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Published by AuthorHouse 04/21/2016
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- Jade: My youngest sister which is 10 years old, she really likes to annoy other people but is really kind-hearted.
- Beth: My eldest sister who is 18 years old, she likes to be bossy as usual.
- Zedd: My cousin, the daughter of my dad's brother, she likes to give orders to her sisters and is 16 years old.
- Helen: Zedd's eldest sister which is 19 years old.
- John: which is also known as Jay, he is the son of my dad's sister who lives outside the country.
- Linda: My dad's cousin but is 14 years old, she lives in Qatar.
- Mathew: Linda's youngest brother, 12 years old.
- Harry, Charlie, Chris: Three brothers which are the children of my dad's cousin.
- Angelina and Victoria: the sisters of harry, Charlie and Chris, they are diamonds.
- Daniel: My handsome friend that I love everything in him he is two years younger than me, I really admire him and he is a guy that I can really count on.
- Jake: My sweet friend that never makes me sad he is in the same age of Daniel, very talkative to but he makes me smile.
- Mike: My amazing friend that I used to get annoyed from but he is warm-hearted.
- Brooke: My crazy sister that my mum didn't brought, I love this girl like a maniac and I would do anyone just to see her happy.
- William: My friend that my parents and I love and he is the kindest person I have ever seen.
- Drake: My friend that I can't live without, not anyone can understand him, but I do.
- Zack: My friend who.... I don't know what to say about him but he helped me in my life.
- Kate: My best friend that stood beside me through my ups and downs, I really love her.
- Joseph: I don't really know him but he is my friend and always wants to act cool.
- Samantha: My friend since 9 years, I really don't know what I would do without her. She is my other half.
- Becky: My Pakistani friend that is damn beautiful and is very generous.
- Manny: My classmate that really used to irritate me.
- Lloyd: My classmate that I never understood him.
- Julie and Julia: Egyptian twins that were my bus mates and my classmates, I LOVE them into pieces.
- Bella: My dad's cousin that really used to love me.
- George Michael: My hero, heart, soul, everything, My DAD.
I want to start with to thank my parents for the encouragement, love and support that they gave me towards writing my story and in publishing it and even my best friend Fatima Kamaluddin for being by my side through writing and helping me. All of my family and friends were a part of encouragement and a part of my story and I thank my publishing company Author House for the great opportunity in enabling me to publish my book and helping me through everything that I need in making my book a success.
Bullying can leave a huge impact in someone's life, it may sound that it's not much of a big deal but being able to experience that every day of your life is what I have written at the beginning of the story, maybe from this chapter you will be able to see how bullying a person can really hurt them and affect them physically and emotionally. At first my intention wasn't to write a book it was just journals but then I combined them and made them a book! As you start a new chapter new interesting things come up and you will won't stop reading.
As every moment passes and something happens in my life, I run off to the computer and type it down, every single thing that has happened to me since the age of 6 till now, every interesting part of my life. Why did I type the story of my life? It is because writing helps me to forget every bad thing that has happened to me and writing is truly my passion, whenever I'm down or upset, writing is my cure. The characters are all true but has different names, everything is true in this book except for some paragraphs that I have added, I made it more catchy and it is what I wished would really happen. The reason that I published my book wasn't for fame, the reason was to achieve something great in my life, it was my dream to publish a book. Faith, hope and patience; these are the three things that made stronger and accept life as i t is.
My Life as the Bullied Girl
I 'm always the girl who gets hurt emotionally every year of the school, I'm not sure if it's from me or from the fake friends that I choose, this intimidation started while I was in grade2, I know I was young, but it was a stupid thing, there was this girl named Anne; everyone used to hate her in class because she used to pee in her pants. I don't hate her; she's my classmate and I don't Hate people.
One day, Anne came to me and told me, "Do you hate me?"
"No, of course I don't", I answered smiling.
My friends were ahead of us and heard me telling her that I don't hate her, they got pissed off, so they dragged me to the corner and started thrashing me so critically, one of the girls ran to the principle and told him that I hate them and offended their feelings, the principle spoke to me and I wasn't even attentive, because it was all falsehoods. I just said ok and rushed back to class, from that day onwards they started bullying me and hating me and kept on throwing ruthless hurtful words on me, that really hurts my feelings and I started to dislike them for doing that, I never thought that my own friends would do that to me, I thought they will be there for me, but unfortunately not, I still dislike them for what they have done to me. Consequently this maltreatment continued to the end of the year, my mum thought of changing my school for some cause, I couldn't say no to her and plus it was better for me to get fresh friends and start a new page in a new school, I really wished that my new school would be better.
Here starts the first day of grade 3, as usual my mum walked me to class on the first day and I took a seat in class gently while everyone remained staring at me like an alien just approached to class. They kept on questioning what my name is, but I kept on staring at them. I'm the shyest person in the family, I'm not social. So, this delightful girl Jane came up and started a conversation with me. I felt relaxed with her and started to chitchat with her we kept on playing paper games and she introduced me to her best friend Annabel; she's a nice kid too. I liked them a lot, by time they became my best friends and she showed me the school and where to go during recess and stuff. Well, grade 3 went on normally, at grade 6, here started the bullying all over again. I don't get it why do I always get bullied, there was this problem occurred in class and the coordinator kept on asking us what happened, every man jack lied and I was truthful about what happened. So, one day one of my friends Dana got furious because I said the truth so she said for the whole class not the talk to me. I regretted that I said the truth...but it's too late right now, the bullying of this year has already started.
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