For a 19 year old Dhaval Bathia packs in quite acerebral punch. A unique blend of talent, insight, hard work andsheer determination. A ROCKER
Education Times, The Times ofIndia
A WHIZ KID. Dhaval Bathia needs just a split secondto recall details of 100 year old calendars, hundreds of phonenumbers and to solve complex arithmetical problems.
Bombay Times, The Times ofIndia
A unique achiever. We wish him all the best for hisfuture projects.
Lohana Shakti
Dhaval Bathia is simply JHAKAAS. His workshops arecommendable.
Maharashtra Times
By using simple word formulae; he manages to solvecomplex arithmetical calculations within seconds.
A young achiever. His seminars receive a tremendousresponse even from the CORPORATE WORLD.
Education World
20-year-old Dhaval Bathia is the king of Vedicmathematics
White-lightning success in Vedic Mathematics
A college student who is a Mathematicsfaculty!..he has coached many MBA students too.
He can recollect all facts of any subject by readingthem just once!
The manner in which the student community haspurchased his book How To Top Exams and Enjoy Studies might wellassure him a career in counseling.
Navbharat Times
After attending his seminars, students have found asharp increase in their confidence level and their performance inexams has also improved
Dhaval Bathias seminar was definitely a high point.He tantalized the crowd with his mathematical prowess.
JAM Magazines
Our country not only produces great talent but alsonurtures it so that it reaches its fullest potential which enablesit to reach the sky. Since times immemorial India has not onlygiven great intellectuals, sportspersons, revolutionaries,socialists but also great artists, painters, scientists to thecountrymen and society in general. Adding another name to thisgreat stardom is such an amazing talent born in the Bathia familyof Maharashtra. Shri Dhaval Bathia has researched on some uniqueand exciting techniques of Vedic Mathematics.
Jazbaat Magazine
This youngster has mastered Mathematics the Vedicway.
The Indian Express
He solves problems on addition, subtraction,multiplication, division, roots and any other such problemsinstantly.
Gujarat Samachar
The book How To Top Exams and Enjoy Studies iswritten in easy language and any student can follow iteffortlessly. It tells you how to make studies enjoyable and at thesame time focus on your goals and objectives.
A Young Achiever. His clientele includes leadingcompanies like BSES, Ramratan Group of companies, Welspun,Challenge Finance etc.
The scientific systems in the book (How to Top Examsand Enjoy Studies) create a paradigm shift from hard work to smartwork. The whole emphasis is laid on the fact that education is aprocess to be enjoyed and cherished.
He is an inspiration to the youth
FM Gold
Dhaval Bathia is a revolution...
Vedic Mathematics MadeEasy
Published by Dhaval Bathia
Copyright by Dhaval Bathia
Appendix A : Multiplication of five digit numbers
Appendix B : Multiplication of AlgebraicIdentities
Appendix C : Zellers Rule (To find the dayon any date)
Appendix D : Pythagorean Values
Appendix E : Divisibility Tests
Appendix F : Raising to fourth and higher powers
Appendix G : Co-ordinate Geometry
Since a very young age, I had a passion for learningmindpower sciences. In my high school years I used to read books onNLP, SILVA, Psycho-cybernetics, Mind-mapping, quick calculations,etc. Most of my time was spent reading books and the remaining timewas spent impressing friends with my mental abilities. I used to do(so-called) strange things like multiplying three-digit numbers inmy mind, memorizing a pack of well shuffled cards, predicting thedays on which dates in the century would fall and so on. Theseactivities were more as a source of entertainment to me thananything else. In my wildest dreams I had never imagined that oneday I would become a faculty on these subjects.
People often ask me how I as a college student landedup in this world of Vedic mathematics and training people in memoryimprovement and study skills. Well, honestly speaking, I am notsure myself exactly when I started these activities because therewas no specific starting point but rather a process thatevolved.
When I finished my tenth standard exams, I had a longvacation before college would begin. With the desire that I dosomething productive in my days of leisure, my father brought somebooks for me on quick calculations. He knew that I was very good atmental mathematics and so probably he thought that I needed topolish my abilities and some good books would help. I read thebooks with keen interest and understood the systems. But as timepassed by, I completely forgot about it.
About a year later, one of our family friends who isthe Principal of a school came to my place. She asked me whether Iwould do a seminar for her standard ten students on quickcalculation and especially Vedic Mathematics. Obviously, my firstreaction was a straight No because I was anxious about addressingan audience. Not that I suffered from stage-fear or anything likethat, but the thought of formally teaching a whole group ofsimilarly aged students was not instantly acceptable. The lady didnot try to convince me any further but only said to me, Thinkagain, you are losing an opportunity.
The next day I called her up with an affirmativeanswer. The seminar was arranged after three days. When I enteredthe auditorium, I was filled with some skepticism and pessimism asamong my audience were students who played cricket with me onweekends and now I had to teach them a subject which they hatedwith all their heart!
But, as it is often said, you never know what destinyhas in store for you.
I vividly remember the two hours of that introductorylecture. As I unfolded the techniques to the audience, I couldactually see that they were bedazzled with its workings. As thelecture progressed, the excitement and enthusiasm increased amongstthe crowd and even their mathematics professors joined them. Theybecame deeply engrossed in the lecture and never realized when thetwo hours had passed by. I received some wonderful feedback fromthe students. They seemed to be all charged up. And believe it ornot, one girl actually came and told me that she lost all her fearfor mathematics after attending my lecture. The professors asked meto come once again. All in all, it was indeed the most memorableexperience of my life.
That same night, when I came home I became absolutelythoughtless for a moment. Then I pondered over the days events andrealized that it was not me who deserved the credit for thewonderful feedback that the students gave but it was the system, itwas Vedic Mathematics!
From the very next day, I became sort-of famous in mycommunity with the word spreading around that a very young boy isteaching magic in mathematics. Since then, phone calls startedcoming from parents, teachers and other schools. I was sooverwhelmed with this wonderful response that I was suddenly filledwith a tremendous sense of gratitude towards Vedic mathematics. Ithought, since this science has given me such a lot of happinessand a feeling of self-fulfillment, it is only fair that I engage inthe cause of making it popular and easily accessible to the generalpublic.
And since then, there has been no looking back.
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