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Bondi - Foundations of software and system performance engineering: process, performance modeling, requirements, testing, scalability, and practice

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    Foundations of software and system performance engineering: process, performance modeling, requirements, testing, scalability, and practice
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Foundations of software and system performance engineering: process, performance modeling, requirements, testing, scalability, and practice: summary, description and annotation

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Why performance engineering? Why performance engineers? -- Performance metrics -- Basic performance analysis -- Workload identification and characterization -- From workloads to business aspects of performance requirements -- Qualitative and quantitative types of performance requirements -- Eliciting, writing, and managing performance requirements -- System measurement techniques and instrumentation -- Performance testing -- System understanding, model choice, and validation -- Scalability and performance -- Performance engineering pitfalls -- Agile processes and performance engineering -- Working with stakeholders to learn, influence, and tell the -- Performance engineering story -- Where to learn more.

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Foundations of Software and System Performance Engineering

Process, Performance Modeling, Requirements, Testing, Scalability, and Practice

Andr B. Bondi

Foundations of software and system performance engineering process performance modeling requirements testing scalability and practice - image 1

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bondi, Andr B., author.
Foundations of software and system performance engineering : process, performance
modeling, requirements, testing, scalability, and practice / Andr B. Bondi.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-321-83382-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Computer systemsEvaluation. 2. Computer systemsReliability. 3. Computer
softwareValidation. 4. Computer architectureEvaluation. 5. System engineering.
I. Title.
QA76.9.E94B66 2015

Copyright 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

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ISBN-13: 978-0-321-83382-2
ISBN-10: 0-321-83382-1

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Praise for Foundations of Software and System Performance Engineering

If this book had only been available to the contractors building healthcare.gov, and they read and followed the lifecycle performance processes, there would not have been the enormous problems apparent in that health care application. In my 40-plus years of experience in building leading-edge software and hardware products, poor performance is the single most frequent cause of the failure or cancellation of a new, software-intensive project. Performance requirements are often neglected or poorly formulated during the planning and requirements phases of a project. Consequently, the software architecture and the resulting delivered system are unable to meet performance needs. This book provides the reader with the techniques and skills necessary to implement performance engineering at the beginning of a project and manage those requirements throughout the lifecycle of the product. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

Don Shafer, CSDP, Technical Fellow, Athens Group, LLC

Well written and packed with useful examples, Foundations of Software and System Performance Engineering provides a thorough presentation of this crucial topic. Drawing upon decades of professional experience, Dr. Bondi shows how the principles of performance engineering can be applied in many different fields and disciplines.

Matthew Scarpino, author of Programming the Cell Processor and OpenCL in Action

In memory of my father, Henry S. Bondi,
who liked eclectic solutions to problems,
and of my violin teacher, Fritz Rikko,
who taught me how to analyze and debug.

tous qui ont attendu.


The performance engineering of computer systems and the systems they control concerns the methods, practices, and disciplines that may be used to ensure that the systems provide the performance that is expected of them. Performance engineering is a process that touches every aspect of the software lifecycle, from conception and requirements planning to testing and delivery. Failure to address performance concerns at the beginning of the software lifecycle significantly increases the risk that a software project will fail. Indeed, performance is the single largest risk to the success of any software project. Readers in the United States will recall that poor performance was the first sign that healthcare.gov, the federal web site for obtaining health insurance policies that went online in late 2013, was having a very poor start. News reports indicate that the processes and steps recommended in this book were not followed during its development and rollout. Performance requirements were inadequately specified, and there was almost no performance testing prior to the rollout because time was not available for it. This should be a warning that adequate planning and timely scheduling are preconditions for the successful incorporation of performance engineering into the software development lifecycle. Building and then tuning is an almost certain recipe for performance failure.

Scope and Purpose
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