Table of Contents
List of tables
- Tables in Chapter 1
- Tables in Chapter 2
- Tables in Chapter 3
- Tables in Chapter 5
- Tables in Chapter 6
- Tables in Chapter 7
- Tables in Chapter 9
List of illustrations
- Figures in Chapter 2
- Figures in Chapter 3
- Figures in Chapter 4
- Figures in Chapter 5
- Figures in Chapter 6
- Figures in Chapter 7
- Figures in Chapter 9
Table of Contents
Industrial Water Treatment Process Technology
Parimal Pal
Professor and Formerly Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India
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ISBN: 978-0-12-810391-3
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Publisher: Joe Hayton
Acquisition Editor: Ken McCombs
Editorial Project Manager: Peter Jardim
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Dedicated to the memory of my grandfather Rampada Pal of Barabelun, the great philanthropist and educationist.
Parimal Pal
As in the past century, today water treatment continues to be one of the top 20 research areas in terms its importance and impact on human society. Considering the limited availability of fresh water for human consumption amidst the worlds growing population and increasing levels of water pollution, maintaining a sustainable supply of fresh, safe water remains a challenge for both the scientific community and policy planners. Over the years, several books on water resources and water treatment have been published, the majority of which are from a civil engineering point of view with a focus on traditional design, construction, supply, and distribution. These texts have limited information on recent developments in water treatment, particularly those based on membrane-separation principles. Industry-specific treatment technologies have also been largely overlooked. Moreover, water-treatment issues are rarely covered comprehensively in currently available texts. This book fills those gaps and covers up-to-date developments in all major water-treatment methods, water-treatment issues such as temporal and spatial variations of availability of water, water pollution, and the latest available technologies for possible abatement. This text also addresses sustainable water-treatment technology and how to evolve a sustainable management scheme along with basic principles of separationpurification and their use in a successful treatment technology. Finally this resource guides readers on how to choose the appropriate technology for not only treatment with an end-of-discharge pipe approach but also preventive approaches including innovative schemes that comply with regulations and ethics. The aim of this text is to serve as a resource for planning, developing, commissioning, operating, and maintaining a sustainable, modern, efficient water-treatment plant.
This book also emphasizes membrane-based hybrid treatment technologies from separation principles for design, construction, economic viability, and hence sustainability in an attempt to increase confidence in nonconventional design and commissioning of next-generation water-treatment plants.
This book will help readers select the best scheme and set up and successfully operate an efficient and modern water-treatment plant based on geopolitical and socioeconomic conditions. Students at the undergraduate and research levels will find this book useful as will water engineers, membrane suppliers, government policymakers, public health engineers, and those responsible for providing safe potable water to people and protecting surface water from hazardous industrial discharge.
January 1, 2017
Parimal Pal
At the outset, I thank Kenneth P. McCombs and Peter Jardim of Elsevier Science for kind support, practical suggestions, and guidance throughout the course of writing this book. They made it really easy and comfortable for me while still keeping me engaged in writing. The tireless and sincere efforts of Kiruthika Govindraju and other editorial staff members of Elsevier Science eventually culminated into the final shape of the book.
The roles my doctoral and postdoctoral scholars, especially Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Sankha Chakrabortty, and Jayato Nayak, played in water-related investigations based on my ideas in our Environment and Membrane Technology laboratory, the findings of which have been included in this book in many cases, were very much appreciated. Special thanks to Jayato for many illustrations. I am thankful to Dr. Jayabrata Pal and Dr. Piyush Roy for ideas on waterborne-health-related issues of water quality. Thanks to Prof. Mousumi Roy for her ideas on water resource-management issues. Special thanks to Madhubonti Pal for contributing the chapter on nanotechnology-based water treatment. Thanks are also due to all authors and their publishers for kind permission for use of quite a few illustrations.