Copyright 2012 by Evan Osar. All rights reserved. No portion of this book, except for brief review, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher. For information, contact Lotus Publishing or On Target Publications.
First published in 2012 by
Lotus Publishing
Apple Tree Cottage, Inlands Road, Nutbourne, Chichester, PO18 8RJ and
On Target Publications
P O Box 1335
Aptos, California 95001
Illustrations Amanda Williams
Photographs John Eatinger
Text Design Simon Hempsell
Cover Design Paula Morrison
Printed and Bound in the UK by Scotprint
The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition or before engaging in any physical fitness plan.
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978 1 905367 26 9
Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Osar, Evan, 1969-
Corrective exercise solutions to common hip and shoulder dysfunction / Evan Osar.
p. ; cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978 1 905367 26 9
I. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Shoulder Joint--physiopathology. 2. Exercise Therapy--methods. 3. Hip Joint--physiopathology. 4. Joint Diseases--therapy. 5. Movement. WE 810]
Anyone who has undertaken the task of writing a book or performing any activity that takes several intense months of dedicated effort understands the challenges, mental gymnastics, frustrations, and elations that are part of the inevitable journey towards the tasks completion. And they also understand the special individuals behind the scenes, who often remain anonymous yet are instrumental in the successful completion of the task.
First, I would like to thank Jonathan Hutchings and Lotus Publishing for giving me the opportunity and the creative freedom to produce something that I hope will benefit the industry. An author could not ask for an easier individual and publishing company to work with.
A special thanks also goes out to my friend and colleague Laree Draper. I appreciate all the support from her and her husband, Dave.
To the multitudes of mentors and industry giants who have taught, inspired, and motivated me to continue to learn and grow, I am forever grateful. Although too many to mention, several stand out for the particular role they played in my evolution as a movement specialist.
Linda-Joy Lee is one of the kindest and brightest minds in the field of rehabilitation. Her passion for learning, teaching, and sharing her corrective treatment and exercise strategies have helped me understand the importance and intricacies of cuing and kinesthetic awareness in changing an individuals motor control system. My techniques and observation skills have been improved by studying extensively over the years with LJ.
Dr. Pavel Kolar has contributed greatly to our understanding of stabilization, and his techniques and strategies for developing dynamic neuromuscular stabilization are on the cutting edge of rehabilitative and movement re-education. Dr. Kolar, and his assistants Alena Kobesova, MD, PhD, Martina Jezkova, PT, and Zuzana Suzan, PT, are some of the humblest individuals in this field; I would like to thank each of them for their contribution to my knowledge. Dr. Kolars work on dynamic neuromuscular stabilization has been a great influence in the development of the corrective exercise strategies contained in this book.
The late Vladimir Janda has possibly contributed more to our understanding of muscle inhibition, muscle imbalances, and the role of the nervous system in the development of movement patterns than perhaps any other individual. While he is missed, his work will live on in all of us who continue to be the beneficiaries of his contributions.
Shirley Sahrmann is one of the pioneers of utilizing corrective exercise as a means of improving movement patterns. Her work inspired me from the beginning of my career and her influences can be seen throughout this book.
The late Drs. George Goodheart and Alan Beardall completely changed the face of the chiropractic profession with their contributions to understanding muscle inhibition and detection through precision muscle testing. The collective contribution of Dr. Goodhearts Applied Kinesiology and Dr. Beardalls Clinical Kinesiology has forever changed the way clients with muscle inhibition and movement dysfunctions are evaluated and treated.
Robert Lardner and Ed Flaherty are two of the finest physical therapists I have had the pleasure of working with and are equally great individuals. Both men selflessly share their passion and knowledge, and my patients are the beneficiaries of their collective knowledge. I am fortunate to know these men both as professional colleagues and as friends.
To Integrative Movement Specialists Teams I, II and III: each of you has made a decision and dedicated the time and energy to advance your training to better serve your clients. Thank you for letting me be part of your journey. Keep empowering and educating the world to the importance of proper movement. Together, we can change the world.
When it comes to corrective exercise and improving movement patterns, Gray Cook is at the top of the industry. It has been said that genius is the process of making complex topics simple to understand and Gray has a knack for doing just that. Mike Boyle is one of the greatest strength and conditioning coaches in the industry. He continues to learn and grow, which demonstrates his passion and dedication to his craft. He is one of the few individuals within the health and fitness industry who is humble enough to admit when he makes mistakes and does not let his ego get in the way of being open to new ideas. These two men motivate and inspire the fitness industry by selflessly sharing both their wisdom and their experience.
I would like to extend a special note of gratitude to the following individuals:
Models: Steven Schmoldt, ACE-CPT, IMS, and Melissa Posh thank you for your friendship and support on this project.
Facility: Core Fitness Chicago thank you for the use of the facility during the photo shoot.
Finally, a special thank you to my beautiful wife, Jenice. You allow me the space, provide the encouragement, and challenge me to be the best that I can be. I thank you for empowering me everyday to be the change I want to see in the world.
This book is dedicated to all my clients and patients who allow me the privilege and honor to serve them and learn from our experiences together.
This book has not been written to make you agree with the concepts contained within. It has not been written to say that this is the gospel way of doing things. And it most certainly is not written to say that this is the way it will always be. It also is in no way saying that this approach works one hundred percent of the time for one hundred percent of the individuals you will interact with in your profession. This book was written for one and only one purpose: to make you think. If reading this book makes you stop and think, if it raises questions, or if it challenges your thought process, then I have done my job.