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systems 6e
Paige Baltzan
Daniels College of Business
University of Denver
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systems 6e
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Instructors: Student Success Starts with You
Tools to enhance your unique voice
Want to build your own course? No problem. Prefer to use our turnkey, prebuilt course? Easy. Want to make changes throughout the semester? Sure. And youll save time with Connects auto-grading too.
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Study made personal
Incorporate adaptive study resources like SmartBook 2.0 into your course and help your students be better prepared in less time. Learn more about the powerful personalized learning experience available in SmartBook 2.0 at
Affordable solutions, added value
Make technology work for you with LMS integration for single sign-on access, mobile access to the digital textbook, and reports to quickly show you how each of your students is doing. And with our Inclusive Access program you can provide all these tools at a discount to your students. Ask your McGraw Hill representative for more information.
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Solutions for your challenges
A product isnt a solution. Real solutions are affordable, reliable, and come with training and ongoing support when you need it and how you want it. Visit for videos and resources both you and your students can use throughout the semester.
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Students: Get Learning that Fits You
Effective tools for efficient studying
Connect is designed to make you more productive with simple, flexible, intuitive tools that maximize your study time and meet your individual learning needs. Get learning that works for you with Connect.
Study anytime, anywhere
Download the free ReadAnywhere app and access your online eBook or SmartBook 2.0 assignments when its convenient, even if youre offline. And since the app automatically syncs with your eBook and SmartBook 2.0 assignments in Connect, all of your work is available every time you open it. Find out more at
I really liked this appit made it easy to study when you don't have your textbook in front of you.
- Jordan Cunningham, Eastern Washington University
Calendar: owattaphotos/Getty Images
Everything you need in one place
Your Connect course has everything you needwhether reading on your digital eBook or completing assignments for class, Connect makes it easy to get your work done.
Learning for everyone
McGraw Hill works directly with Accessibility Services Departments and faculty to meet the learning needs of all students. Please contact your Accessibility Services Office and ask them to email for more information.
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coming up
M ost companies today rely heavily on the use of management information systems (MIS) to run various aspects of their businesses. Whether they need to order and ship goods, interact with customers, or conduct other business functions, management information systems are often the underlying infrastructure performing the activities. Management information systems allow companies to remain competitive in todays fast-paced world and especially when conducting business on the Internet. Organizations must adapt to technological advances and innovations to keep pace with todays rapidly changing environment. Their competitors certainly will!