Published in 2020 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 29 East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010 Copyright 2020 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer. First Edition Editor: Greg Roza Book Design: Rachel Rising Illustrator: Matas Lapege Photo Credits: Cover, Africa Studio/Shutterstock. com.
Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Keppeler, Jill. Title: The unofficial guide to making maps in Minecraft / Jill Keppeler. Description: New York: PowerKids Press, 2020. | Series: STEM projects in Minecraft | Includes glossary and index. Identifiers: ISBN 9781725310582 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781725310605 (library bound) | ISBN 9781725310599 (6 pack) Subjects: LCSH: Map drawing--Juvenile literature. | Minecraft (Game) -- Juvenile literature.
Classification: LCC GV1469.M55 K47 2020 | DDC 794.8--dc23 Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang (a game development studio owned by Microsoft Technology Corporation), and its use in this book does not imply a recommendation or endorsement of this title by Mojang or Microsoft. Manufactured in the United States of America CPSIA Compliance Information: Batch #CWPK20. For Further Information contact Rosen Publishing, New York, New York at 1-800-237-9932. ContentsCartography Quest Imagine that your family sets off on a trip somewhere new. In the beginning, youd probably recognize many of the things around you, such as the streets, the buildings, and other landmarks. In time, though, you probably wouldnt know where you were, especially if there were no signs.
If you didnt have directions, how would you get home? Youd probably look at a map! Cartography is the art and science of making maps and charts. You can make maps in the game of Minecraft, too. That can keep you from getting lost as you explore the huge game world around you. MINECRAFT MANIA The type of world in some types of Minecraft is called an infinite, or never-ending, world. These worlds arent really infinite, but they can go on for a very long time! ![Real-world maps come in many different forms There are old paper maps that - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/405234/Images/page_logo.jpg)
Real-world maps come in many different forms. There are old paper maps that show how much of the world people hadnt explored then and there are new map apps for smartphones that constantly update where the nearest restaurants are!
So Many Maps People have been making maps for a very long time.
In fact, historians have found maps on clay tablets that are more than 4,000 years old! Maps can show many things from the streets in your neighborhood to the borders of countries around the world. Some maps show weather systems, currents in the oceans, or the locations of natural . Cartography is related to geography, the study of places on Earth. Topography includes the features (such as hills or lakes) in an area of land and refers to the art and science of making maps that show those features. MINECRAFT MANIA On a Minecraft map, you can tell where the waterways are deeper because theyll be a darker blue. ![Topographic maps may show the of the oceans and the heights of the mountains in - photo 5](/uploads/posts/book/405234/Images/page_logo.jpg)
Topographic maps may show the of the oceans and the heights of the mountains in an area. ![Topographic maps may show the of the oceans and the heights of the mountains in - photo 5](/uploads/posts/book/405234/Images/page_logo.jpg)
Topographic maps may show the of the oceans and the heights of the mountains in an area.
Many use color shading to do this. Thats also true in Minecraft.
Starts with Sugar Cane A Minecraft map starts with paper, and to make paper, you need sugar cane. These green stalks grow along the water in many Minecraft . Three pieces of sugar cane will make three pieces of paper. To make an empty map, youll need nine pieces of paper.
If you want to make a locator map in some games, though, youll need eight pieces of paper and a compass. You can make a compass with four iron ingots, or bricks, and a piece of redstone dust. This kind of map has a small arrow on it to show you where you are on the map.
sugarcane MINECRAFT MANIA A compass is a tool thats used to find direction. In the real world, it has a needle that always points north. ![You can also use Minecraft sugar cane to make sugar In the real world people - photo 9](/uploads/posts/book/405234/Images/page_logo.jpg)
You can also use Minecraft sugar cane to make sugar. ![You can also use Minecraft sugar cane to make sugar In the real world people - photo 9](/uploads/posts/book/405234/Images/page_logo.jpg)
You can also use Minecraft sugar cane to make sugar.
In the real world, people use the sugarcane plant to make both paper and sugar, too. Pixels and Pictures When you hold a Minecraft map that hasnt been activated yet, its called an empty map. When you activate it, it will start to show the area around you. With a basic level map, this may be a big enough area that the map will already be completely filled in. Maps start at zoom level 0. They show an area of 128 by 128 blocks.
Each map stands for one block. This level of map shows the most block in the area. MINECRAFT MANIA Keep in mind that different types of Minecraft work a little differently. Some types have only locator maps. Some show all biomes as the same color. Minecraft often changes, too! ![Grass leaf and water colors may be different in different Minecraft biomes A - photo 11](/uploads/posts/book/405234/Images/page_logo.jpg)
Grass, leaf, and water colors may be different in different Minecraft biomes. Minecraft often changes, too! ![Grass leaf and water colors may be different in different Minecraft biomes A - photo 11](/uploads/posts/book/405234/Images/page_logo.jpg)
![Grass leaf and water colors may be different in different Minecraft biomes A - photo 12](/uploads/posts/book/405234/Images/page_11-1.jpg)
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