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This book is dedicated to all those who find the world of food storage to be complex and even a little scary. May this book be an essential tool for safe-guarding your family against the storms of life.
Also, to our wonderful and brave families who are our number-one fans. We love you! Thank you for your listening ears, your continual support, and especially your willingness to taste-test recipes and productseven those that were so bad the dog wouldnt eat them.
Food Storage Experts to the Rescue!
With our help, becoming a food storage expert is much easier than you think!
How This Book Will Help You Save Money, Eat Better & Never Go Hungry Again!
The world of food storage is confusing and, sometimes, downright deceptive. Heres how to use Store This, Not That! to cut through the confusion and benefit from your food storage today, tomorrow, and when the world ends.
Your Familys First Line of Defense
When disaster strikes, will you be ready? Are MREs or a bucket of food the answer? Is three days of food enough? Well show you the best food to store in your 72-hour kits and for the weeks following a disaster so your emergency food will work for younot against you.
The Rainy-Day Fund You Can Eat
Stop wondering what to make for dinner and end last-minute trips to the grocery store! Learn how to combine simple recipes, pantry essentials, and menu-planning secrets to create a foolproof 90-day food storage plan that will combat any life emergency.
Your Food Storage Shopping Guide
Learn our surprising secrets for successfully shopping for your food storageand what food storage companies dont want you to know!
Store This, Not That!
Explore your long-term food storage options and discover which foods will give you the biggest bang for your buck, which ones wont, and which foods you should NEVER waste your money on again.
Basic grains, ancient grains, grain mills
Dry, instant, canned, cooking; bean butter
Powdered instant and non-instant milk, milk alternatives; butters, sour cream, buttermilk, cheeses, yogurt, boxed cream, egg powders, crystals
Canned, bottled, dried, dehydrated, freeze-dried; fruit and vegetable option charts
Canned, freeze-dried, TVP (textured vegetable protein), home-bottled, dehydrated; meat options chart
Mixes, oils, sugars, leavenings, dough conditioners, spices, chocolates
Sugar, honey, splenda/stevia
Dried vs. freeze-dried
Powdered and wet sauces, gravy, bouillon
Juice, powdered, sweetened and unsweetened drinks, option chart
Dry and freeze-dried food
Shelving and storage ideas
Store It to Eat It!
Dive into our favorite, deceptively delicious recipes and see how easyand normalfood storage meals can be with our food storage menus!
Do It Yourself!
Take charge of your food storage by learning about the best ways to grow it, preserve it, and make it ready to use.
Hi, friends!
We love food storage and the feeling of security it brings. Let us empower you with the secrets of successful food storage.
Crystal & Debbie
Lets face it, food storage can be confusing, frustrating, and downright daunting. If youve ever felt confused about what you should actually be buying and storing, youre not aloneand were here to help! We help people all over the United States decipher this crazy world of food storage and we can do it for YOU! We promise this book will be simple and straightforward, and in just a few hours it will teach you everything you need to know to be your own food storage pro.
Somewhere, somehow, over the last few years, something happened to the economy and the world. We all know it. Weve felt the effects of it, and lets be honest, its got everyone pretty concerned.
Lets break it down for you:
Couple that with a struggling economy and with rising food and gas prices and you have a real problem. The point of these facts and figures is not to depress or scare you. Its to reassure you that if you dont have all the food storage you want or need, that this is a cause worth fighting, scrimping, sacrificing, and saving for. Its to reassure you that you have made the right choice to be prepared! In fact, we think you and your family deserve it! You deserve the peace preparedness brings, the comfort of knowing you have food for your family, and the tools youll need to make a preemptive strike on rising food prices. Its never too late to begin or finish what you have startedand that is where we come in...
If you know us, you know we have a fun, lighthearted, no-nonsense approach to food storage. Weve been successful at helping people get motivated to actually obtain and use their food storage. We decided to write this book because after all our classes, TV appearances, seminars and speeches, people still ask us, Whats the secret to getting your food storage? Even our own friends ask us this. They say things like We dont have time to learn everything we need to know, read a long book, or take a class. Just tell me what to docant you just do it for me? Whats the secret?
And since were all friends now, well let you in on all of our secrets and show you how we can do it all for you! Between us weve been in the food storage business for over 18 years and have worked with or for most of the big food storage companieswhich makes us the perfect team to give you the inside scoop on the best available products.
Crystal is the author of the popular food storage book I Cant Believe Its Food Storage and is a food storage blogger, where her job is to test out the latest food storage products, discover new ways to use them, and compile the newest, smartest, most authoritative information on food storage available. She has had several television appearances on Salt Lakes Studio 5 and BYUtv and has taught many people how to simplify cooking with food storage.
Debbie has been involved in food storage since she was a teen. For the past 14 years she has taught cooking with food storage and preparedness seminars in Southern California, Idaho, and Utah, where she shares her knowledge of the good, the bad and the sometimes funny truths in the world of preparedness and delights her audiences with her easy going and enthusiastic can do approach.
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