-W. Edwards Deming
As far as I can tell, the book on your screen or holding inyour hands is the first of its kind. While there are many voices that opposefeminism, there are few books that criticize feminism at the level it deserves.To my knowledge, feminism has never been called to account for the damage itsideology continues to cause to families, communities, and Western society. Norhas any book, before this one, ever described in brutal detail how itdiscriminates against men and harms women.
While I wrote with sarcasm and irreverence, it was solely tosoften the harsh realities contained herein. This book is a sobering true storyof tragedy, suicide, and murder directly caused by feminism. It not onlychronicles true stories that show feminism's discrimination against men, it'sbacked by peer-reviewed research. Additionally, it includes investigativejournalism that proves feminism was never about equality. The reality is thatfeminism doesn't just victimize men. It also victimizes women, children,families, and communities.
There were many times while researching and writing thisbook I had to step away and hold back tears. Don't be surprised if youexperience something similar.
While each chapter can be read independently, reading thebook from start to finish will give far greater insight. Whether you're acompletely ignorant " normie " or ared-pilled veteran, the knowledge contained herein will better prepare andeducate you about the dangers of feminism.
When you're finished reading this book and you enjoyed it orlearned something from it, I'd be honored if you'd told others about it throughsocial media, face-to-face interactions, or by writing a review online. As afirst-time self-published author, the hardest part of the process is lettingthe world know a book like this exists. Thank you for your purchase.
Before we can have a credible discussionabout feminist lies and hypocrisies, we should first briefly discuss the rolepropaganda plays in spreading ideology, whether it's the ideology of feminism,white supremacy, or any other movement.
What's propaganda? For purposesof this book, I'm using the following definitions:
The Merriam-Webster dictionarydefines propaganda as,
"...the spreading of ideas,information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, acause, or a person...ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately tofurther one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public actionhaving such an effect."
The Oxford online dictionarydefines propaganda as,
"Information, especially of abiased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point ofview."
Throughout history, there's neverbeen a political issue discussed in the public square that's been free frompropaganda. Technically speaking, this book is a form of propaganda, based onthe above definitions. I'm using this book to spread the facts and debunk thelies about feminist ideology while providing commentary to educate and empowerthose who oppose the misguided hypocrisy feminist ideology advocates.
With that said, no conversationon feminism can be complete without consideration of the role gynocentrismplays within feminist ideology. Merriam-Webster concisely defines gynocentrismas,
"dominated by or emphasizingfeminine interests or a feminine point of view."
The Urban Dictionary furtherdefines gynocentrism and provides an example of its usage within the definitionitself,
"Always putting the woman firsteven if it is to the detriment of others. Often results in female supremacy.
Man 1 - You should always pay yourwoman's bills.
Man 2 - But aren't men and women equal?Shouldn't she pay her own bills?
Man 1 - Oh, yes, that was stupid of me.The gynocentrism in our culture prevents me from thinking logically at times. Iapologize."
Finally, we need to defineMisandry. Misandry plays an integral role in feminism and feminist ideologycannot survive without it. Merriam-Webster defines it simply as,
"A hatred of men."
With these definitions out of theway, we're now ready to delve into the rabbit hole of hate created by feminism.
At its most basic level, feminismbegan as a rebellion against marriage and family values. Early feministsbelieved that once married, a woman's identity disappeared. To gain sympathy,many early feminists reframed the institution of marriage as a form of slavery.To support their view, they pointed out that women didn't have many of therights society given to men. While on the surface this appears to be acompletely legitimate complaint. Upon closer inspection, it completely fallsapart.
While these early feminists werecorrect in their observation that women didn't have the rights given to men,they completely ignored the other side of the coin. Women also didn't bear anyof the responsibilities that their male counterparts held. Feminists ignoredsomething men have known for thousands of years. Rights are earned based onresponsibilities. Simply put, the more responsibility a person accepts, themore rights they're able to earn.
Women weren't required to defendtheir lands in times of war. Women weren't required to work. They could rely ontheir husbands for 100% of their financial support. Women weren't required todo anything, other than birth and raise children and keep their family homes inorder. Outside of this, their husbands took responsibility for everything else.