Windows 8 Application Development with HTML5 For Dummies
by Bill Sempf
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Windows 8 Application Development with HTML5 For Dummies
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
Copyright 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
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About the Author
Husband. Father. Author. Software composer. Brewer. Lockpicker. Ninja. Insurrectionist. Honorary blue teamer. Lumberjack. All words that have been used to describe Bill Sempf recently. I write some software, and this isnt my first book. Pleased to meet you.
Thank you to my ever-patient family: my beautiful, brilliant wife, Gabrielle, amazing son, Adam, and incredible daughter, Kaelan. You are the reason I do stuff like this.
Authors Acknowledgments
This one has more than the usual number of suspects in the acknowledgements department. I have to first thank Katie Feltman, my acquisitions editor at Wiley, for seeing the promise of Windows 8 and agreeing to the book at all. She knows the technical world well, and me better. Thanks for your vision.
Linda Morris, the project editor, put up with innumerable changes in my personal writing style, as always happens during the writing of a book. How she made this collection of articles into a final product, Ill never know. I am just glad there are people like her out there.
My family, of course, had to put up with innumerable evenings and weekends of Daddy has to write again? I appreciate the patience, and am glad to be back watching Disney movies. No, really!
My local Microsoft evangelists have been instrumental in making sure I make a fool of myself as rarely as humanly possible. Jennifer Marsman, Brian Prince, and Jeff Blankenburg all played a tremendously important role in my growth in the Windows 8 arena, and I thank them.
The local Columbus development community never fails to make me think, and brings the reality of day-to-day development to my writing. Thanks to Samidip Basu, Rob Streno, and Leon Gersing especially for focusing my thought around the realities of app development.
Adam Kinney was my partner in arms in the two apps I built while writing this book. His experience at Microsoft notwithstanding, he provided an unusual clarity of thought about pragmatic JavaScript architecture, structuring apps, and focusing on the right features at the right time. Oscar Naim was the project owner of that project and drove us both to consider all angles of the user experience.
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Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments at . For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions and Editorial
Project Editor: Linda Morris
Acquisitions Editor: Katie Feltman
Copy Editor: Linda Morris
Technical Editor: Mike Spivey
Editorial Manager: Jodi Jensen
Editorial Assistant: Leslie Saxman
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Cover Photo: Marjan Veljanoski / iStockphoto
Cartoons: Rich Tennant ()
Composition Services
Project Coordinator: Katie Crocker
Layout and Graphics: Jennifer Creasey, Joyce Haughey, Corrie Niehaus
Proofreaders: Cara Buitron, John Greenough
Indexer: Potomac Indexing, LLC
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