Stand Up, Take Charge, and Get Your Health Back
One Day at a Time
Janette Hillis-Jaffe
Copyright 2015 by Janette Hillis-Jaffe
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hillis-Jaffe, Janette, 1969
Everyday healing : stand up, take charge, and get your health back one day at a time / by Janette Hillis-Jaffe.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-60163-370-5 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-60163-382-8 (ebook) 1. HealthPopular works. 2. NutritionPsychological aspectsPopular works. 3. Food habitsPsychological aspectsPopular works. 4. Self-care, HealthPopular works. I. Title.
RA776.H58 2015
This book is intended to provide accurate and helpful information. However, readers are strongly encouraged to consult with a healthcare professional before using any of the information contained in this book. Neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering medical advice or services. Accordingly, the publisher and author disclaim any liability, loss, damage, or injury caused by the use or application of the contents of this work. No warranty, express or implied, is delivered by the author or publisher with respect to the contents of this work.
For my mother,
Jane Hillis,
and in memory of my father,
Jim Hillis.
Thank you for everything.
Acknowledgments I would never have been able to write this book if I hadnt first gotten healthy enough to do so. I want to thank the many people who shepherded me on my path to wellness and contributed much of the wisdom shared in this book. I deeply appreciate the dozens of healthcare providers I saw and particularly want to thank Ilana Margalit; Dr. Tracy MacNab; Jill Swyers; Dr. Heidi Fleiss-Lawrence of the Jerusalem Family Wellness Center; Peg Baim and the staff at the Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital; Dr. Alex Bingham and Dr. Glenn Rothfeld at the Rothfeld Center for Integrative Medicine in Waltham, Massachusetts; and Brian and Anna Maria Clement and the entire staff at the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Thank you also to the angels who helped run our house for years when I was too sick to do any of it: Sacha Mackerweicz, Yasmina Kamal, Daniella Mendola, Pramn Sansuwan, and especially Alison Montillo. Much love and gratitude to Ariel, Sabrina, Yaakov, Ness, Yovel, and Menachem Burger for providing a second home to my husband and sons when I needed space to rest during the hardest times. Special love and thanks go to my teacher Jaye and listening partners Mark, Sasha, and Ilana. Their consistent caring and support when I could barely leave the house for years helped make everything possible.
It is still a miracle to me that this book is written and out in the world. I am grateful to so many people for making it a reality. I want to thank my agent, John Willet from Literary Services, Inc., a gem of a man who believed in this project, gave it its title and format, and searched tirelessly for a publisher. A heartfelt thank you goes to Michael Pye and everybody at New Page Books for taking a chance on a new author. Beth Liebermans brilliant editing gave the book shape and order. Rich Klin fine-tuned the final product. Authors coach Ann McIndoo helped me give the book its first form. I could not have written it or gotten it published without the encouragement and wisdom of Steve Harrison and the whole gang at Bradley Associates and the Quantum Leap program.
A special thanks goes to my friend and author Marilyn Paul, who said I should write a book in the first place and gave me constant encouragement and advice. The time and talents of Mary-Liz Murray, Alexis Lefort, and Sandy Spector have all been critical in developing and sharing my ideas. Tovah Lazaroffs assistance in gathering and writing healing stories was an enormous help. I deeply appreciate my friends and family who provided valuable feedback on early teleseminars and book drafts: Ronit Ziv-Kreger, David Ziv-Kreger, Ziesl Maayan, Michal Oshman, Ariel Burger, Ellen Krause-Grosman, Kevin Wrathall, Donna Trader, Beth Jaffe, Djana Paper, Ilana Margalit, Sara Levine, Jennifer Weinstock, Ketriellah Goldfeder, Tsila Stone, Malka Sima Pais, Nancy Norton, Abigail Rose, Nina Englander, Andrew Dovid Shiller, and Stephanie Anderson. I am constantly inspired by my coaching clients for their strength, intelligence, and perseverance; and am grateful to each of them for sharing their wisdom and stories with me.
The stories in this book are culled from conversations with dozens of patients and providers over several years. I am indebted to them for their time and knowledge. I particularly want to thank the people who gave their time to be interviewed specifically for this book: Ziesl Maayan, Marilyn Paul, Dan Neuffer, Debbie Wolfe, Pattie Hulquist, Simon Pimenta, and Christina Hardy.
I could not have gotten healthy nor written this book without my amazing family. My mother, Jane Hillis, and my parents-in-law, Liz and Alan Jaffe, provided love and support in countless ways that made both healing and writing possible. The love, encouragement, and wisdom I received from Jamie Hillis, Jon Hillis, Donna Trader, Rich Jaffe, Kerri Jaffe, Bob Jaffe, and Beth Jaffe inspired me and kept me going through the rough times. I want to thank my amazing sons, Tani and Binyamin Hillis-Jaffe for being consistent sources of both comic relief and patience, when I was sick and when I was writing. There arent enough words to describe how thankful I am for my husband, David. His wisdom and generous, loving support are the foundations that made both my healing and this book possible. I am grateful every day that I get to share my life with him.
Lastly, I once heard a gospel singer answer the question of how she developed her voice by saying, All glory goes to God. I couldnt agree more. I thank the Divine for the lessons I learned in my search for wellness and for any success I had in transmitting them through this book.
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