WordPress Web Design For Dummies
by Lisa Sabin-Wilson
WordPress Web Design For Dummies
Published by
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About the Author
Lisa Sabin-Wilson has worked with the WordPress software since its inception in 2003 and has built her business around providing technical support, hosting, and design solutions for bloggers who use WordPress. She reaches thousands of people worldwide with her WordPress services, skills, and knowledge regarding the product. Lisa is also the author of the best-selling WordPress For Dummies, BuddyPress For Dummies, and WordPress All-In-One For Dummies.
Lisa operates a few blogs online, all of which are powered by WordPress. Her personal blog (http://lisasabin-wilson.com) has been online since February of 2002; her custom design business at E.Webscapes (http://ewebscapes.com) has been online since 1999. She also owns and operates a WordPress commercial theme provider, Allure Themes, which offers themes for a female audience at http://allurethemes.com.
When she can be persuaded away from her computer, where she is usually hard at work providing design solutions for her WordPress clients, she sometimes emerges for public speaking appearances on the topics of design, blogging, and WordPress. She has appeared at conferences such as the annual South By Southwest Interactive Conference, Blog World Expo, and several WordCamp events across the country.
Lisa consults with bloggers both large and small. Bloggers come in thousands of different flavors, from business to personal, from creative to technical, and all points in between. Lisa is connected to thousands of them worldwide and appreciates the opportunity to share her knowledge with WordPress Web Design For Dummies. She hopes you find great value in it, as well!
When not designing or consulting with her clients, you can usually find her either at her favorite coffee shop sipping espresso, on a mountaintop somewhere hitting the slopes with her family, or 100 feet beneath the ocean waters, scuba diving with her husband and swimming with the fishes.
You can find Lisa online at Twitter: @LisaSabinWilson
To the man who probably never thought he would ever have a tech book dedicated to him, my father, Donald Sabin. I have only ever wanted him to be proud of me, but so much more than that, I want him to be proud of himself for the man and father he is. By daily example, Dad teaches me the lesson of unconditional love and the importance of family.
Authors Acknowledgments
To WordPress... and all that entails from the developers, designers, forum helpers, bug testers, educators, consultants, plugin makers, and theme bakers. Every single person involved in the WordPress community plays a vital role in making this whole thing work, and work well. Kudos to all of you!
Huge thanks to Amy Fandrei, Kim Darosett, and Jen Riggs from Wiley Publishing for their support, assistance, and guidance during the course of this project. Many thanks, as well, to my technical editor, Mitch Canter, and the other editors of the project who also worked hard to ensure its success.
To my family and close friends whom I may have neglected during the process of writing this book, thank you for not abandoning me your support sustains me!
Finally, tremendous thanks to my husband, Chris for his unending support and love and for having the patience of a saint during the course of writing this book!
Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments at http://dummies.custhelp.com. For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions and Editorial
Project Editor: Kim Darosett
Acquisitions Editor: Amy Fandrei
Copy Editor: Jen Riggs
Technical Editor: Mitch Canter
Editorial Manager: Leah Cameron
Editorial Assistant: Amanda Graham