Table of Contents
- Appendix B: Metric Conversion Guide
The Glycemic Index Diet For Dummies
by Meri Raffetto, RD, LDN The Glycemic Index Diet For Dummies Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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About the Author
Meri Raffetto, RD, LDN is a registered dietitian and recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. With a Bachelor of Science in nutrition and psychology, Meri has extensive experience in nutritional counseling, education, and medical nutrition therapy. She has worked in several specialty clinics, including eating disorders, weight management, heart health, and maternity support. Meri has also worked on a weight loss research study and developed nutrition programs for hospitals and corporate wellness. Meri is a member of the American Dietetic Association and served as the president for the California Tri-County Dietetic Association. She is the owner of Real Living Nutrition Services, providing one of the only interactive online weight-management programs where people can work one on one with a dietitian to get advice, support, and coaching to create sustainable changes. She has discussed weight-loss topics on numerous radio shows and has been quoted in magazines and newspapers around the country.
This book is dedicated to my triplets, Gwen, Grant, and Brianne, for a crazy and wonderful ride during this writing process that I will never forget. I also want to dedicate this book to my husband, Mark, for his patience, encouragement, and incredible support during this time.
Author's Acknowledgments
Being pregnant with triplets during this writing process made for a sometimes crazy and difficult time. The following team of people helped me to finish on time and gave me amazing support more than I could have asked for. You are all such a compassionate group of people, making this a wonderful experience for me. To start, I want to thank Matt Wagner from Fresh Books and assistant editor Erin Calligan Mooney for thinking of me for this project. It was such a thrill to work with you, and your support during this time is greatly appreciated beyond words. Chrissy Guthrie, my project editor, made this such an enjoyable process with such a great and amazing attitude helping me to make everything readable and provide valuable information for readers. It was so great to work with someone who had the same goal in mind as me: helping people reach their weight-loss and health goals in a realistic way so they can achieve long-term results. My heartfelt gratitude for her understanding and help during some tough times, going well beyond her project editor duties. A major thank you to Rachel Nix for also going above and beyond with the technical review of this book. And finally, a million thanks to Lynn Grieger for helping me to pick up the pieces and finish this project with such ease. You are a true professional, writer, and friend.
Publisher's Acknowledgments
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