Psychology, Philosophy, Tradition
Copyright 2012 by David C. Falcaro
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Thank you to our Edtior: Mike Valentino
I loved my journey into the warrior science of
Sogobujutsu Integrated warrior science. To share in that
journey with you is to know a kind and loving God. I am
grateful and thankful.
When I was a little boy who had trouble learning to read and write. I was broken of all confidence. I was labeled and called learning disabled, dumb, slow, and lazy. I was made an example of, punished in front of the class for not keeping up with the others, and outcasted; no teacher had time for me. Finally, someone came along who changed my life, a very special teacher, Sue Vanic. She took me under her wing and spent time getting me to smile. She found out how to reach me and then spent years teaching me the distinct way I learned.
Completing my book, and thinking through my progress, I came to think of that little boy. The kid who, in a million years, would never believe he could read and understand a book such as this, never mind be the author of one. I thought of how a few had the job before you, Ms. Vanic, but you were my first teacher.
I am an author because of you and I am so grateful.
I dedicate this work to all of my Kyu Martial arts student and Dan Black belt. It is for my family, for my friends, for my brothers within this Ryu Martial arts family tradition, and for me that I train in Kobudo Classically derived martial arts. It is for all of you that I strive to bring about the true essence that was passed to me. I ask that you embody theseteachings, personify Sogobujutsu Integrated warrior science, and add all that you can to the already strong Ryu Martial arts family tradition that is our Martial Family and become a strong link in an already strong chain. To the students now beginning with the Godaishin Dojo Spirit of the five elements martial arts school, I hope that thiswork will help to impress what an important thing it is to become a part of the Neji Gekken Ryu Martial arts family of the spiraling combative edge. The education one receives is unmatched; beyond this, the experiences felt and encountered are unlike anything else. It is commonly said that the most precious commodity we possess is time and knowing this to be true, I urge you to enjoy your time with us. Appreciate each class; take in the experience of being a whitebelt, the awkwardness, the feeling of sometimes being overwhelmed with information. You dont want to miss out on what you are seeing and feeling now by looking too much toward the future. You are only a whitebelt in our art once; enjoy each step of the way, grabbing hold of as much as you can along the way.
To my senior students:
It is time to take the reins. I have prepped you to
become leaders, so lead. All of these teachings of
Sogobujutsu Integrated warrior science enriched my life as
they are now enriching yours. Remember to not be selfish.
Do not rob the future Bugei Warrior of their destiny; do not allow this art to die with you. It will be tempting at times to dumb things down, and not pass on everything you were taught. You must let it flow freely through you as it flows through me. Try not to give too much too soon. Give thegifts as they were given to you. Do not ever betray our beloved traditions. Keep them whole and strong. Lead and pass on the qualities of leadership. As you teach, take this advice with you: Lead from your Hara Bodies center of intuition and motion and love your students. I have loved and do love all of you; do not teach those incapable of sharing love. They may be good students, but would be undeserving of this beautiful and powerful, yet destructive, art. Please allow this book to stand throughout time. It is meant to inspire, explain, enrich, and help in governing our Ryu Martial arts family tradition.
2009 The beginning of my sons training. Liam David Takeda Falcaro and David C. Falcaro Sensei.
To my family, to my beautiful and intelligent wife, who
provides me with love, understanding, support and daily
lessons in humility. I am honored to share my life with such
a wonderful person.
To my son and daughter, this is your legacy. Follow the
path, live Sogobujutsu. Let my advanced be your basics.
Remember that there is no greater love in this world than that
of family. Always be there for each other; this art will help
you with that.
To my Gram, you are the glue that binds this family together.
Your wisdom impresses me. You are the single greatest
cook on Earth. You are so many things to all of us and I love
you for all that you are.
To my stepfather, your strong part in our family has always
brought me solace. Thank you for your backing and love.
To my brother, Mike, when I was a little boy, I prayed and
prayed to God for a little brother. I now pray that I am
worthy of such a gift.
To my sister, Jen, everyone loves you, but very few people
know you at your core. To know that person is to be truly
blessed. You are wonderful, Jenny.
To my mother, there is too much to thank you for. I could
write a book entitled More than what a mother should be
and it would not do you justice. Saying thank you is a
gross understatement.
To my father, an insightful teacher of life. You never put
limits on where and how I could dream. You taught me how
to build my dreams, no matter how big or small, you have
helped them become tangible. You have given years of your
work, a dedication to me of countless hours; the Hombu
Dojo Headquarters of all of the martial arts schools within
the Ryu could not exist without you. Your spiritual guidance
is unmatched.
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