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Claire Crawford - Websters Spanish-English Dictionary/Diccionario Ingles-Espanol: With over 36,000 entries

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Claire Crawford Websters Spanish-English Dictionary/Diccionario Ingles-Espanol: With over 36,000 entries
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    Websters Spanish-English Dictionary/Diccionario Ingles-Espanol: With over 36,000 entries
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Websters Spanish-English Dictionary/Diccionario Ingles-Espanol: With over 36,000 entries: summary, description and annotation

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A comprehensive dictionary in Spanish-English, and English-Spanish, with US spellings, this is a bestselling entry-level dictionary that has over 36,000 words and translations. With modern entries and a clear layout this dictionary also contains verb lists to help learners.

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Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used throughout the dictionary - photo 1
The following abbreviations are used throughout the dictionary.
colcolloquial termlengua familiar
compdin compoundsusada en palabras compuestas
ffeminine nounsustantrivo femenino
figfigurative useuso figurado
lawlaw termjurisprudencia
mmasculine nounsustantivo masculino
milmilitary termlo militar
poetpoetical termvocablo potico
tectechnologytchnica, tecnologia
viintransitive verbverbo intransitivo
vrreflexive verbverbo reflexivo
vttransitive verbverbo transitivo
SpanishEnglish Dictionary
A a prep to; in; at; according to; on; by; for; of. abacera f grocery. abacero m grocer. baco m abacus. abadejo m cod. abadesa f abbess. abada f abbey. abajo adv under; underneath; below; ~ de prep under, below. abalanzarse vr to rush forward. abalorio m glass bead. abanderado m ( mil ) ensign; standard bearer. abandonado / da adj derelict; abandoned; neglected. abandonar vt to abandon; to leave; ~se vr ~ a to give oneself up to. abandono m desertion; neglect; retirement. abanicar vt to fan. abanico m fan. abaratar vt to lower the price of. abarca f sandal. abarcar vt to include. abarrancarse vr to get into difficulties. abarrotado / da adj packed. abarrotar vt to tie down. abastecedor / ra m / f supplier, purveyor. abastecer vt to supply, provide. abastecimiento m supplying; provisions. abasto m supply of provisions. abate m French abbot. abatido / da adj dejected, low-spirited abatimiento m low spirits pl ; depression. abatir vt to knock down; to humble. abdicacin f abdication. abdicar vt to abdicate. abdomen m abdomen. abdominal adj abdominal. abec m alphabet. abecedario m alphabet; spelling book, primer. abedul m birch tree. abeja f bee; ~ reina queen bee. abejar m beehive. abejarrn m bumblebee. abejn m drone; hornet. abejorro m bumblebee. aberracin f aberration. abertura f aperture, chink, opening. abeto m fir tree. abetunado / da adj dark-skinned. abierto / ta adj open; sincere; frank. abigarrado / da adj multicolored. abintestato adj intestate. abismal adj abysmal. abismo m abyss; gulf; hell. abjuracin f abjuration. abjurar vt to abjure, to recant; * vi : ~ de to abjure, to recant. ablandamiento m softening. ablandar vt , vi to soften. ablativo m ( gr ) ablative. ablucin f ablution. abnegacin f self-denial. abnegado / da adj selfless. abnegar vt to renounce. abobado / da adj silly. abobamiento m stupefaction. abobar vt to stupefy. abocado / da adj light (wine). abocar vt to seize with the mouth; ~se vr to meet by agreement. abochornar vt to swelter; ~se vr to shame. abofetear vt to slap. abogaca f legal profession. abogado / a m / f attorney-at-law, counsel. abogar vi to intercede; ~ por to advocate. abolengo m ancestry; inheritance from ancestors. abolicin f abolition, abrogation. abolir vt to abolish. abolladura f dent. abollar vt to dent. abominable adj abominable, cursed. abominacin f abomination. abominar vt to detest. abonado / da adj ready; prepared; * m / f subscriber; season ticket holder. abonar vt to settle; to fertilize; to endorse; ~se vr to subscribe; * vi to clear up. abono m payment; subscription; dung, manure. abordaje m boarding. abordar vt ( mar ) to board; to broach. aborigen m aborigine. aborrecer vt to hate, to abhor. aborrecible