How to Last Longer
The Ultimate Guide On How to Last Longer in Bed and Eliminate Erectile Dysfunction Forever
Copyright 2015 by Jeremy Andrews
All rights reserved.
This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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Are you sick of that dark and empty feeling, and the dread that you feel in the pit of your stomach when you wake in the morning? Do you want to become that incredible person that turns heads when they walk into the room, purely because theyre so darn happy? Perhaps you want to really transform your life, break free from your chronic depression and anxiety and really start living your life?
If so, this book is exactly what you need.
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Because youve probably explored several so-called ways to feel good and stay feeling that way. Youve probably shelled out more than a handful of dollars along the way, but you still get that feeling that youre not living in the way you should be. You might have experimented with several approaches but never quite found the technique that hits the spot and helps you unlock that inner happiness for good.
You know, I used to think like you do. I used to struggle to keep myself going through the day, battling negativity and sadness. And I kept on buying those self-help guides, listening to recordings and hoping that theyd have a magical effect upon my mood. Of course, they didnt make a scrap of difference at all.
But what I didnt realize is that I had to choose to be happy.
I had to discover the happiness that was already right there inside of me, and let it out into the big wide world. And now Im going to share with you the fail-proof methods I have unearthed over the years that will practically guarantee that you will finally get the happiness that you deserve.
By downloading this book, you will learn:
The Secret Trick for Feeling Better About Yourself
How to Really Forgive Someone (And Why It Matters)
Why Mediation Is the Most Effective Way to Improve Your Life
The Reason You Should Be Getting More Sex
Why Failure Is Always Your Friend
How to Make Your Dreams Materialize
The Unforgettable Trick for A Healthier Bank Balance
What Fresh Air and Green Space Does for Your Soul
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I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, How to Last Longer: The Ultimate Guide On How to Last Longer in Bed and Eliminate Erectile Dysfunction Forever .
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to last longer in bed. For both women and men sex is an important part of their lives. A good sex life balances your life and makes you confident and happy. This contributes to a better understanding between you and your partner, it helps you communicate and enjoy life. We have to admit how important sexual compatibility is. However, sometimes it becomes quite difficult to have a fulfilling intimate life, because of many reasons: stress, everyday worries, physical or emotional problems, too high expectations and so on.
This book is a guide for men who want to last longer in bed and eliminate erectile dysfunction. Nowadays, many couples are confronting with this problem and find it difficult to talk about it. But the good news is that it can be resolved, if you take it seriously and focus on finding a solution. Many men are going through this experience in their lives, irrespective of their age, social condition or anything else. Stress affects us all more than ever and this is one major cause of erectile dysfunction.
It is true that it is very unpleasant and it can affect your ego and self-esteem; but remember it can happen to anyone and if you sit and complain about it, nothing will change. On the contrary, it will only make things worse and affect your relationship. That is why you have to take action, to learn more about erectile dysfunction and find a constructive way to solve the problem. Dont let yourself overwhelmed by this experience, try to be positive, to find the support you need to overcome this situation and believe in yourself.
More and more men are dealing with this issue nowadays and this affects their relationship and their whole lives. Yes, we have to admit erectile dysfunction is not something you can easily talk about, because it makes you feel uncomfortable and unimportant. Men are even more reluctant to talking about their problems, especially if this involves a very personal thing.
However, nothing can be solved if no action is taken. As unpleasant and embarrassing as it is, men have to understand that erectile dysfunction is a treatable condition. It can be improved and resolved, as long as they take it seriously and do the right thing. And what is the right thing to do in this case? See a doctor. Get medical help from a specialized person, who can help you understand what you are going through.
Talk to your partner; let her know your feelings and worries, without thinking this will make you weak. On the contrary, this will only make you stronger and involved in your relationship. Erectile dysfunction can be annoying for both of you and it can be frustrating for your partner, as well. But the good news is that you can solve this problem. If you are determined and you know what you have to do, things will be easy.
It is also a great guide which can help you improve your sexual performance and eliminate erectile dysfunctions.
Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1: About Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction refers to the impossibility of having or keeping an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse; sometimes it is also called impotence. In the majority of cases, it is temporary, as long as it is treated. It can affect your relationship and the quality of your intimate life, if you dont take action. Fortunately, erectile dysfunction is a treatable condition.
If this happens once in a while, it is not necessarily something you should worry about. However, if it is an ongoing problem, it can affect your life, your self-confidence, the relationship with your partner and it can lead to a high amount of stress. You should also take into account the fact that this could be related to a health condition you are not aware of and you should treat.
The best thing you can do about it is see a doctor. You have to get over the embarrassment of the situation and think of your own good. The doctor will be able to help you discover the causes of erectile dysfunction and offer you a specialized treatment. The sooner you do this, the better you will find the solution you need. This has to be your priority, finding a solution for your problem. No matter how embarrassing or annoying it may be.
Many men dont consider this to be a problem until its quite late, before they dont like to admit that they have a problem. But you have to know that erectile dysfunction can be more than a problem, it can hide another health problem you might be unaware of. In time, if you dont do anything about it, it can affect your health and the relationship with your partner. Frustrations can appear, especially if you are not used to talking to each other, if your communication is not very good and you dont understand each other.
Therefore, dont neglect the symptoms and go to a doctor as soon as you can, if you want to understand what is going on. Postponing it is not the solution and it can make things worse.
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