Foundations of the 21st Century:
The Philosophy of White Nationalism
Frank L. DeSilva Frank L. DeSilva
Foundations of the 21st Century:
The Philosophy of White Nationalism
The Struggle and Ideology of Racial Identityin the 21st Century and beyondCopyright 2006, 2012 Frank L. DeSilva ISBN-10: 1463562217
ISBN-13: 978-1463562212 All rights reserved. ii
To Michael Stanley Norris, a True Son of The South, thanks for yourdedication and stalwart loyalty; and to those who have kept your memoryalive. Sleep well, my Brother.
And to T. Murphy, who kept the memory alive.
To all those who have struggled over long and perilous paths, made crookedby well intentioned trailblazers, and made even more impassible by thepersonal agendas and short-sighted individuals who pass as leaders andpoliticians of our nations institutions; to the former, never give up the Dreamof a place we can call our ownand to the others, nothing.
To those Ideas and Institutions created by an earnest and sincere race of menand women, who dreamed adream, fought hard, and secured anewbeginning for themselves and their Posterity; to a Republic whose children willfear none, and a bright light, once again, may be seen.
Freedom is
more than a state of mind.
Acknowledgmentsi2The Social Contract173Scientific and Spiritual Nationalism504The Voice of our People755Radical Traditionalism1516White Nationalism and the
Internationale1667Tenets of White Nationalism173Index192
Asisalwaysthe case, one isalwaysat alossto accuratelyand comprehensively cover all those individuals, muses, and life-experienceswhich aided in this present work. Moreover, even cursory presentations seemto lessen the overwhelming burden of such support and spiritual inspirationwhich have been my good-fortune to share in this effort.
Many events and circumstances have taken place since the writing of thiswork, which have both added and detracted from its original form; lookingback, it is assumed that it must have taken place to enrich and enlarge the lifemission with which this work was to take shape - one would have wished asimpler and quieter environment by which to try and aid our people in theirpresent distress yet, even as one or the many, it is obvious that trials by fireand ice are what one may expect when evolving into something even greater and this must be the path of all change.
To those who have aided me in so many ways, my heartfelt appreciation anddeepest respects, for without the aid and understanding of those for whomone sacrifices and struggles for, all would be for naught.
To those that I have loved, and to whom is counted as part of this work, thememories, both pleasant and painful are also part of this work, as struggle andevolution are part of the human condition, and therefore must be seen asway-signs to human character and aspirations; to emotive force and epictragedy which, singularly or in tandem, must ever be the stuff of life, thatplasm of essence which does not always produce the best formula for successyet remains in ones heart.
To those who have gone before, both living and dead, who have helped to formulate and extend the essence of ethnic-nationalism which, in turn,provided for the early and embryonic codes which have become whitenationalist philosophy to both the layman and the nation at large. Men likeWilmot Robertson, Richard G. Butler, or Charles Lindbergh, Pres. HerbertHoover (who saw the need for public awareness and a national ethos aboveand beyond fiduciary loyalties); to Pres. Theodore Roosevelt who saw thefuture clearly when he wrote his thoughts on Race, riots and Reds,anticipating a war against western civilization, its traditions and, finally, itsethnic-national character as way-signs of its future destruction.
And finally, to all those who feel as though they are men and women
againsttime, your time is here, now. iii
Authors Prologue
The subject of racial
Identity as a political
tool is both feared, andhoped for.
Ethno-nationalism is a term which, ineluctably, has begun making itsway into the mainstream American political world-view, but with atwist: The primary racial identity of this conversation is that of whiteWestern Stock.
The term, White Nationalist, was first1 uttered in the early part of1983, while being interviewed by a local Newspaper woman insouthern California; the next affirmation of this phrase was on a localaccess television show, Race and Reason, hosted by Thomas Metzgerand David Wiley; the third affirmation of this phrase was in custodyin the Pierce County Jail (84), Wa., interviewed by Doug Foster, forhis documentary, White Terror.
Since that time, of course, quite an evolution in
words and
thoughtshave taken place.
Looking back over the past several decades, the evolutionary growthof this concept has taken many forms, it has been taught and repackaged by sincere and not so sincere individuals; it is claimed astheir own by millions of those of Western stock; it has its supportersand detractors, it has its philosophers and ideologues; it has itspublic figures, its scientific proselytes, and it has its martyrs. In short,the concept of White Nationalism has become all things to all people who seek to protect and serve the larger good that is, their Folk
1 I have diligently researched the term white nationalist, for previous individuals,writers, or public figures before the year 1983 who might have uttered or coined thisphrase I have been unable to verify this phrase in the context of todays usage, as Ifirst used it, in the above year. At this time, although relatively young (about 25 yearsof age), I had established a world-view for myself, which encompassed a variety ofideological aspects which, to me, marked me, indeed, all of us as white men andwomen, to be White Nationalists it seemed logical and common to the sensibilitiesof those who, like myself and my comrades, were in a struggle for the future of ourPeople. With time, these aspects became more marked and self-evident, and will bediscussed at length throughout this work. FLS
iii yet the divisions of
interpretation and
practice are as removed fromthemselves, as it ever seems to be.
The cacophony of voices, some of which see clearly, but have notelling numerical audience, the others, morphing their own worldvision into what they would call white nationalism, are usually thosewho have first access to the media, creators of their own websites, orhavepublishing financingdisagreeing bothpubliclyNationalism means and, more importantly, who or what will lead the next generation into the future.
fortheir individual efforts, arenow
and privatelyonjust
Implicit in this conversation is the development of a whole set ofconstructs, of psychological changes in both individuals and institutions,which make up the political and governmental bodies of the West,and carried to these bodies by a relatively unorganized and, for the most part, unprofessional body of adherents, fighting for scraps leftbythe internecine, andjuvenilewarsofitspractitioners. Thisdevelopment has causual aspects, which cover many areas of humanpsychology: Intra-personal contact, intra-tribal survival mechanisms,and supra-national and intra-national hegemony, which helps to formordestroythese interrelationships. Theseinterrelationships,thesefeelings of national inspiration, are millennial within the frameworkof specie and specie survival; the West, however is, or has become,quite obtuse when faced with this truth.
The White Nationalist, on the other hand, sees clearly through thisfog of deceit, mischaracterization, and blatant lies which ever seek toconfine their aspirations, hopes, dreams and fulfillment as a uniqueand sovereign people.