5Steps To Retire In 5 Years
By: JasonFieber
Copyright 2018 byJason Fieber
All rights reserved.
This book,including any parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any formwithout express permission from the author.
I am nota licensed investment advisor. I am not an investment professional. Iam also not a tax professional. This book should be read foreducational and/or entertainment purposes only. I am not liable forany losses suffered by any parties. Unless your investments are FDICinsured, they may decline in value. Please consult with an investmentprofessional and/or tax professional before investing any of yourmoney. Any transactions I publish are not recommendations to buy orsell any securities.
Byreading this book you are releasing me from any liability due to anyand all loss you may incur, financial or otherwise. You are alsoreleasing me from any liability as it relates to any injury ordamage, financial or otherwise.
Ioffer no warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy of anyinformation herein. Keep in mind that stock prices change daily andcan fluctuate wildly. As such, the information you read in this bookmay be inaccurate by the time it's published.
Icannot and will not guarantee that you will be able to retire in fiveyears by following these same steps. I'm simply offering high-levelideas that may or may not improve your finances.
AboutThe Author
I'mthe founder and publisher of Mr. Free At 33. I'm the founder ofDividend Mantra. I've been writing about personal finance, stocks,dividend growth investing, and achieving financial independence since2011. I've written well over 1,000 articles, as well as a bestselling book:The Dividend Mantra Way. I went from below brokeat 27 years old to achieving financial independence at 33 years oldby living below my means and intelligently investing my excesscapital. I then relocated to Thailand after quitting my job andachieving financial freedom to take advantage of geographic arbitrageand live out my early retirement dream life at just 35 years old.
Iwrite to inspire others to reach for their financial and earlyretirement dreams.
Mystory and/or writing has been featured across national media,including Today, USA Today, Business Insider, andYahoo! Finance.
If you want to retire extremely early in life, or get toretirement very quickly from where you're now at, this is yourfive-step guide.
You see that guy on the cover?
That's me. A young, happy, healthy, and wealthy guy.
I'm jumping for joy, at a beach in Koh Samui, Thailand.
That image perfectly encapsulates what it feels like to befinancially independent and retired at a very young age. I'd knowbecause I was able to retire in my early 30s.
My arms are outstretched and my hands are fully open, clearlyshowing my five fingers on each hand.
You can count on one hand how many years it could take you toretire, and you could count on the other hand just how many steps itcould take to get there.
Many Americans will spend decades of their lives at their jobs,only to find that they're financially unable to retire and spendtheir "golden years" however they wish.
This is, in my view, not due to lack of opportunity or money. It'sdue to lack of planning. There's no foresight, discipline, or action.
The guide you're reading aims to change that.
But there's more than planning and action here.
I'm going to show you how you can cram an entire lifetime ofworking into just five short years of your life, greatly extendingthose "golden years" into... well... almost all of youryears.
Why spend decades working and just a few short years actuallyliving?
Why not instead spend just a few short years working anddecades actually living?
Old age means your physical and mental faculties have almostsurely deteriorated relative to where they were when you're young.
That's not a time to finally start living.
Living on your terms, by your rules, should be done when you'reyoung and healthy enough to enjoy the full spectrum of all that lifehas to offer.
Let's retire at 72 years old and enjoy shuffleboard. Yay!
Or not.
You shouldn't value a year in your 30s in the same way you value ayear in your 60s or 70s.
Time when you're young is worth much, much more. And you should beusing that time however you wish.
It's precisely when we're at our physical and mental peak that wehave the least amount of time to enjoy and make use of that.
They say youth is wasted on the young. Well, I say that's becausethe youth are all too busy at jobs to enjoy their youth.
The traditional idea of "retirement" is done. It's over.
This guide is an all-out assault on that notion.
While mainstream media pumps out headlines about how Americanswill have to work until they're dead, I'm going in the completeopposite direction: I believe that retirement isn't only possible,but I'm going to share how it's possible with just a few years ofvision, dedication, discipline, and hard work.
Not only that, but I believe it's possible for almost anyone.
However, this guide isn't going to discuss spending less on yourdaily latte. And I won't be sharing tips on how to best negotiatewith your local cable company on how to lower your bill.
No, this guide is going to propose a radical shift inyour thinking and lifestyle.
If you want extraordinary output, you need extraordinary input.
Cramming a whole lifetime of working and earning money into just afew short years calls for nothing less than extraordinary effort.
But the end result is also extraordinary. It's very much worththat effort.
And so I'll be sharing with you five high-level steps that Ibelieve can and will lead to a fantastic financial situation in avery short period of time, allowing one to quit their job, pursuetheir passions, and live life on their terms.
These five steps are holistic and complementary, each one a vitalpiece to an overarching road map to financial independence and thewonderful lifestyle that confers.
If you want a house, two cars, 2.2 children, a whitepicket fence, and an annual vacation at a fancy resort, this guide isnot for you.
But if you want to become financially independent and retire at avery young age, you should definitely pay attention.
First, I want to give you a little background on yours truly.
After all, if I'm writing this five-step guide on how to retirevery quickly, I must have done so myself. Otherwise, my advice isn'tworth much.
I was broke and unemployed after being let go from my automotivejob during the depths of the financial crisis, in early 2009. I was a27-year-old college dropout who suddenly found himself without apaycheck.
I'm not an unintelligent person, yet I realized that I really hadno control over my money, life, or time. An employer controlledeverything. They dangled this paycheck in front of me, forcing me toshow up and do a dance for most of my waking hours. And when theydecided they didn't need me any longer, they cast me out.
I thought to myself, "I'm smarter than this. I'm better thanthis."
Determined to turn around my life, I educated myself on all thingsmoney.
What I learned was, if you don't control your money, you don'tcontrol your life. If you don't think about money, money won't thinkabout you.
Well, I wanted to control my life.
More specifically, I wanted to control my time.
While a lot of people go out and spend money to own all kinds ofthings, they don't ever think about spending money to own the mostimportant asset of all: time. It's crazy, in my view, to own a lot ofstuff, yet not own your own time.
And so I embarked on a multi-year journey to personal salvation,financial independence, and early retirement.
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