The Erectile DysfunctionCure: 7 SIMPLE Steps to Take Full Control & Cure ErectileDysfunction
John Maxwell
2015 JohnMaxwell
Table of Contents
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I want to thank you andcongratulate you for downloading TheErectile Dysfunction Cure: 7 Simple Steps to Take Full Control& Cure Erectile Dysfunction .
This book contains provensteps and strategies on how to treat erectile dysfunction and takefull control of your sex life. This book contains 7 proven steps tocure impotence. Each step is discussed in chapters for betterunderstanding.
Erectile dysfunction is acommon condition among men but it does not mean you cant doanything about it. This book contains everything you need to knowabout erectile dysfunction and how to cure it naturally.
Erectile dysfunctiontreatments need not to be embarrassing and complicated. There arenatural ways and methods to overcome impotence and that is whatthis book is all about.
Try these all-naturalcures and start building your sexual confidence. You dont need tohide your condition. It can be treated and you can have a healthy,happy sexual life. Everybody deserves it and that includesyou.
There is no better way totreat a condition like this but naturally. No need to undergo pain,no gadgets to insert in your penis and no need to pay excessivedoctors fees. These all-natural treatments are not only effective;they are very easy and discreet. Nobody even knows you areundergoing a treatment, not even you.
Thanks again fordownloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1 - Understanding ErectileDysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)also known as impotence is a sexual dysfunction wherein the man isunable to get and retain an erection that is hard enough for sexualintercourse. Most men experience occasional Erectile Dysfunctionespecially when stressed, too tired or under medication. But,frequent Erectile Dysfunction needs to be treated as it can be asign of an underlying health problem or emotionaldifficulties.
In the United States,Erectile Dysfunction affects up to 30 million men. According to theNational Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases(NIDDK), ED affects 4% of men in their 50s and about 17% of men intheir 60s. Men aged 75 years old and above have higher risks ofexperiencing ED. In fact, about half of the men on this age willsuffer from Erectile Dysfunction.
Although statistics showthat the risk of ED is higher with age, it does not necessarilymean that it is an inevitable consequence of aging. Erection may bemore difficult to achieve as you age but it does not indicate thatyou will develop Erectile Dysfunction. The healthier you are, thebetter is your sexual function.
Erectile Dysfunction isdifferent from poor libido and ejaculation issues. To be specific,ED refers to the issues of achieving erection and maintaining anerection. In some cases, a man can have healthy libido but isunable to maintain an erection to make sexual intercoursepossible.
An erection is achievedwhen blood fills the sponge-like bodies within the two chambers ofthe penis known as corpora cavernosa. This causes the penis toenlarge and become hard. This is triggered by sexual arousal whenthe impulses from the brain are transmitted to the nerves of thepenis. When these impulses are blocked or blood flow to the penisis prevented, erectile dysfunction can happen.
Chapter 2 - Erectile Dysfunction: Causesand Symptoms
Aging is not the onlycause of erectile dysfunction, there are numerous causes unrelatedto age such as:
* Drug abuse
* Psychological causes(mental disorder, stress or performance anxiety)
* Cavernosal disorderssuch as Peyronies Disease
* Kidneyfailure
* DiabetesMellitus
* MultipleSclerosis
* Smoking
* Excessivedrinking
* Surgery
* Use of prescriptiondrugs such as antidepressants, tranquilizers and drugs for bloodpressure
Prolonged drug abusesuppresses the central nervous system and causes serious damage toblood vessels that can lead to Erectile Dysfunction. According to astudy conducted by Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital Urology,Taiwan, male drug abusers are more prone to ED, especially thosewho are using heroine.
According to experts,depression, stress, performance anxiety and poor self-esteem canprevent the process that causes erection. These factors aggravatethe problem in men whose Erectile Dysfunction is caused bysomething physical.
Some men believe thatdrinking alcohol helps stimulate sex. On the contrary, heavydrinking can decrease the time of your erection, as it is adepressant. To prevent this, limit your alcohol consumption to oneto two glasses only. Smoking, on the other hand, causes plaquebuildup in the vessels causing circulatory problems such asED.
If you are undermedication and you are having issues achieving or maintaining anerection, consult your doctor. Prescription drugs such as: highblood pressure medications, diuretics, anti-depressants,anti-epileptic, anti-anxiety, antihistamines, non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs, medications for Parkinsons Disease,antiarrythmics, histamine H receptor antagonists,muscle relaxants, medications for prostate cancer and chemotherapymedications can cause Erectile Dysfunction.
Symptoms of ErectileDysfunction
When you experience any ofthese symptoms, consult your doctor for properdiagnosis.
* You experience sexualproblems such as delayed or premature ejaculation, difficultyachieving an erection or other sexual problems.
* You are suffering fromheart disease or diabetes that is associated to ED.
* You experience othersymptoms along with ED.
* Reduced sexual desireand you have difficulty maintaining an erection.
Your family doctor is thebest place to start as he already has your medical records and theyare readily available for review. Not because you feel like you arenot as hard as you should be already means you have erectiledysfunction. Oftentimes, Erectile Dysfunction is a link to a moreserious disease.
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