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Zappy Wheels - The Complete Guide To Electric Bikes: Everything You Should Know Before and After Buying Your Electric Bike

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Zappy Wheels The Complete Guide To Electric Bikes: Everything You Should Know Before and After Buying Your Electric Bike
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    The Complete Guide To Electric Bikes: Everything You Should Know Before and After Buying Your Electric Bike
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The Complete Guide To Electric Bikes: Everything You Should Know Before and After Buying Your Electric Bike: summary, description and annotation

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Electric Bikes are Becoming The New Way of Transportation in America

So what exactly is an electric bike? Most people have never heard of them, but you can probably guess what it is and you have definitely seen one before, you just may not have known it. Thats because unless youre specifically on the lookout for one, you wont be able to tell the difference between a normal bike and an electric bike. An electric bike is just a regular bike with an electric motor attached to it and a battery that supplies the motor with electricity.

This electric, pollution-free power is what makes them so special. All you have to do is twist the throttle on the handle like its a motorcycle and the bike takes off on its own.

The big takeaway here is the amazing possibilities that electric bikes present to us. Millions of people drive around in cars just to go a few miles to work, school, the store or a friends house when you could have done yourself and your planet a huge favor. Were not just saying this for the environments sake. You would save a lot of money if you were to abandon your car and go with an electric bike. Seriously, a lot of money.

Here is what you'll learn in this book:

- The positive impact electric bikes have on the environment
- Why buy an electric bike?
- Who is Zappy Wheels?
- Buyer's Guide: How to choose the best electric bike for you
- The different styles of electric bike
- The different kinds of electric motor and batteries
- How to keep your electric bike in top condition
- And much more...

If you're curious to know a little more about electric bikes, please scroll up and download our e-book!

Zappy Wheels: author's other books

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The Complete Guide to Electric Bikes

Everything You Should Know Before and After Buying Your Electric Bike

By: Zappy Wheels

Copyright 2017 - All rights reserved.

The contents of this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted without direct written permission from the author.

Under no circumstances will any legal responsibility or blame be held against the publisher for any reparation, damages, or monetary loss due to the information herein, either directly or indirectly.

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This book is copyright protected. This is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part or the content within this book without the consent of the author.

Disclaimer Notice:

Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable complete information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content of this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances are is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a result of the use of information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

Table of Contents
A bout Zappy Wheels Zappy Wheels is a purely online retailer of electric bikes - photo 1

A bout Zappy Wheels

Zappy Wheels is a purely online retailer of electric bikes for more than 15 of the best electric bike brands in the world.

If are searching for a high quality electric bike for the best price, you have come to the right place. We confidently believe we provide more value to our customers than any other online electric bike retailer. Here is what we offer:

  • We sell all of our electric bikes at the manufacturer's minimum. That means that literally no one sells e-bikes cheaper than us.
  • Coupon codes all year round.
  • Free shipping to anywhere in the Mainland United States.
  • We donate $10 for every electric bike that we sell.
  • A free gift that includes a bike lock and Zappy Wheels water bottle.
  • Super responsive & helpful customer service.

We hope to get people to switch from using gas-emitting cars, buses, and motorcycles and over to environmentally friendly and cheaper forms of electric transportation. We believe electric bikes are changing the concept of travel by providing a clean, efficient and exciting new mode of transportation that is affordable to all.

Our focus is always to put our customers and products first. We stand behind our product 100% and make sure that all of our electric bikes are user-friendly and easy to service. With rising energy costs and growing environmental awareness, electric bikes have come to prove that they are the perfect solution. Our mission is to use modern technology to improve our lives and put smiles on our faces, by empowering you to conserve money and energy simultaneously, while reducing society's carbon footprint.

That is why we have teamed up with the Carbonfund.org Foundation so that for every electric bicycle that is bought at zappywheels.com, $10 is donated to help their cause.

Carbonfundorgs mission is to end the threat that climate change and global - photo 2

Carbonfund.org's mission is to end the threat that climate change and global warming poses on our earth. They fund renewable energy, energy efficiency, and reforestation projects around the world that reduce carbon dioxide emissions. These projects generate certifiable carbon offsets that will provide us with clean energy and better the environment for centuries to come.


I want to thank you for choosing and reading this book, The Complete Guide to Electric Bikes: Everything You Should Know Before and After Buying Your Electric Bike and sincerely hope you find it useful.

Electric bikes, as you may not be aware of, are not a new concept. Theyve been around for quite a while. In fact, the first one was prototyped as early as the last decade of the 19th century, but it didnt appeal to the masses back then. But once they were reintroduced in the 1990s, they became popular very quickly, especially in China. In the US and the UK, theyve only started to become popular recently.

With the active and busy lifestyles of people all around the world, due to rapid globalization and urbanization, its become difficult to ride traditional bicycles much. But e-bikes are a different matter. They provide the joy of riding as well as the power to take you almost anywhere. Theyre also zippier and more maneuverable, so its no surprise that people have started to buy them a lot more now.

Electric bikes in this day and age are elegant, powerful and very viable. So if youre thinking about getting one for yourself, think no further. This guide will help you iron out all the details and plans, and then you can go on and pick the best e-bike for yourself.

Electric Bike Basics

I n this chapter, I will talk about some fundamental things about e-bikes and how they can make your life better.

Introduction to Electric Bikes

E lectric bikes go by various names. You may also have heard them being addressed as e-bikes, pedelecs or electric-assist bikes. Because it is short and easy, we will mostly go with e-bike in this book. An e-bike is basically just an ordinary bicycle, which has been equipped with a battery and motor for easier riding and pedaling. With e-bikes, it becomes much easier to cycle uphill and on difficult pathways. All e-bikes are motor operated and most of them do not need to be pedaled while in some others, the electric motor is used to assist you in pedaling to limit the power consumption.

Electric Bike Laws in the U.S.

As of early 2017, the electric bike law states that any e-bike is street legal if it has a top speed of 20 MPH or less using just the throttle, it has a 750W motor or less, and it has a pedal assisted top speed of 28 MPH or less. If an electric bike falls within these criteria, that means it will be treated as a normal bike and it is allowed to be used on any and all bicycle paths. 95% of the electric bikes at Zappy Wheels meet these standards, but there is still a small handful of bikes with 1000W motors or a top throttle only speed of 25 MPH. This should NOT scare you away from buying them! They are still allowed to be ridden off-road, which is typically what a larger motor e-bike would be used for, such as the QuietKat FatKat 1000W Fat Tire Hunting Electric Bike. There is nothing to worry about, as long as youre not doing donuts with your 1000W bike right in front of cops on a busy road.

But Why Buy an Electric Bike?

T he questions that usually arise about e-bikes are "Why are they needed?" and "Why not just go for regular bikes? The answers to these questions are quite simple. E-bikes render the rider more advantages than a standard bike, be it in the aspect of speed, ease, convenience, stamina or fun or simple pleasure. There is also the matter of incapability of some people to ride regular bikes; it may be because of their physical unfitness, knee pain when riding a bike, bumpy and hilly pathways, unfavorable weather and wind conditions or lack of stamina. These obstacles can be overcome by making the choice of an e-bike. The riders only need to pedal as much as they want to and the rest is handled by the bike itself. E-bikes are faster and safe, so they take less time to reach your destination without leaving you gasping for breath, as is the case with standard bikes.

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