Environmental Crime and Corruption in Russia
Environmental devastation, a significant consequence of industrial activity in Soviet times, continues to be a major problem in Russia. Specific problems include radioactive pollutants from inadequately monitored nuclear plants; illegal logging and wildlife poaching, which have grown into hugely profitable businesses for criminal gangs; and toxic waste from unsanctioned and poorly controlled metallurgical, petroleum and agricultural chemical industries. This book presents a wide-ranging assessment of the environmental problems faced by Russia, and of the crime and corruption that contribute to them. It concludes, gloomily, that the problems are getting worse and that little is being done to tackle them.
Sally Stoecker is a scholar-in-residence, School of International Studies, American University, Washington, DC, USA. She received her doctorate from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, USA.
Ramziya Shakirova is a research analyst at Independent Project Analysis, Inc. and holds a doctorate in Public Policy from the School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Arlington, VA, USA.
Routledge Transnational Crime and Corruption Series
Published in association with the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center, School of Public Policy, George Mason University, USA
1 Russian Business Power
The role of Russian business in foreign and security relations
Edited by Andreas Wenger,
Jeronim Perovic and Robert W. Orttung
2 Organized Crime and Corruption in Georgia
Edited by Louise Shelley, Erik Scott and Anthony Latta
3 Russias Battle with Crime, Corruption and Terrorism
Edited by Robert W. Orttung and Anthony Latta
4 Human Trafficking and Human Security
Edited by Anna Jonsson
5 Irregular Migration from the Former Soviet Union to the United States
Saltanat Liebert
6 Human Security, Transnational Crime and Human Trafficking
Asian and Western perspectives
Edited by Shiro Okubo and Louise Shelley
7 Labour Migration, Human Trafficking and Multinational Corporations
The commodification of illicit flows
Edited by Ato Quayson and Antonela Arhin
8 Environmental Crime and Corruption in Russia
Federal and regional perspectives
Edited by Sally Stoecker and Ramziya Shakirova
Environmental Crime and Corruption in Russia
Federal and regional perspectives
Edited by Sally Stoecker and Ramziya Shakirova
First published 2014
by Routledge
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2014 selection and editorial material, Sally Stoecker and Ramziya Shakirova; individual chapters, the contributors.
The right of Sally Stoecker and Ramziya Shakirova to be identified as authors of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Environmental crime and corruption in Russia : federal and regional perspectives / edited by Sally Stoecker and Ramziya Shakirova.
pages ; cm. (Routledge transnational crime and corruption series ; 8)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Offenses against the environment Russia (Federation) 2. Environmental protection Corrupt practices Russia (Federation) 3. Environmental law Russia (Federation) Criminal provisions. 4. Corruption Russia (Federation) 5. Russia (Federation) Environmental conditions. I. Stoecker, Sally W., editor. II. Shakirova, Ramziya, editor. III. Series: Routledge transnational crime and corruption series ; 8.
HV6405.R8E58 2013
ISBN: 978-0-415-69870-2 (hbk)
ISBN: 978-1-315-88721-0 (ebk)
Typeset in Times New Roman
by HWA Text and Data Management, London
Dynamics of air pollution emissions from stationary sources, by federal district
Waste discharge to waterways
Morbidity per 1,000 persons
Nuclear weapons cycle
Nuclear fuel cycle
Nuclear fuel cycle for a 1,000 mw light-water reactor
Structure of non-proliferation policies in the Russian Federation
Leading causes of corruption in the timber trade of the Trans-Baikal Territory: opinions of law enforcement officials with more than six years of experience
Most effective measures for combating corruption in the timber trade: opinions of law enforcement and forest officials in the Trans-Baikal Territory
Evidence of environmental impact
Anthropogenic soil contamination
General map of the area studied
Map of the routes taken in conducting research
Depiction of the locations where soil and groundwater were sampled
Satellite image of the area researched
Growth in use of industrial waste with silicon for agricultural purposes (1975 to 2010) and the forecast for 2020
Distribution of Russian metallurgical plants by risk of chemical contamination
Distribution of metallurgical plants by federal district
Distribution of metallurgical plants with a very high risk of chemical contamination
Ratio of cement factories in Russia in terms of possible chemical contamination of the environment
Distribution of cement plants by federal districts
Distribution of cement plants with high and very high levels of possible chemical contamination of the environment by federal district
Morbidity in Tatarstan and Mari El in areas with different levels of EIOPH index, 20052009
Relative risks of disease in relative industrial areas in Tatarstan, 2003 to 2007
Respiratory diseases in the Republic of Mari El and air pollutants from stationary sources, 2005 to 2009
Morbidity levels in Tatarstan as a function of drinking water quality
Relative epidemiological risks of diseases in the Republic of Tatarstan in the districts of Groups 1 and 4 as a function of quality of water consumed
Algorithm for improving the environment in areas with the worst pollution