Future editions: Paperback ISBN 978-1-4644-0123-7 ePUB ISBN 978-1-4645-1030-4 PDF ISBN 978-1-4646-1030-1
It is the Mission of the American Canine Association ( ACA) to provide registered dog owners with the educational support needed for raising, training, showing, and breeding the healthiest pets expected by responsible pet owners throughout the world. Through our activities and services, we encourage and support the dog world in order to promote best-known husbandry standards as well as to ensure that the voice and needs of our customers are quickly and properly addressed.
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Our continued support, commitment, and direction are guided by our customers, including veterinary, legal, and legislative advisors. ACA aims to provide the most efficient, cooperative, and courteous service to our customers and strives to set the standard for education and problem solving for all who depend on our services.
For more information, please visit www. acacanines. com, e-mail customerservice@acadogs. com, phone 1-800-651-8332, or write to the American Canine Association at PO Box 121107, Clermont, FL 34712.
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Photo Credits: Angelika Fischer/Photos. com, p. ( hamburger) ; Annette Shaff/Photos. com, p. ( collar) ; Image Source/Photolibrary, p. 8; iStockphoto. com/Willie B. Thomas, p. 18; jclegg/Photos. com, p. ( leash and rope) ; Jeff Greenberg/Alamy, p. 21; Myrleen Pearson/PhotoEdit Inc. , pp. 5, 9; Shutterstock. com, pp. 1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, ( beagle, bed, brush, bowls) , 14, 17, 22,
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Copyright 2012 by Enslow Publishers, Inc.
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Cover Photo: Shutterstock. com ( beagle puppy) .
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bozzo, Linda. I like beagles! / Linda Bozzo. p. cm. ( Discover dogs with the american canine association) Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary: Early readers will learn how to care for a beagle, including breed-specific traits and needs Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-0-7660-3846-2 Beagle ( Dog breed) Juvenile literature. I. Title. SF429. B3B69 2012 7537 dc22 2011010473