Oxford Textbook of
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics
Edited by Christopher Bulstrode, James Wilson-MacDonald, Deborah M. Eastwood, John McMaster, Jeremy Fairbank, Parminder J. Singh, Sandeep Bawa, Panagoitis D. Gikas, Tim Bunker, Grey Giddins, Mark Blyth, and David Stanley
Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery
Edited by William E. G. Thomas, Malcolm W. R. Reed, and Michael G. Wyatt
Oxford Textbook of Vascular Surgery
Edited by Matthew M. Thompson, Robert Fitridge, Jon Boyle, Matt Thompson, Karim Brohi, Robert J. Hinchliffe, Nick Cheshire, A. Ross Naylor, Ian Loftus, and Alun H. Davies
Oxford Textbook of Urological Surgery
Edited by Freddie C. Hamdy and Ian Eardley
Oxford Textbook of Neurological Surgery
Edited by Ramez W. Kirollos, Adel Helmy, Simon Thomson, and Peter J. Hutchinson
Oxford Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Edited by Simon Kay, Daniel Wilks, and David McCombe

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP,
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Oxford University Press 2021
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First Edition published in 2021
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2020945296
ISBN 9780199682874
eISBN 9780192637079
DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199682874.001.0001
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To Rowan, Cyrus, and Jacob, and to my teachers, especially my patients.
To Anna and Emmeline for joining me on the journey and my family, friends, and colleagues for helping me find the way.
To Georgie, Lachie, Finn, and Stella, to my mentors and to those willing to learn.
Series preface
This is a new development in surgical publishing; the first two editions of the Oxford Textbook of Surgery are to be replaced by a series of specialty-specific textbooks in surgery. This change was precipitated by the ever-increasing size of a single textbook of surgery which embraced all specialties (the second edition of the Oxford Textbook of Surgery was three volumes), and a decision to adapt the textbooks to meet the needs of the audience; firstly, to suit the requirements of Higher Surgical trainees and, secondly, to make it available online.
Thus, we have produced a key book to deal with the fundamentals of surgery, such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Evaluation of Evidence, and so forth. Then there are to be separate volumes covering individual specialties, each appearing as an independent textbook and available online via the Oxford University Press Academic Platform.
It is planned that each textbook in each specialty will be independent although there obviously will be an overlap between different specialties and, of course, the core book on fundamentals of surgery will underpin the required scientific knowledge and practice in each of the other specialties.
This ambitious programme will be spread over several years, and the use of the online platform will allow for regular updates of the different textbooks.
Each textbook will include the proposed requirements for training and learning as defined by the specialist committees (SACs) of surgery recognized by the four Colleges of Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland, and will continue to be applicable to a global audience.
This ambitious programme will be spread over several years, and the use of the online platform will allow for regular updates of the different textbooks.
When completed, the Oxford Textbooks in Surgery series will set standards for a long time to come.
Professor Sir Peter J. Morris
Nuffield Professor of Surgery Emeritus, and former
Chairman of the Department of Surgery and Director of the
Oxford Transplant Centre, University of Oxford and
Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals, UK
The word text is derived from the Latin texere meaning to weave, to join, fit together, or braid. This is particularly apt in this case as the editors have attempted with a broad loom to assemble a comprehensive description of Plastic Surgery. As will be described in the following chapters, Plastic Surgery is a specialty that encourages the practitioner to apply its principles and techniques to resolve, repair, and reconstruct across all the domains of the body. Consequently, the breadth of the specialty can be simultaneously inspiring and intimidating to the surgeon, as they may be presented with a diversity of challenges that can be addressed with principle-based decision making but require nuanced knowledge of the issues that relate to the individual problem.
The genesis of this text owes much to its ancestor, the Oxford Textbook of Surgery, edited in 2000 by Sir Peter Morris and William Wood. This comprehensive and authoritative reference was designed to meet the demands of specialists and trainees addressing general surgery and several other specialties. Its evolution into what is now a series of 11 multivolume texts, overseen by Sir Peter, detailing the entirety of surgery is testament to the innovation and dedication that typifies his remarkable career.
Our purpose is to offer the aspiring surgeon a comprehensive guide to Plastic Surgery as well as provide a reference for those who are established in their practice. We have attempted to encompass the curriculum of the Royal College of Surgeons fellowship in Plastic Surgery and have added further chapters where necessary to arm the surgeon with knowledge. We have enlisted a range of authors from around the globe and are grateful for the incisive knowledge and enthusiasm that they have brought to this project.