for coaching models.