adj hateful, detestable. aborrecimiento m abhorrence, hatred. abortar vi to miscarry; to have an abortion. abortivo / va adj abortive. aborto m miscarriage; abortion; monster. abortn m abortion (in animals). abotagado / da adj swollen. abotinado / da adj tied up. abotonar vt to button. abovedado / da adj vaulted. abrasar vt to burn; to parch; ~se vr to burn oneself. abrazadera f bracket; clasp. abrazar vt to embrace; to surround. abrazo m embrace. abrebotellas m invar bottle opener. abrecartas m invar letter opener. abrelatas m invar can opener. abrevadero m watering place. abrevar vt to water (cattle). abreviacin f abbreviation, abridgement; shortening. abreviar vt to abridge, to cut short. abreviatura f abbreviation. abridor m opener. abrigar vt to shelter; to protect; ~se vr to take shelter. abrigo m coat; shelter; protection; aid. abril m April. abrillantar vt to polish. abrir vt to open; to unlock; ~se vr to open up; to clear the way; to be open. abrochador m buttonhook. abrochar vt to button; to do up. abrogar vt to abrogate. abrumador / ra adj overwhelming; annoying. abrumar vt to overwhelm. abrupto / ta adj abrupt; steep. absceso m abscess. absentismo m absenteeism. absolucin f forgiveness, absolution. absoluto / ta adj absolute. absolutorio / a adj absolutely. absolver vt to absolve. absorbente adj absorbent. absorber vt to absorb. absorcin f absorption; takeover. absorto adj engrossed. abstemio adj teetotal. abstencin f abstention. abstenerse vr to abstain. abstinencia f abstinence. abstinente adj abstinent, abstemious. abstraccin f abstraction. abstracto / ta adj abstract. abstraer vt to abstract; ~se vr to be absorbed. abstrado adj absent-minded. absuelto / ta adj absolved. absurdidad f , absurdo m absurdity. absurdo adj absurd. abuela f grandmother. abuelo m grandfather. abulia f lethargy. abultado / da adj bulky, large, massive. abultar vt to increase, to enlarge; * vi to be bulky. abundancia f abundance. abundante adj abundant, copious. abundar vi to abound. aburrido / da adj boring, dull. aburridor / ra adj Lat Am boring, dull. aburrimiento m boredom. aburrir vt to bore. abusador / ra adj Lat Am greedy. abusar vt to abuse. abusivo / va adj abusive. abuso m abuse. abyeccin f abjectness. abyecto / ta adj abject, wretched. ac adv here. acabado / da adj perfect, accomplished. acabar vt to finish, to complete; to achieve; ~se vr to finish; to be over; to run out; * vi to finish; to die, to expire. acabose m : el ~ the last straw. acacia f acacia. academia f academy. acadmico / ca m / f academician; * adj academic. acaecer vi to happen. acallar vt to quiet, to hush; to soften, to appease. acalorado / da adj heated. acalorarse vr to become heated. acampar vt to camp. acanalado / da adj grooved; fluted. acanalar vt to corrugate. acanto m acanthus. acantonamiento m cantonment. acantonar vt to billet. acaparar vt to monopolize; to hoard. acpite m Lat Am paragraph. acariciar vt to fondle, to caress. acarrear vt to transport; to occasion. acarreo m carriage, transportation. acaso m chance; * adv perhaps. acatarrarse vr to catch (a) cold. acaudalado / da adj rich, wealthy. acaudalar vt to hoard. acaudillar vt to command. acceder vi to agree; ~ a to have access to. accesible adj attainable; accessible. acceso m access; fit. accesorio / ria adj , m accessory. accidentado / da adj uneven; hilly; eventful. accidental adj accidental; casual. accidentarse vr to have an accident. accidente m accident. accin f action, operation; share. accionar vt to work; Lat Am to bring a suit against. accionista m shareholder. acebo m holly tree. acebuche m wild olive tree. acechador / ra m / f spy, observer. acechar vt to lie in wait for; to spy on, observe. acecho m spying, watching; ambush. aceitar vt to oil. aceite m oil. aceitera f oilcan. aceitoso / sa adj oily. aceituna f olive. aceitunado / da adj olive-green. aceitunero m olive seller. aceituno m olive tree. aceleracin f acceleration. acelerada f Lat Am acceleration. aceleradamente adv swiftly, hastily. acelerador m gas pedal. acelerar vt to accelerate; to hurry. acelga f ( bot ) chard (a variety of beet). acento m accent. acentuacin f accentuation. acentuar vt to accentuate. acea f water mill. acepcin f acceptation. aceptable adj acceptable. aceptacin f acceptance; approval. aceptar vt