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This is what readers from around the world say about the SPSS Survival Manual:
Whenever a student asks my advice on what textbook to use to help them with SPSS and statistical testing, it is always Julie Pallants text that I pull off the shelf for them. This text is ideal for getting to the point of the test. What students find most useful are the sections providing examples of how to report the results. Personally, I am never without a copy of Pallant on my bookshelf: one at home and one at the office.
Dr Hazel Brown, Senior Lecturer, University of Winchester, UK
One of the greatest advantages with the SPSS Survival Manual is the thought-through structure; it is therefore easy to apply, both for our teacher students writing their master theses and for PhD students and researchers more experienced with statistics.
Karolina Broman, Department of Science and Mathematics Education (NMD), Ume University, Sweden
Julie Pallant is a saint and responsible for the successful graduation of hundreds and hundreds of students, including myself.
Kopitzee Parra-Thornton, PhD, St Joseph Health, US
Best book ever written. My ability to work the maze of statistics and my sanity has been SAVED by this book.
Natasha Davison, Doctorate of Health Psychology, Deakin University, Australia
highly recommended for both beginners and experienced SPSS users an invaluable resource SPSS is a powerful tool for data management and statistical analysis and this user-friendly book makes it very accessible.
Dr Polly Yeung, Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work
I just wanted to say how much I value Julie Pallants SPSS Survival Manual . Its quite the best text on SPSS Ive encountered and I recommend it to anyone whos listening!
Professor Carolyn Hicks, Health Sciences, Birmingham University, UK
not everyone would greet the appearance of a book with the word SPSS in the title with a glad cry [but] my experience with using earlier editions of this book has been very positive Pallants book would be an excellent investment for you.
Felicity Allen, Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia
This book was responsible for an A on our educational research project. This is the perfect book for people who are baffled by statistical analysis, but still have to understand and accomplish it.
Becky, Houston, Texas, US
This most recent edition of Julie Pallants SPSS bible continues to combine a number of essential elements: clear explanations of different use cases for SPSS; guides on interpreting the (often voluminous and poorly labelled) output; and example data files (from real studies) to practice on If I had PhD students, this would be their welcome gift on their first day. Essential.
Dr P.J.A. Wicks, Research Psychologist, London
Having perceived myself as one who was not confident in anything statistical, I worked my way through the book and with each turn of the page gained more and more confidence until I was running off analyses with (almost) glee. I now enjoy using SPSS and this book is the reason for that.
Dr Marina Harvey, Centre for Professional Development, Macquarie University, Australia
I have two copies of Julie Pallants SPSS Survival Manual one for the home office and one for schoolwhich are both well-worn from lending. I never miss a chance to recommend this useful guide to other doctoral students as a 24-hour TA to review syntax, interpretation of output, or presentation of results.
Doctoral student, University of California, Los Angeles, US
This book really lives up to its name I highly recommend this book to any MBA student carrying out a dissertation project, or anyone who needs some basic help with using SPSS and data analysis techniques.
Business student, UK
I wouldnt have survived my senior research project and class without this book! Theres a reason they have a life preserver on the front cover.
Manda ,
I must say how much I value the SPSS Survival Manual . It is so clearly written and helpful. I find myself using it constantly and also ask any students doing a thesis or dissertation to obtain a copy.
Associate Professor Sheri Bauman, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Arizona, US
This book is simple to understand, easy to read and very concise. Those who have a general fear or dislike for statistics or statistics and computers should enjoy reading this book.
Lloyd G. Waller PhD, Jamaica
There are several SPSS manuals published and this one really does do what it says on the tin Whether you are a beginner doing your BSc or struggling with your PhD research (or beyond!), I wholeheartedly recommend this book.
British Journal of Occupational Therapy, UK
I love the SPSS Survival Manual I cant imagine teaching without it. After seeing my copy and hearing me talk about it many of my other colleagues are also utilising it.
Wendy Close PhD, Psychology Department, Wisconsin Lutheran College, US
being an external student so much of the time is spent teaching myself. But this has been made easier with your manual as I have found much of the content very easy to follow. I only wish I had discovered it earlier.
Anthropology student, Australia
This book is a must have introduction to SPSS. Brilliant and highly recommended.
Dr Joe, South Africa
The strength of this book lies in the explanations that accompany the descriptions of tests and I predict great popularity for this text among teachers, lecturers and researchers.
Roger Watson, Journal of Advanced Nursing
I didnt think it was possible for me to love SPSS but with the help of this book I do! The step-by-step guide is everything I need to use this difficult software. I would recommend it to anyone!
Alissa Johnston, Occupational Therapy student
I love this book! I havent touched stats or SPSS in nearly fifteen years. This book told me everything I needed to know to do my job better with clear, concise language. Its like she knew what all my questions were before I asked them! Awesome!
T. James, Australia
Pallants excellent book has all the ingredients to take interested students, including the statistically nave and the algebraically challenged, to a new level of skill and understanding.
Geoffrey N. Molloy, Behaviour Change journal
Open University Press
McGraw-Hill Education
McGraw-Hill House
Shoppenhangers Road
world wide web:
and Two Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121-2289, USA
First published 2001
Second edition published 2004
Third edition published 2007
Fourth edition published 2010
Fifth edition published 2013
First published in this sixth edition 2016
Copyright Julie Pallant, 2016
All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher or a licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited. Details of such licences (for reprographic reproduction) may be obtained from the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd of Saffron House, 610 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS.
A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library 9780335261550
ISBN-13: 978-0-33-526154-3
ISBN-10: 0-33-526154-X
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
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