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Surviving the Holidays For Dummies
Published by
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J ust the thought of the holidays can be overwhelming: the decorating, the shopping, the entertaining, the extra commitments (not to mention the sleep deprivation). And if you have kids, juggling everything can prove to be even more of a challenge.
Fortunately, Surviving the Holidays For Dummies offers great tips to help you not only make it through the holidays in one piece but also to have your friends and family marveling at how you do it all!
How This Book Is Organized
This book is divided into eight chapters that guide you through the holiday process. Whether youre having trouble getting in the holiday spirit or are overwhelmed by all the shopping and entertaining, we have some tips for you.
In Chapter 1, you find out how to avoid holiday stress. (Yes, it can be done!) And in Chapter 2, you discover how you can get a head start on holiday shopping.
In Chapter 3, you get the scoop on hosting a stellar holiday bash, including choosing the date and planning your guest list. Chapter 4 helps you plan an awesome menu, while Chapter 5 reveals the secret to making your holidays flow smoothly with must-have to-do lists.
Holidays leave you feeling drained? In C hapters 6 and 7, you find out how to recover both mentally and physically.
And, of course, no For Dummies book is complete without a lighthearted Part of Tens chapter. In Chapter 8, you discover what you should (and shouldnt) do during the holidays.
Icons Used in This Book
Throughout this book are little pictures called icons, which highlight important information. Heres the decoder key:
This icon is a friendly reminder of the information youll want to remember as you go through the holiday season.
This icon points out suggestions for ways to do things better or faster. If youre looking for some quick and easy pointers on ways to improve your holidays, check out the paragraphs with this icon by their side.
Dont be scared by this icon but do pay attention to it. In these paragraphs, youll discover information on ways to avoid mishaps and minor catastrophes.
Where to Go from Here
If youre sitting down with a cup of coffee while visions of sugarplums are dancing in your kids heads, feel free to read from start to finish. But if youre panicking about your never-ending holiday to-do list you do have a to-do list, right? then skip to the part that you need most.
Chapter 1
Getting in the Holiday Mindset
In This Chapter
Reducing stress by being prepared
Cleaning up for holiday visitors
Getting stocked up on beverages
S omehow, what with all the jam-packed shopping malls, ungodly credit card bills, and sleep deprivation, most of us have forgotten that the holidays are supposed to be a time of great fun.
But before you turn into a scrooge, check out this chapter. Here you find suggestions for avoiding holiday headaches and welcoming guests (no matter how unexpected they are!). We also help you stock the best Christmas spirits (of the drinking kind!).
Avoiding Holiday Stress
Because were pushed and pulled in so many different directions during the holidays, we can all use some helpful hints for reducing the stress in our lives.
Plan ahead
Planning ahead sounds like obvious advice, but unfortunately, many people fail to do so. Planning ahead helps you stay worry-free come the festive day.
Planning ahead enables you to take some early-bird steps to ease your holiday stress:
If you have some idea of the holiday gifts youd like to give, you can pick them up throughout the year and save yourself last-minute-shopping panic (not to mention money!).
If you want to hold the holiday meal at your house, stake out your claim early. Other family members may be thinking the same thing, and the early bird gets the worm.