to accept, to admit. acequia f canal, channel; drain. acera f sidewalk. acerado / da adj steel compd , made of steel; sharp; steely. acerbo / ba adj rigorous, harsh; cruel. acerca prep about, relating to. acercar vt to move nearer; ~se vr ~ a to approach. acerico m pincushion. acero m steel. acrrimo / ma adj staunch; bitter. acertado / da adj correct, proper; prudent. acertar vt to hit; to guess right; * vi to get it right; to turn out true. acertijo m riddle. acervo m heap, pile. acetato m ( chem ) acetate. achacar vt to impute. achacoso / sa adj sickly, unhealthy. achantar vt ( col ) to scare; ~se vr to back down. achaparrado / da adj stunted; stocky. achaque m ailment; excuse; subject, matter. achicar vt to diminish; to humiliate; to bale (out). achicharrar vt to scorch; to overheat. achicoria f ( bot ) chicory. achiquitar vt Lat Am to make smaller. achisparse vr to get tipsy. aciago / ga adj unlucky; ominous. acbar m aloes; ( fig ) bitterness; displeasure. acicalar vt to polish; ~se vr to dress in style. acicate m spur. acidez f acidity. cido m acid; * ~ / da adj acid, sour. acierto m success; solution; dexterity. aclamacin f acclamation. aclamar vt to applaud, to acclaim. aclaracin f clarification. aclarar vt to clear; to brighten; to explain; to clarify; ~se vr to understand; * vi to clear up. aclimatar vt to acclimatize; ~se vr to become acclimatized. acne m acne. acobardar vt to intimidate. acodarse vr to lean. acogedor / ra adj welcoming. acoger vt to receive; to welcome; to harbor; ~se vr to take refuge. acogida f reception; asylum. acolchar vt to quilt; to cushion. aclito m acolyte; assistant. acometer vt to attack; to undertake. acometida f attack, assault. acomodadizo adj accommodating. acomodado / da adj suitable, convenient, fit; wealthy. acomodador / ra m / f usher, usherette. acomodar vt to accommodate, to arrange; ~se vr to comply. acomodaticio / cia adj accommodating; pliable. acompaamiento m ( mus ) accompaniment. acompaar vt to accompany; to join; ( mus ) to accompany. acompasado / da adj measured; well-proportioned. acondicionado / da adj conditioned. acondicionar vt to arrange; to condition. acongojar vt to distress. aconsejable adj advisable. aconsejar vt to advise; ~se vr to take advice. acontecer vi to happen. acontecimiento m event, incident. acopio m gathering, storing. acopiar vt to gather, to store up. acoplamiento m coupling. acoplar vt to couple; to fit; to connect. acorazado / da adj armored; * m battleship. acordado / da adj agreed. acordar vt to agree; to remind; Lat Am to award; ~se vr to agree; to remember. acorde adj harmonious; * m chord. acorden m accordion. acordonado / da adj cordoned-off. acordonar vt to tie up; to cordon off. acorralar vt to round up, corral; corner. acortar vt to abridge, to shorten; ~se vr to become shorter. acosar vt to pursue closely; to pester. acostado / da adj in bed; lying down. acostar vt to put to bed; to lay down; ~se vr to go to bed; to lie down. acostumbrado / da adj usual. acostumbrar vi to be used to; ~se vr ~ a to get used to; * vt to accustom. acotacin f boundary mark; quotation in the margin; stage direction. acotar vt to set bounds to; to annotate. crata m / f anarchist. acre adj acid; sharp; * m acre. acrecentamiento m increase. acrecentar vt to increase, to augment. acreditar vt to guarantee; to assure, to affirm; to authorize; to credit; ~se vr to become famous. acreedor m creditor. acribillar vt to riddle with bullets; to molest, to torment. acriminar vt to incriminate; to accuse. acrimonia f acrimony. acriollado / da adj Lat Am integrated. acrisolar vt to refine, to purify. acritud f acrimony. acrbata m / f acrobat. acta f act; ~s fpl records pl . actitud f attitude; posture. activar vt to activate; to speed up. actividad f activity; liveliness. activo / va adj active; diligent. acto m act, action; act of a play; ceremony. actor m actor; plaintiff. actriz f actress. actuacin f action; behavior; proceedings pl . actual adj actual, present. actualidad f present time; ~es fpl current events pl . actualizar vt to update. actualmente adv at present. actuar vt to work; to operate; * vi to work; to act. acuarela f watercolor. acuariano / na adj Lat Am Aquarian (zodiac sign). acuario m tank. acuario m tank.
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